First post, and story

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    Here is my first attempt at a fmg story and my first post on amaz0ns.  Hope you enjoy  ;D

    That Girl

    The phone rang.  It was a sound Dan had heard hundreds of times before, if not thousands.  Dan owned that same wireless phone for what seemed like decades even if it was only seven years.  It was a little worn around the edges and the battery had been replaced twice, but Dan could never talk himself into spending any money on getting a new one.  Once he got to the phone Dan’s small yet thick hand picked up the receiver and stated his typical greeting, “yahello”.

    “Blue!” came the response on the other end.  Dan immediately knew who it was.  Dan’s friend Cy was trying to be a smart ass, only problem was that Cy wasn’t quite smart enough to pull it off.

    “Hey Cy, what d’ya know?” replied Dan.

    “Not to much man, just the typical routine.  Hadn’t heard from you in awhile, so I’d thought I’d give you a ring and see if we could get together sometime.”  Dan and Cy had been friends since high school.  That was twelve years ago and the two close friends had ended up living two hours away from each other.  That distance made it difficult for them to see each other on a regular basis, especially with the rising gas prices.

    “Can’t say much is new here either” Dan said.  “How’s the wife?”

    “Suzie isn’t a wife yet, but she is doing well.  Got her next level of C++ certification last week.  Plus she just started a new job as a tech assistant at the big bank downtown.  Should help with the marriage fees.”

    “Her parents still don’t like you, eh?”

    “Hate me!  Them low-lifes still will have nothing to do with our wedding.  (Sorry honey!)  That’s why we’ve had to but it off for so long” said Cy.

    “Well if it’s any consolation, I’m happy for ya” Dan replied.

    “Thanks man.” said Cy “Which brings me to the reason I called.  The other night I went to a bar downtown and meet a woman who I think you’d like”.

    “Aw, man you do remember what happened the last several times you tried to set me up?” asked Dan.  Dan always liked the more athletic type of women, as opposed to Cy’s preference for the big and beautiful type.  Cy’s first attempt to set Dan up on a date was with a woman that Cy would have found good looking.  After that awkward date Dan had finally gotten up the nerve to tell Cy of the type of women he found attractive.  Cy’s further attempts had progressively gotten better, but not by much.

    “Yeah, I still don’t see what you see in those muscle bound steroid munchers but I respect your opinion.” replied Cy.

    “Thanks, I think” said Dan

    Cy chuckled a little then said “Look, I know my track record in blind dating isn’t great but this one is different!  Even Suzie liked her.”

    “You both met her?” asked Dan.

    “Sure, sure. You don’t expect us both to sit around the house playing World of Warcraft all day do you?  Ok, sorry that was a low blow.  But yeah we both were at the bar and met her, and we’d like to introduce you to her.”

    “Well alright, I’ll give you another shot.  You have been getting better at finding more attractive girls.” said Dan.  “How ‘bout we meet at the hole in the wall you like so much downtown on Saturday?”

    “Sounds like a plan, see you then Dan!”

    Dan went to work for the rest of the week looking forward to seeing his old friend and the potential new friend he might make.  The day finally arrived and Dan drove the two hours to the town where Cy and Suzie lived and met up with them outside of a bar and grill called “The Horses’ Teeth” on a side street of downtown.  Cy and Dan exchanged smiles, handshakes and a hug in greeting.  Cy was a giant of a man and towered over Dan by a good six inches.  He was also wide, kind of resembling a stock of broccoli with a wide girth and small skinny legs.  Suzie was slightly smaller than Dan’s five foot eleven inch height.  She had a little, ok a lot, of extra weight around her mid-section, but her smile was genuine and she was a very likable person.

    They entered the bar together and sat down at one of the table next to the pool table.  As the conversation between the three friends progressed, Cy called over the one person working in the bar at the moment to order some food.  Dan looked over at the bar to see what had to be one of the most beautiful women in the world.  As she walked over Dan took her in.  She had auburn hair tided back in a pony tail, green eyes, small nose, risen cheeks, and a hair line that was quite a distance from her thin eyelashes.  As the woman came out from behind the bar, Dan saw the rest of her obviously athletic body.  Her broad shoulders were quite contrary to her thin waist and hips.  Then Dan saw her legs and his first thought was “Oh my God”.  Under a pair of jean shorts were a great pair of athletic legs.  From the look of them Dan guessed that this woman was a member of her high school and college gymnastics team.  After a few moments, which was way to short of a time for Dan, the woman finally arrived at their table.

    “Hey Cy, Suzie good to see you again” said the newcomer.

    “Good to see you too” said Suzie.

    “Dan, I would like you to meet Roxanne Palmer.  Roxanne, Dan Tomander.” Cy said with a smirk as he looked at Dan’s facial expression.

    “Call me Roxie” she stated as Dan stood up and shook her hand.  Dan took note as the two of them shook hands of Roxie’s noticeably strong grip and his member did a little dance in his pants.

    “What do you think Dan?” asked Cy


    “To eat?  What do you think we should order”

    “Oh, yeah, um, pizza is fine with me.” stumbled Dan as he tried in vein to gain some composure.

    “Sounds good” said Cy “and I’ll take an order of fried cheese curds as well.”

    “Alright you got it, I’ll bring out a pitcher of beer as well and once your order is done it should be quitting time for me so I’ll join you then.” said Roxie.

    After Roxie had joined them at the table the conversation never seemed to stop.  It was like the four of them had been friends for years and this was just another night on the town.  Dan found out the Roxie just worked at the bar on nights and weekends part time and that her ‘full time’ job was playing for the Cheetahs, the local minor league professional soccer team.  When the time came that Dan had to get going or he would get home way to late, the group started to head out.  After some quick goodbyes and exchanges of promises to get together again soon, Dan started heading toward his car.  Quickly he did a glance behind him to catch a glance of Roxie winking at him.

    The next day Dan was excited, no more than excited almost giddy.  He tried as hard as he could to obey the three day rule, but failed at about 8:00 p.m. and called Roxie.  She answered in the same way he always did with a ‘yahello’.  The two talked for hours and agreed to meet again for a date without Cy and Suzie.  As the weeks progressed Dan and Roxie became very close.  Dan started to regularly attend Roxie’s games and Roxie started to spend the night at Dan’s place when she had off at the bar.  During this time Dan noticed that Roxie consistently refused his sexual advances to the point of not even kissing him.  Sure Dan got a peck on the lips in greeting or goodbye, but never a true all out kiss.  At first he thought that she was merely playing hard to get, but after almost two months of it Dan got a little worried that their relationship might be on the ropes.

    On their two month anniversary Roxie came by Dan’s place where he treated her to a candlelight dinner.  Roxie brought a romantic comedy to watch afterward.  The movie turned out better than Dan thought it would be and enjoyed watching it with Roxie’s head on his chest as they lied on the couch.

    After the movie was over Dan said “Roxie, I think it’s time that I open up to you a little more.  I have to admit that I find you very attractive because of your personality and terrific body.  You see, I like muscular women and, while your not really muscular, you are athletic and since we’ve been dating for two months now I was hoping to maybe take our relationship to the next level.”

    What proceeded was a few moments of awkward silence.  Finally Roxie responded “I’m glad you said that Dan, because I have a something to show you as well.”  Then she kissed him.  And not just any kiss, but a passionate one with tongue.  At first Dan was taken aback, but soon got caught up in the moment and was erect within seconds.  As they continued to kiss Roxie undid Dan’s pants and reached in to massage is already hard member.  Dan moaned in agreement and reached up Roxie’s shirt and started to massage her small but perky breast under her sports bra.  Roxie strattled one of Dan’s legs and started to grind her crotch against it.  After several minutes of this Roxie let out a moan of pleasure and her body shivered slightly.  Then Dan could have sworn that Roxie’s breast grew a little bit.  He quickly dismissed it quickly as his imagination.

    The duo’s clothes were quickly lost and Roxie’s athletic frame was revealed in all its glory.  Roxie was visibly wet and grabbed Dan’s rock hard cock and inserted it into her dripping sex.  Then Dan saw it, as his member entered her, her body shivered again in sexual pleasure.  Her breasts did grow in size, jutting out from her body a little further just barely reaching a C cup from her previous B cup size.  Not only that but her entire body seemed to change.  Her traps crawled up her neck a little ways, and her shoulders got even more broad.  Chest muscles became visible on top of her breasts.  Roxie’s arms, which had always turned Dan on, became more muscularly defined.  Where he could never really seen the separation of her deltoids and triceps he could now, and her forearms were grew slightly bigger.  On her stomach the two lines on each side of her abs became more pronounced and he could start to see a new line in the middle going down to here belly button.  Roxie’s folded legs to each side of Dan, which were already impressive to begin with, showed growth in her quads and more definition.

    Roxie, oblivious to what was happening to her or Dan, was in sexual bliss and started to ride Dan’s cock.  Slowly at first, but with each stroke her passion led her to move up and down is rod faster and faster.  Soon another moan of pleasure escaped Roxie’s lips soon followed by a shiver and another growth spurt.  Her breasts grew to a large C cup and every muscle on her body became visible as her body fat percentage went into the basement.  At the same time the newly visible muscle grew in size.  Her stomach became a six pack with small, yet sexy abs.  Her arms bellowed out to reveal larger biceps and wider shoulders.  Her lats became visible, broadening her back sightly.  Dan marveled at the girl that was now fucking him.  Roxie now had the appearance of a very successful fitness model.  But she was far from being done.  Her sexual apatite was wetted and she was going for the whole glass.  Roxie clenched her eyes and put her hands on Dan’s chest as she continued to ride him.  Her sex juices flowed freely down Dan’s cock and onto the floor.  She quickly came again and as she did so she put her hands up by her ears as she flung her head back in orgasm.  Her shaking this time was almost violent and her body responded in kind.  Her abs became bigger and wider comprising most of the stomach.  Her biceps and triceps grew to bodybuilder proportions.  The muscle on her chest started to protruded from her collar bone.  The traps became one with her neck and her lats spread outward to make her back huge in comparison to any other woman.  Her ass became two ripped mounds of muscle tensed by her moment of sexual high.  Dan could no longer see her knees as they where overshadowed by her thigh muscles.  Finally her breasts, as Dan’s hands where still massaging them, totally escaped his grasp as they ballooned out to DD size.  Seeing the now muscled goddess on top of him grow in orgasmic pleasure was just to much for Dan and he exploded in an orgasm of his own.  Releasing all of his semen into her.  This cause her to orgasm again causing yet another growth which gave her the appearance of a small male bodybuilder with a narrower waist, huge DD tits and a vagina.

    When they finally came down from the orgasmic highs, Roxie rolled to Dan’s side and put her huge muscular are around him.  She looked into his eyes with the same beautiful green globes that Dan was wild about and asked “So what do you think of my opening up to you?”

    “Well, it explains a lot” said Dan.  Roxie’s eyes left her stair at Dan’s and quickly glanced down.  Dan realized his mistake and nudged Roxie’s chin back up so that their eyes met again and added “and I would trade it for the world.”  Her smile was all he needed and they shared a long a passionate kiss as Dan explored his goddesses new body.


    Very good first story.  Aside from a few grammatical and punctuation errors, very well done.  Keep up the great work.


    Well, I'd call that a successful first story, as well as a good first post. I personally can't wait to see what else you come up with in the near future.


    Welcome and good first post!


    Great first, hope to see more from you.

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