FMG Animation coming soon! (NSFW)

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    I agree with DevonCorey in all respects.  πŸ˜€

    Great job finally putting this together TC2!  I liked the whole setting of her rolling out of bed and awakening to the imminent change.  The shot of her in front of her dresser mirror was also hugely effective.  The alarm clock getting crushed at the beginning was an amusing touch.

    My only complaint was it could have been longer and more detailed.  It would have been nice to see her shirt ripping from even more angles!  πŸ˜‰


    Even though I’m curious to see what else you have in mind for this series, I’d like to know if you considered the possibility of expanding on this one sequence further. For example, we don’t really see any lower body growth, or any close ups on her arms or abs. While I respect your creative choices, I’ve seen many good sequences that could have been awesome if they had been fleshed out further.

    I agree with DevonCorey in all respects.  πŸ˜€

    Great job finally putting this together TC2!  I liked the whole setting of her rolling out of bed and awakening to the imminent change.  The shot of her in front of her dresser mirror was also hugely effective.  The alarm clock getting crushed at the beginning was an amusing touch.

    My only complaint was it could have been longer and more detailed.   It would have been nice to see her shirt ripping from even more angles!  πŸ˜‰

    Boys, boys, boys… πŸ˜€

    Do you honestly believe that this small 1:30 animation was all that I had up my sleeve?  Heh heh, okay I'm going to elaborate on a few things first so that you guys can be in the loop.

    Okay so here are some very important points that need to be clear:

    1.) The animation is hand drawn, frame by frame.  I forget what the least frame count was but I believe it was around 367 frames or so.  That means I have drawn 367 times, whether I tweaked a frame, re-colored, or re-drew.  All of that animation is done by hand with the help of some distortion tools.  So it will still take me a long time to reach the goal I've set for myself and no I will not be using flash or any other programs.

    2.) The animation you just saw was only skimming the surface of what I have in store for everyone.  There was INTENTIONALLY no lower body growth or bicep close ups, because I was saving those for an even MORE detailed FMG transformation.  In fact, if you pay close attention you notice I didn't even reveal the entire body, you never saw her from head to toe fully muscled up.  The intention was to leave you guys wanting more and I believe from the comments I have managed to pull that off.

    3.) Though it was intentionally left out to whet the appetite, lower body growth is not a very popular focus in FMG animations.  I know this because of focus testing I have done releasing small animations that just involved legs bursting out of jeans and what have you.  They were the least popular when it came to comments and downloads.  Currently the favorites are: Biceps, Breasts, Back, and Feet.  However, because I like covering all aspects of the body; when the opportunity presents itself I will include full-body growth.  Oh and I also chose to have the LEAST amount of clothes for the first animation, so that when it came time to rip sleeves, burst shoes, shred jeans, and pop blouses.  The FMG effect can REALLY kick in.  The whole idea of the animation is to build, build, and build into a wonderful climax and you've only seen the introduction.

    4.) This animation is the introduction to the FULL LENGTH animation, meaning that if you thought this animation was short.  You are right, it is intentionally so because the WHOLE ENTIRE ANIMATION.  Will be AT LEAST 10 minutes or so, which is an eternity in animation world at least for me.  It's going to be the classic clash of good and evil and will contain AT LEAST a minimum of 6 FMG transformations all in the same animation.  There's no series, this is going to be full on movie production status.

    5.) Future FMG animations will have more clothes, so expect to see biceps bursting from sleeves.  Blouses popping open, jean buttons popping off at the waist, underwear tearing to shreds, muscles bulging, nipples protruding, backs splitting shirts open like earthquakes.  Oh yeah… you ain't seen nothing yet.

    Whoo!  Good feedback guys, I already knew you guys would ask me that; so I already had the answers prepared.  It's going to be a while before I post the next one, but I will keep updating everyone on the status of the project.

    Thanks again, I am still open to hearing from many more people, so make sure to spread it around!


    Unfortunately, the animation doesn't look as crisp and clear as it does in Photoshop.  So if anyone has any suggestions as to how I can export it while also making the file size manageable to e-mail or upload to the web, please let me know.

    Your best bet is to encode the film using the h.264 codec, or a derivative thereof.  Though I know you guys don't like speak of piracy on these boards, the h.264 codec is used by film pirates because it is the best codec for video quality while maintaining a small filesize.


    Okay so here are some very important points that need to be clear:

    Ahem, let me be the first to say so: MORE, MORE, MORE!


    Seriously, I can't even imagine the time and the efforts needed to build a sequence like this. Obviously if you didn't enjoy it yourself you wouldn't be doing it in the first place, but I want to thank you again for your hard work.

    Now those answers are probably the worst teaser I've seen/heard in a long time. You're a bad man TC2!


    Pidey, can you tell me a bit more about the h.264 codec?  Will it be able to run on everyone's computer.  My system does have the option to encode it that way, but I haven't messed with it.  If my file size is 10mb will the codec make it bigger or smaller?


    Also I wanted to let you guys know, that I may have someone to do ONE of the character's voices.  Which would be the main character, I'm not going to ask her to start recording until the animation is complete.  But I'm still going to need a voice actress to portray the main antagonist for the animation.  So if anyone comes to mind that wouldn't mind playing the role of an unstoppable demi-goddess please let me know.


    (..) that wouldn't mind playing the role of an unstoppable demi-goddess please let me know.

    Well, SnowLeopardTaur comes to mind for some reason! πŸ˜›


    Very AWESOME. You've come a long way. The wait was well worth it!  ;D Did you find the process of doing it on AE and Photoshop simple or tough?


    It's actually quite simple.  With the animation I haven't even tapped into the things I can do with AE just yet.  First was figuring out what format to export it in and then seeing if that format will look best at the lowest file size.  What I need to do with After Effects that is animation related hasn't come up just yet, or if it hasn't I haven't fully explored it yet.

    For instance AE, will be used for screen shaking, motion blur, depth of field, zooming in and out, and a whole bunch of other cool goodies.

    As for the process itself, animating is 1000 times easier using photoshop.  With the power of the warp tool and the animation window it makes it very easy for me to create new frames, with very little extra effort.  Also with the perspective and distort tools it makes it easier for me to spin a character around without having to redraw the body entirely, while also allowing me to save the color palette for re use.

    I've also been reading up animation tutorials online to improve the actual transformation itself.  Needless to say, what was shown just recently is nothing compared to what's going to be coming down the pipe.

    Thanks for all the support though, I have already started the 2nd part of the FMG animation and will continue providing updates as they come.


    Ma, you're busting your balls on this one. I admire anyone who can do so much work and not burn out. What I've seen so far is impressive. I'm looking forward to seeing the rest when it's finished.

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