- This topic has 80 replies, 19 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 9 months ago by
February 25, 2006 at 2:14 pm #17939
ParticipantThere are two reasons that I've continued the A storyline ahead of the B one:
1) A should really come before B; at least, in my mind, and
2) I'm still not sure how I'm going to get Florida down from the mountain without killing herself! π
——————————-Florida quickly woke her comrades, cursing herself for having put them in danger. When they had all woken and stretched, luxurious muscles waking, the women asked their luscious leader what was going on. "Outside the window there are over two hundred men from this world. They do not understand us, so they see us as a threat. They are lined up with weapons you will not have seen before. I must urge you to exercise caution when we face them. If we make any sudden moves they may open fire on us."
"Then we must stop them first!" cried Dwarassa, raising her right fist to rally the others. "No!" Florida shouted. She continued quietly. "We will do as Amazonians have always done; we will wait for them to attack and then defend ourselves. I will try to stop them from doing so but I cannot make promises. My priority is protecting you, but I do not wish to see anyone harmed today." The young sorceress nodded. The magnified voice cried out again: "COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP OR FACE DEATH!" Florida rolled her eyes and addressed her frightened friends again. "Follow my lead, girls. I will talk to them and try to find out what they want," she said, inching her way over the floor to the window. "Priestesses, be ready with protective magics, please." The Queen had a strange feeling that they would become necessary.
When she reached the window, Florida took the chair she had moved the night before and used it to smash the glass in several places. The shards tumbled and fell, catching the light intermittently. Once she had made a gap big enough for her hulking form, the bulked-up beauty shouted down in English. "We are coming down! Do not shoot!" "YOU HAVE MY WORD," the megaphoned voice responded. Florida turned to her tribeswomen and nodded. "May the hand of the Goddess protect and save," she prayed, before inching over the edge and out into the open air. The awesome archaeologist executed a perfect flip and landed on her feet on the paving beneath her office window. The unfortunate slabs cracked under her enormous weight.
Within moments the others had joined Florida and were staring slack-jawed at the metallic monsters in front of them. Florida allowed herself an ironic smile when she saw that most of the soldiers were looking at them open-mouthed too. Her grin was replaced by a serious expression when the tanks all simultaneously lowered their cannons to keep the Amazonians in range. "Mistress!" Nefla whispered in the Queen's ear. "What are these creatures?" For the first time, Florida detected fear in her friend's voice. She turned to the sorceress and smiled, but addressed the whole group. "They are called 'tanks'. They do seem frightening but they are controlled by men. Men who can be beaten. Have no fear."
Florida turned back to face the army. "To whom am I speaking?" she shouted. A man emerged from behind the tank directly in front of the group, lowering the megaphone. As he did so, he flipped a microphone into position in front of his mouth from under his helmet. The soldier had cold grey eyes, a broken nose and curly black hair under his dark green helmet. His features were agreeable. He wore the same armour that the tremendous titaness had seen on the soldiers beyond the tanks. The man stood at six foot five and had a lean, muscular look. If he had not been threatening her comrades and carrying a rifle, Florida might have chosen the man to be her mate. "I am Colonel James Helverton," he announced. "And to whom am I speaking?"
"My name is Dr. Florida Crane," the awesome archaeologist replied. She pointed to the window that she had just broken, careful to show off her arm's incredible musculature. "That is my office and I do not like being interrupted whilst I am working. What seems to be the problem?" The military man's lips twisted into an evil grin. "I have my orders," he drawled. He then drew his rifle and emptied it onto Florida's bare abdomen. The Queen tensed her huge array of stomach muscles, watching unconcernedly as the bullets pinged off her fabulous abs and fell to the floor harmlessly. One of them got stuck in her navel. Florida fished it out and held it up to the light, turning it over and over. The force of the contact with her mid-section had flattened it to the thickness of a penny. She flicked it at the stunned colonel's helmet, nearly knocking him off his feet.
The man pointed a trembling finger at Florida. "You're – you're not normal," he said. Florida rolled her eyes in exasperation – time was being wasted. However, she sensed that the colonel was playing some kind of part. She decided to play hers. "No," she replied simply, "I am not. I am the Queen of the Amazonian people and have been blessed with many gifts. This body is one of them," she continued, gesturing down at her frighteningly fanastic frame. "I am also the most intelligent person on Earth," she stated simply, with no hint of self-importance. "I seek to offer my gifts to the world." "My orders are to destroy you," he replied, before whispering something into the microphone. Florida saw what he had done and immediately switched her attention to the tanks.
The next events seemed to play out in slow motion for the colossal Queen. The two tanks closest to the group fired. Florida's eyes flicked between the shells rocketing towards them, making all sorts of calculations. She took one step forwards and swung both fists, first right, then left. Both punches connected: there were two brief metallic crunching noises, followed by clattering as the shells hit the floor, thin trails of smoke marking their descent. The colonel's jaw dropped once more. Florida flicked the hair out of her face and smiled benignly before addressing the stunned soldier. "I am eager to carry on with my work. If you continue your attempts to stop me, I will begin to retaliate."
Helverton was trying not to show his fear but Florida could sense it. She turned to her friends briefly, smiling to reassure them. They all seemed to be more confident with the situation than they had three minutes ago. The gorgeous goliath faced front, trying to stare Helverton down. He smiled oddly at her and whispered into his microphone once more. Florida began to concentrate intently but it was soon obvious what order Helverton had given: all the tanks' cannons were shifting into position. Florida whipped round to face the priestesses. "We need protective spells, now," she urged. "I will not be able to stop them all." Nefla nodded. The four priestesses moved to stand together in a circle and began to chant.
It should have been the end. All sixteen tanks fired in formation. Florida watched calmly as the rockets screamed towards the group. At a point about ten feet from where the Amazonians were standing, it happened. The first shell hit the priestesses' protective spell, what looked like electricity zipped and fizzled around it, and then it dropped to the floor with a clang. Its fifteen counterparts went the same way, landing weakly in a pile. When the last rocket had fallen, the priestesses stopped chanting. Knowing that the spell had ended, Florida made her move.
With a speed that defied her massive frame, she ran between all the tanks, bending their cannons out of shape as she went. She turned each cannon upwards, reshaping it as easily as if it were made out of Plasticene. Within seconds she returned to her place in front of her tribeswomen, not even having broken a sweat. When she resumed looking at Helverton, the colonel could swear there was a sparkle in her eyes he had not seen before. He decided it was the right time to play just one of the aces up his sleeve. Once more he whispered into his microphone.
There then came a deafening metallic crunching noise. Florida frowned briefly before looking around to find out what was going on. For the first time since she had transformed the luscious leviathan reeled in surprise. The tanks' bent cannons were slowly returning to their original shape. The Queen frowned more pronouncedly before turning to Nefla. "Nefla, this is no ordinary army," she whispered. "If it became necessary, could you transport all the girls out of here, except me?" Nefla let out a startled gasp. "Mistress, we will not desert you!" "Nor do I believe you would," the colossal Queen replied, smiling. "But I can no longer guarantee your safety. If I ordered it, could you transport all the girls out of here, except me?" she repeated. Nefla nodded reluctantly. Florida continued: "And could you find me again, no matter where I went?" Nefla nodded again.
Florida whipped around to face the transforming tanks again. She looked briefly at Helverton, who was smiling like a kid playing with a new toy on Christmas morning. Each of the machines' weapons had reformed when he addressed Florida again. "I've always wanted to do that," he grinned. The bulging beauty raised an eyebrow at his lack of professionalism. She addressed the confident colonel. "Colonel Helverton, there is a code of honour amongst the Amazonians. We will only attack those who have attacked us first. I had hoped there would be no loss of life today." Then she strode up to the nearest tank and picked it up by its rollbar. It felt as though she were lifting a toy. Instead of throwing the vehicle, Florida quickly turned left and right, destroying the tank she was holding as well as two of its fellows. Flames and wreckage littered the battlefield.
Helverton's eyes widened at the tremendous feats of strength he was witnessing. Florida powered to another tank and started to repeat her trick. Recovering his composure, the soldier barked an order into his microphone. The massed ranks of infantrymen hefted their bizarre rifles and aimed at the massive musclewoman taking their tank division apart with her bare hands. Even though the remaining Amazonians knew not one word of English, when Helverton shouted "FIRE!" they all sensed something bad was going to happen. All the soldiers with a clear shot pulled their triggers. Instead of mere bullets, a shaft of white light pulsed out of the weapons, snaking through the air toward their target. By the time the bolts hit her, Florida had managed to destroy all the tanks: the air was thick with smoke and it was oppressively hot. Those who had managed to survive the onslaught were running for cover or trying to put out their fire-ravaged bodies. Screams and panic reigned.
Five of the pulses hit Florida at once, catching the Queen unawares. Instead of causing pain, the bolts of light joined together and formed a coil around Florida's body. She looked down at the thin flashing Hula Hoop she had acquired around her awesome abdomen. Her hands had been left free, so she grabbed the lightning lasso and pulled, which had since been augmented by several new bolts. It came apart in her hands and dissipated instantly. She ran back to join her friends, picking her way carefully through the carnage she had caused and avoiding the shots, but still moving at blinding speed. "ADVANCE!" Helverton roared, nearly as loudly as when he'd had the megaphone in his hands. The company started to move forward.
"Nefla, we need a protective charm right now!" Nefla shook her head. "I am sorry, Mistress, but we would be unable to stop those weapons. They are made of light and would penetrate our spell." Florida turned to her second-in-command. "Do you have any suggestions?" "Retreat?" the attendant said sheepishly. "No!" Florida cried. "No Amazonian Queen has ever retreated and I will not be the first. Get yourself and the others out of here." Nefla nodded sadly. The two friends hugged each other. "Keep me in your heart and I will be fine," Florida whispered. Nefla squeezed her mistress more tightly. Florida let go and spoke to her comrades. "I will draw their fire," she stated. "Return to the temple and keep me in your hearts." As the superb strongwoman turned round, the bolts that had either zipped overhead or fizzled yards ahead of them started to hit.
Florida ran in front of the group and raised her arms, taunting the advancing army. "Come and get me!" she hollered. Immediately ten bolts hit her chest and began to join together, forming the coil of light. Florida heaved, groaning with effort, and snapped her bounds. "That took a lot," she thought to herself, surprised. The soldiers were carefully making their way through the wave of destruction Florida had wrought and so few of them had clear shots. They were like something out of a science-fiction film. "I wonder how many bolts it would take to make a coil that I can't break," Florida thought. A hot gust of wind then hit her back. She turned her head and saw the vortex descend over her fellow Amazonians. It hung there, covering them for a couple of seconds, before disappearing. She was alone. "This is how I wanted it," she sighed.
The mammoth musclewoman faced the advancing hordes again. They were forming a circle to surround her. Florida turned quickly from right to left: there were seventy-six soldiers around her, each with his (or her, she noted with disgust) rifle levelled at her. Helverton pushed into the circle. "I want to see this," he hissed. "FIRE!" Each rifle burst into its own impressive pyrotechnics. The pulses converged on Florida and fused together, forming a sheet of energy that bound Florida's arms to her sides. She fought valiantly against the bond, her insane muscles bulging out with the strain. "AGAIN!" Helverton commanded, frenzy in his voice. Once more the pulses snaked out and hit Florida. The energy bond grew in size, crushing her huge legs together. Only her head was now free above the sparkling white covering. She was completely trapped, despite her titanic struggling.
"AGAIN!" Helverton roared. The flashes of light zipped towards her once more. Florida merely shut her eyes and waited: resistance was futile. As she expected, the energy field grew to engulf her whole body. All she could see was shining whiteness. Then something unexpected happened: she blacked out.
— To Be Continued —Thanks for your continued support, everyone! π
February 25, 2006 at 7:04 pm #17940Max
ParticipantAnother great chapter Fonk. The Queen of the Amazons discovered that she is not unstoppable after all. What kind of plans the Coronel will have for her. Maybe he saw her dancing in the strip bad and wanted her for himself πΏ
I would π
February 26, 2006 at 11:16 am #17941minimanmax
Participantthe story is great so far. As for the disscussion about men of the amazons. When I sometimes read these stories I wonder why women had to live like they did. Why was their power sealed away and such. The only conclusion I can come up with is that meny of us are told our god is a loving father. Well I guess that would be true for their goddess and she got upset at the way her duaghters are treating her sons. And so for a set amont of time she punnished women untill one day when they can prove that they won't adbuse that power. Well that's my idea anyways. Am other great chapter.
February 27, 2006 at 7:41 am #17942gblock01
ParticipantNice addition to story A. Since it appears as though she has been captured, I wonder if she is going to be taken to a lab for experimentation. If that's the case, wouldn't it be great if they found the key to make any other woman that powerful? Well, I can dream, can't I? π
March 15, 2006 at 10:49 pm #17943Fonk
ParticipantFirstly, major thanks to MaxAP, who came up with the idea for getting Florida down from the mountain in relative safety. Cheers, Sir! π Also, thanks to everyone who's reading the story and supporting it. If you have any questions about the action so far, please feel free to either reply here or PM me. Cheers!
——————————-Florida opened her eyes. She was plummeting towards the ground two thousand feet below. Oddly, she felt no fear, despite the jagged expanse of rocks looming at an ever-increasing rate. In fact, the more she thought about it, the more she realised she had not felt genuine fear since before her transformation. The falling fighter smiled to herself as she adopted the classic Superman pose with a vertical twist: legs together, right arm outstretched, face downward, not even trying to slow her acceleration. "You'll believe a woman can fall!" she thought sarcastically. She could still hear Nefla's unhinged shouts from the mountain top, though they were getting fainter: "Where are you, little bitch? You have not won yet!" Florida grinned wryly. "Don't worry, I will do," she thought, and meant it.
Down and down Florida fell, hair whipping out along her back in a great billowing cloud, the wind resistance stinging and distorting her breasts. The simple act of falling began to get painful; Florida gritted her teeth. Past a thousand feet, past nine hundred and quickly to eight hundred… the massive musclewoman concentrated on angling her descent perfectly as she approached the ground at a rate of knots. The rocks beneath the wondrous warrior looked more ominous with every blink. Florida's heart started pounding in her chiselled chest. "This had better work!"
Five more breaths and Florida had hit the ground. As planned, her mighty right fist drilled into the jagged rocks. The skin of her hand sheared off as her fall slowed but did not stop: soon she was buried up to the elbow, still boring through the boulders at quite a speed. The pain was excruciating, but pain was something to which the amazing academic had become accustomed. She merely gritted her teeth, saying "Save it for Nefla" over and over to herself. Her head hit the rock with a sickening thud; it, too, began to split the surface and push through at speed. Florida closed her eyes. She felt her progress slow considerably when her bounteous breasts slapped onto the rock, but they joined in the human drilling project as well.
"When will I stop?" Florida wondered through a disorienting fog of intense headache. Her fantastic form's descent through the hard ground had slowed considerably, though it was still desperately painful. Mercifully, she ground to a halt three seconds later, with only her titanic legs poking out of the ground. Her entire body ached or stung from the joint effects of the fight and the fall. "Well," some remaining smart-alec part of her brain piped up, "now I know what Wile E. Coyote feels like." Florida released a painful-sounding noise, somewhere in between a giggle and a grunt.
The buried beauty collected her energy and thoughts for a few moments. Sensing time was of the essence, she began to move her mighty arms to get free. Her awesome body worked quickly and efficiently to free itself: the would-be Queen moved her arms in a wide arc, powering through her rocky prison as if it were tissue paper. Once she had cleared enough of the debris, she braced her arms against the base of the hole she had created and pushed. Dr. Florida Crane popped out of the hole, flipping through the air with the grace of a salmon. She landed upright a few feet away, bracing her legs and with arms outstretched. She smiled radiantly, flicking her hair joyfully. "Phase One complete," she whispered. "Now for Phase Two."
Florida quickly scanned her surroundings and found what she was looking for. She smiled her most beautiful smile, eyes glittering like diamonds. Carefully she jogged over, looking the rock up and down. It was slightly larger than the enormous weight she had lifted to pass the first test just a day ago. "The difference is," she thought, "I know I can lift you." The awesome archaeologist licked her lips, squatted carefully, felt for a grip and began to lift the hill. Her first grunt of effort was matched by a scream of rage from Nefla. The crazed combatant had jumped off the side of the mountain, plainly coming to finish off the job.
"Oh no you don't," Florida grunted. A few quick calculations told the huge historian she had ten seconds before Nefla landed. She could feel her muscles swell in response to the challenge she had set them. Inexorably, just as before, the gigantic boulder began to rise into the sky, with roots tearing, earth separating and pebbles dropping all around. The powered-up pugilist felt her whole body be overtaken with a great crashing tidal wave of superhuman strength.
Gargantuan slabs of muscle that seemed hewn from the rock that surrounded Florida burst through her skin. Her forty-five inch biceps quickly swelled to double that size and way beyond. Her back, previously pulsating with massive muscles, burst out in all three dimensions, desperately inflating to help support Florida through her unbelievable exertions. The awesome archaeologist stood up straight, grunting, holding the immense expanse of rock out in front of her. Fresh muscle bloomed on her already amazing body, pushing her strength levels to new and incredible heights. Her legs had thickened to the size of saloon cars, riddled with veins like power cables. The wondrous woman began to sink through the ground.
Her arms blasted to the size of tree trunks, meaty slabs of brawn covering them from shoulder to fingertips. The effect of her pectoral growth – to the size of basketballs just by themselves – caused her majestic mounds to push further out. They, too, had increased in mass; her beachballs had bulged out to five feet around. Her erect nipples were like deodorant cans and her areolae had spread to roughly the shape of manhole covers. Underneath Florida's hips had swollen outwards to help support the immense growth. Her abs had taken advantage, powering up to the size of printers and as hard as granite. Roughly spherical glutes at a hundred and fifty centimetres around each formed her awesome ass.
Dr. Florida Crane completed the lift, yelling words her mother would have slapped her for, holding the hill above her head. By this time her body had stopped inflating, having given her shoulders just wider than a jet, traps that reached higher than her ears and delts like beachballs. The would-be Queen screamed her defiance of nature at the top of her voice. When Florida noticed she had stopped growing, she tossed the rock aside. It landed a quarter mile away and shattered into tiny pieces. The incredible intellectual had used eight of the ten seconds she had calculated she had, so she scanned the sky for Nefla's falling form. Her opponent was a flesh-coloured blur, still several feet from the ground. Florida moved quickly to the spot where Nefla would land.
Unlike the Amazonian academic, Nefla had made no plan for landing. She had jumped off the mountain in a blind rage. The hundreds of years of waiting had lost the priestess her mind and she was to pay the price. Her attempts to slow the descent by spreading her arms and legs had had little effect: she crashed onto and into the ground a couple of metres away from Florida, who half-smiled. "Looks like my advantage was sanity," she crowed, immensely muscled hand on hip, as Nefla pulled herself out of the hole. Stunned, battered and bloody, Nefla gamely raised her empty face to try and stare Florida down.
Instead the treacherous attendant's jaw dropped as she took in her outrageous opponent's new body. Pure power piled on top of thick layers of sexy strength covered Florida from head to foot. She sported gigantic, cartoonish muscles with awesome vascularity. Casually the stunning superhuman brought her arms into a double biceps pose: muscles comfortably bigger than her head roared into life. They were so incredibly massive that she couldn't bring either arm to ninety degrees. "Like what you see?" she drawled. Nefla stood still for a moment before seeming to make up her mind. She launched herself at Florida, fists flying. The mega musclewoman took Nefla's blows without reeling. For her part, the former attendant hit every part of Florida's body with all her might but made no impression. In fact, her fists began to hurt. Sensing that the tide had definitively turned, Nefla turned and ran.
Florida grabbed the fleeing fighter from behind, tackling Nefla to the floor. Florida rose first and picked her insane opponent up off the ground, lifting the priestess over her head. She felt lighter than a feather. Nefla kicked and yelled but nothing could stop Florida as she threw her foe, full-force, into the mountain the fight had started on. Nefla braced herself but felt a couple of ribs crack as she hit. She practically bounced off the rock and crashed to the ground again. Before she could raise herself, Florida had strode up and kicked her in the stomach. Nefla's breath was wrenched from her lungs. More ribs snapped under the assault.
In a sinister though business-like manner, Florida lifted the flailing Nefla from the ground and systematically broke her arms and legs, each snap drawing a howl of pain from her cowering enemy. "Now you can't get away, big mouse," she hissed. Nefla was sobbing. When Florida let her go she fell into a crumpled heap. She circled the beaten woman, trying to regain her composure. The thrill of beating an opponent in battle had temporarily taken hold of her senses, but she felt herself get calmer as each second passed. Now she had to make a decision. Before that, however, the priestess had one final trick up her sleeve.
She launched herself at Florida's leg using her glutes and bit into the musclewoman's leg. The pain barely drew a flicker of expression on Florida's face. She simply swiped at Nefla with the back of her hand; the priestess crashed into the mountain once more. She left an ugly red smear on the rock as she slid down to the ground. The attendant fell on her butt and slowly flopped to the floor. Florida strode towards her, mighty hands on huge hips. Nefla's eyes opened slowly. She trembled as her opponent stood over her. "Finish me off," Nefla said defiantly. Florida shook her head. "Did you not hear the Goddess? It is the ultimate sin to kill another Amazonian. I will not take your life." She leaned closer and spoke again: "But I have won. Do you understand?" Nefla nodded slowly.
Out of nowhere the transportation vortex began to whirl around them. Florida's eyes darted around, trying to find the person casting the spell on them. Finding no-one, she looked furiously at Nefla. "I thought the Goddess had disabled your powers!" she thundered. Nefla shook her head. "It is not me. I have lost everything…" she said pitifully. The swirling winds covered the pair, followed by a brief flash of light. An instant later they landed back on top of the mountain. Florida frowned again. "What sorcery is this?" she muttered.
The voice of the Goddess broke the puzzled silence. "YOU HAVE DONE WELL, FLORIDA," it intoned. "I WILL CROWN YOU QUEEN." There was a pause, during which Florida sighed with relief. "ONE QUESTION REMAINS. WHAT WILL WE DO WITH THIS TRAITOR?" "O Goddess, spare me!" Nefla immediately implored. Florida sneered, but the expression quickly melted away. "O Goddess," Florida began, "I have a suggestion. Nefla has served the tribe well and does not deserve to die. Can you remove the poison that infected her mind and make her whole again?" Silence fell as the Goddess appeared to be considering this. "YES," she announced. "I CAN AND WILL GRANT THIS WISH." Florida grinned widely at Nefla, who was still sobbing. "Bitch," she muttered.
Florida had no time to react: a thin yet bright yellow ray descended from the sky and hit Nefla's head. The Queen gazed in awe as Nefla's expression changed from hate to love in seconds. The ray dissipated just as quickly as it had come. "IT IS DONE," the Goddess declared. "I WILL TAKE NEFLA FROM THIS PLACE AND HEAL HER. THEN SHE WILL RETURN TO DUTY." Nefla disappeared in a vortex, leaving Florida alone on the mountain top. Before she could take in all that had happened, a second ray of light shot from the sky.
This lightbeam landed a couple of metres in front of her. Instead of pouring out healing, it began to take on the form of a person from the bottom up, creating an image line by line, like a printer. The being wore a simple white robe, like a monk's cassock. As more and more of its body was filled in, Florida could tell more and about it: it was a woman, a slight yet curvy woman. Her hair was black and she was toned but not strong. When her face had finished appearing, the victorious vixen got the shock of her life. "I am the Goddess," the woman announced. Florida couldn't help but stare at the woman's face.
"You're…" She stopped, unable to continue. The image of the Goddess nodded. "Yes. My name is Florida Crane."
— To Be Continued —March 20, 2006 at 7:38 pm #17944gblock01
ParticipantWOW! That was AWESOME!!!
March 20, 2006 at 9:21 pm #17945Fonk
Participant10A down! π
I apologise that there's so much talking in this one – it's very much an exposition story. Hopefully I'll be able to write some serious action in the 11A (cos 10B is going to be exposition-y too! :oops:). I also apologise that it's very much a conspiracy theory. I think I've been reading too much Dan Brown. π
——————————-It took more effort than it should have for Florida to open her eyes when she regained consciousness. The gigantic genius felt groggy, as if she was suffering with a particularly vicious hangover: her mouth was dry and a queasy feeling was wreaking havoc in the pit of her stomach. Nevertheless, when her eyes did flicker into life, Florida's lightning mind began to take everything in.
Four seconds later, her brain had briefly summed up her situation as "not good". She was standing, naked, in some sort of energy tube. It was shaped almost like a giant pill: cylindrical with a rounded top but flat base. Whenever she touched the edge of the field, a shock that would have killed anyone else coursed through her powerful body before earthing through her. The trapped titaness could see through the field but it cast a white glow on everything outside. The enormous white prison stood against one wall of a control room of some kind, a place so big that Florida guessed, correctly, that it used to be an aircraft hangar. There were two large sets of swing doors at opposite ends of the room. An enormous display screen dominated the wall to Florida's right. Four computer terminals were positioned in front of it.
Twenty-four more computers stood in rows of six to the awesome Amazon's left. They were all connected to a vast cannon which looked like it had been stolen from the set of a cheap science-fiction film. It was covered in buttons and levers. The weapon was supported by a small tower, like that of an electricity pylon. Florida studied the cannon intently. It was firing a shining white beam, shaped like a sine curve, at the top of the tube. The humungous historian's eyes locked on to the barrel: the weapon was not firing at all. Instead, the apparatus was receiving the white beam. Florida shut her eyes and concentrated on taking stock of her extraordinary body. She realised quickly that she was no longer as strong as she had been. The conclusion was obvious.
The weapon was taking her strength away.
Carefully Florida flexed her awesome biceps to the full, making sure to avoid touching the energy matrix. At their height, the mammoth musclewoman's guns had been seventy-five inches around; now, though, Florida estimated that they measured sixty-two. The captured Queen released her flex and counted through ten minutes. She flexed again: her biceps were now sixty-one inches. "An inch every ten minutes," she thought. "That doesn't leave a lot of time." Her enormous breasts were beginning to feel heavy, so the colossal Queen lay on her stomach in the exact middle of the tube to give her body a rest. She began to run through possible escape plans and compute the likelihood of their success.
Barely two minutes later the doors to Florida's left opened and in walked a troop of six soldiers, headed by Colonel Helverton. He was wearing a navy-blue military uniform, chest decorated with several colourful medals. Now he had the Amazonian academic prisoner, he was feeling cocky, evidenced by a wide grin and a confident stride. "Too confident," Florida thought as she stood to face her captor. He and his men stopped in front of the dazzling cylinder. The soldiers were wearing green and grey camouflage colours. Each one held a rifle. They had lined up in twos behind him by the time Helverton addressed his pulchritudinous prisoner.
"Well, well, gentlemen," he began, his voice practically oozing childish delight, "it looks like there's a little mouse in our trap." Florida ignored this stupidity. "What have you done to me?" Helverton leaned as close to the opaque energy field as he could before tapping the side of his nose. "Wouldn't you like to know?" he whispered. He looked the tremendous titaness up and down – mostly up – and a wicked half-smile curled onto his lips. "Nice tits," he said, nodding appreciatively, as if at a good bit of craftsmanship he'd seen somewhere. "While you were out, I couldn't resist. I copped a feel." Florida's eyes turned to flame. Helverton turned away, grinning at his underlings. "Your nipples are about ten centimetres long, aren't they?" he continued. "They're so thick I could barely get one in my mouth!"
He swivelled on the spot and studied Florida's face intently. "My men wanted a good go at you too, but there wasn't going to be enough time." "What have you done to me?" the royal researcher repeated in the same calm tone. Helverton looked at the floor, smiled, and licked his lips. "It's a shame, really," he said, looking back up into Florida's eyes. "You've got the most amazing body I will ever see, and we're going to take it all away." The supreme strongwoman remained calm; there was no other choice. "That gizmo is taking your pwecious stwengf away!" he mocked. "I understood your perfectly," Florida growled. "What do you want with me?" Helverton looked surprised. "Are you about to try and bargain with me?"
It was Florida's turn to smile wickedly. "There must be something you want that I can provide. I am a genius, you know," she replied. Helverton threw back his head and laughed, a callous laugh that echoed around the room eerily. When he looked at Florida again, his eyes had taken on a mad glint. "There is nothing you can give me that I cannot take by force… which I much prefer doing. When your strength is neutralised – can't wait to see how your little titties hold up after that, by the way – I will be able to do what I want with you." He turned away again. "You, on the other hand, might not even be able to stand."
"My people will find me," Florida said, folding her arms. Helverton turned and charged up to the gentle giantess' prison. "Your PEOPLE?!" he yelled, a few flecks of spittle showering from his mouth. "Your people. Florida, Americans are your people. I am your people. Those women will surrender or die." Florida's eyes narrowed. She looked down at the colonel. "You dare to suggest that there is some link between us?" she hissed menacingly. "You are a deranged thug with delusions of grandeur." Helverton gave her an odd smirk. "That's rich," he replied, "coming from a so-called Queen who destroyed sixteen of the US Army's finest experimental weapons and killed thirty of my men today."
"I know what I am," the wondrous woman retorted. "Amazonians never attack without provocation and you fired on me first. I did what I had to do to protect my people." The soldier took a step back. "And I did what I had to do to protect mine," he said. "When you arrived, we had no idea you'd be that powerful." Florida allowed herself a smile. "You have no idea what I'm capable of," she threatened. Helverton's eyebrow arched. "You're hardly in a position to make threats, Dr. Crane," he hissed. "Do you want to know how we were alerted to your return?"
The colonel was surprised when Florida shook her head. "You were monitoring my computer. As soon as I logged on to the university network, someone knew. That much was easy to figure out." She paused, hoping that the soldier could connect the dots for her, and shrugged. "I have yet to work out why." Helverton smiled genuinely at the powered-up prisoner before turning away once more. He clasped his hands behind his back. "This runs far deeper than you could know, Dr. Crane," he said quietly. "Seeing as you're going to be as weak as a kitten soon, I might as well tell you." "How very Bond villain of you," Florida muttered. Helverton stiffened but didn't turn around. He began.
"The legends tell us that, once upon a time, women were as physically as strong as men. There was no real need for men in society except for procreation. Women could do everything that men could do, and more besides, so men were marginalised. The men formed an alliance – one which has operated, in secret, for centuries since." He paused. "The Brotherhood of Man." With those four words, he span to face Florida, eyes aflame with the passion of the zealot. "Those ancient men made a pact. The strongest men chose the weakest women and bred with them only. The strongest women were left to die. The process continued for generations until it was decided women were weak enough to be ruled."
Florida's face screwed up in disgust. "The Brotherhood then all but disbanded. Only a few kept the flame alive, but those few were enough." He stopped for so long that the gentle goliath had to prompt him to continue. "Where do my people fit into this?" she inquired. This time Helverton's face screwed up with distaste. "Some of the smartest women from those times realised what was happening. They formed their own tribe deep in the Amazonian jungle. They fiercely attacked anyone that fought them, and would take men from surrounding villages to keep their kind alive."
"We survived how we could," Florida said warningly. Helverton shrugged at her. "Makes no difference to me. Anyway, the Amazonians held out against all invaders until the tribe's temple disappeared one day." He clicked his fingers. "Vanished into thin air. Despite this good fortune, the Brotherhood remained uneasy. Some of the Amazonians' prophecies predicted a dramatic fall and some kind of second coming. It then became the Brotherhood's goal to cover up all traces of the Amazonian tribe, so that this second coming would never come to pass." Florida's eyes widened. Helverton could see her making the connection and nodded. "Yes. The Head of the Faculty is in the Brotherhood. He tried to stop your initial research, tried to stop you going, and fitted the tracing software to your computer the day after you left on your expedition." He grinned. "Good job, too."
"I'm the bait," Florida realised. Helverton's eyes gleamed with madness. "Well done," he said sarcastically. "As soon as your people show up, we will destroy them all until the scourge of the Amazonians is wiped from the face of this planet forever." Florida shook her head. "They are smarter than you think," she replied. "They will not fall for this guileless trick." The colonel turned his back to her and spoke to one of his men. The superb strongwoman couldn't make out what he was saying, but the soldier nodded, split from the group, and walked up to the cannon.
Slowly he began to climb the structure. Helverton returned to the powerful prisoner, a deranged smile painted on his face. "Can you guess what he's about to do, Doctor?" he taunted. Florida shut her eyes, resigned to her fate. She lay on the floor, on her front, massive breasts splaying out onto the cold tiles, and waited for the soldier to carry out his orders. She looked up at the tower, stretching her incredible neck muscles: the man had reached what seemed to be the weapon's main controls. He looked around for a couple of seconds, found the lever he was looking for, and pulled it down.
Immediately the beam thickened and began to shine more brightly. An audible hum emanated from the machine. Florida could actually feel her strength begin to ebb away for the first time since her capture. The prodigious muscles that coated her massive frame were being drained at a disturbing rate. She faced Helverton. "I will be rescued, that I promise you," she predicted. The crazed colonel shook his head in mock sadness. "As soon as one of your people makes her way into this room, she will be killed," he replied calmly. "That I promise you." He signalled his men, who turned to leave. "Au revoir, Dr. Crane," he said, his head tilted to one side. "I hope that when we meet again, you will be more… compliant."
The seven soldiers left the room.
— To Be Continued —March 20, 2006 at 9:34 pm #17946Max
ParticipantStealing the strength of the Amazon Queen. This could lead to something very interesting. I can't wait to see how all of this will end.
Great chapter my friend and don't worry about this chapter being an exposition one. Sometimes we need to put some words between the transformations and the feats of strength, don't you think? π
March 21, 2006 at 1:25 am #17947gblock01
ParticipantI wonder if the goddess will make an appearance in this storyline too…
It would be nice to see the goddess continue to feed Florida with power, forcing the machine to overload, rebound, then self-destruct, leaving Florida with even more power.
On second thought… is it even possible for her to get stronger than she was before this? π
Good job. I think that my interest is now officially tied between the two storylines.
March 22, 2006 at 4:40 am #17948grungykitten
ParticipantAwesome stuff. I'm hanging on every word. π
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