FMG Cliches

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  • #47585

    Not much to add, except that I haven't seen Ms. Tara around on the forums, so umm… Hi Ms.Tara! *waves*


    Hullo!! *waves* also i did post at Brawna like a week after it opened so 😛


    Another (Long, detailed, and IMO funny) resource in the Grand List of Overused Science Fiction Clichés, with Notation for Not bad – if done well, Better be done well, Can't be done well, Sexist clichés, racist clichés, and the special Star Trek Rogues Gallery Clichés.

    There's some overlap – the rest is just in the range of 'funny cuz it's true' – <G>



    Oh ho, Heeeere we go  8)

    Well, first and Formost:

    1.) At least half way through the story.. Or near the end, or starting a new arc of the story – A new character is always introduced to the growth. I mean come on, It's a lazy way out. For example a Boy/Girl friend during intercourse will be blessed by it, or a relative or friend from the source of growth for the main character. It will be the main get's to a certain huge and then the story totally SHIFTS over to the next character.

    I swear to god, it annoys the bums out of me. AND KEEP IN MIIIND! I said Half way or near the end. If the two characters were growing from the beginning, and/or their growth was the plot of the story (I.e. Like a Rivalry in size) then that's absolutely fine in my books ^_^


    2.) Spinach.. Ok, It gave pop eye super strength, so what? It's a bit, not sure what word to use, Silly to use spinach in a story which would be mostly mature in nature. And even then, the way it's presented in a story heralded as "The greatest vegetable that nobody knew about!" or even referencing the cartoon annoys the balls out of me o_o


    3.) Overkill of similes and metaphors. "She could pick up a truck!" "Her biceps were like beach balls!" "She was as easily strong as 100 men!"

    Yeah, OK, Let's see her actually DO some of the things you're describing ¬_¬…

    Oh aye

    4.) The person before the FMG or Growth is always reeeeeeeeeeally worse off. They're always a nerd, or wear glasses, or have greesy hair and little to no love life. OK! I don't want a story about me! I want a story about FMG!

    I would love to see a story about a girl with perfect skin, long flowing vibrant red hair, perfect firm d cup breasts, with wonderful curves and shapely legs, who's instantly popular with everyone with a love life that puts a $400 dollar prostitute to shame… actually go through the swelling and bulges of growth.

    I think it would be rather funny if you ask me  ;D

    Umm… Not sure what over points to make, cause I think most of them are down. I guess also mentioning that it always end after sex, cause some how that happens after growth, and there's not a lot of deviation to how the growth happened.

    Oh yes, Don't hurt me please :-[


    Why would we hurt you? Wasn't it mentioned somewhere above that it's in awful poor taste to hurt or flame female posters in a forum dedicated to a fetish/genre about females? Heck, let 'em have their fun already!

    Prophet Tenebrae

    1. Is something I've been guilty of… I think that if it's a rapid growth story, then it's easy for the author to go "right… she's grown as big as I want…" and then moves on to the next girl… I suppose the remedy to this is either to get your girl to revert or to have a group of girls from the start… rather than going "OH! I want to do some more growth…"

    2. I think Spinach is just the FMG of the Ultimate Remote Control/Master PC/Spells R Us… it lets you induce the relevant transformation without any need for an original premise and hence, let's you cut straight to the good stuff.

    3. TF does tend to all these cliches… but that's because they're writing shortcuts (like spinach). I think a lot of writers use them because they're either conditioned to think that's expect, they're lazy or just not confident enough in their own skill.

    4. With this, I think it's as much about contrasts as anything else… if you take a hot girl and make her hotter, that's not NEARLY as obvious as the below average girl. I suppose it's also more logical that she's the kind of girl that would appreciate these things…

    But they are all cliches, certainly and things that we should try and avoid…

    I'd suggest another one is that the girl will either discover FMG early in the story – and be immensely turned on by it – or when it starts happening to her, she isn't like "WTF?!" she'll be driven wild with desire!

    I'd say that we've covered a fair number of them now.


    – If you are going to absorb the powers of/kill Superman, please have the decency to assume his role and responsibilities.


    I always quite enjoy the Superman stories but FMG has a fair share of Superman cliches too. 

    "Superman will always act like a clumsy oaf, often no smarter than a fifth grader.  Any fighting ability he ever had or was ever mentioned in any comic will be ignored.  He will never call for help from the JLA or anyone.  His only noticeable power will be 'super-sex'."  Even though superman is 6'3" and well over 200lbs he will be called below average for a Kryptonian and a Science Geek, even after acting dumb for the whole story.

    No female in the story will take pity on Superman even though he may have saved their life personally on numerous occasions or that of the whole planet.

    Rarely will Superman do anything in the story to deserve mistreatment other than merely existing and being a 'super' man.

    Needless to say I like the stories where Superman is a little more of a fleshed out character and not a charicature. 


    Glad to see a lurker break the silence.

    Especially when we seem to be on the same page with Superman.

    I also find it exasperating that many "fan" fiction writers take down a proper hero more than two pegs just to bulk out their female for their fantasy.

    Thanks for your well-thought-out points, peirrotlunaire. 🙂


    These aren't really cliches so much as frequently repeated shortcomings in the quality of the writing:

    1. Shortage of paragraphs.
    2. Absence of punctuation.
    3. Use of measurements as an introduction, e.g. "Chapter 1: Monica was a young girl who was 18 years old, five feet three and 108 pounds when she found a magic charm in the bushes even though she didn't know it was magic until later!"
    4. Overenthusiastic employment of the exclamation point.
    5. Nonsensical measurements, e.g. "73DDD bra" or "43 inch calves".  Bra fitting is a formula and it's not hard to understand how it works.  Also, a person with 43" calves would not be able to walk.
    6. The overuse of simile has been noted earlier in this thread.
    7. The under-use of relative comparisons also annoys me.  Quality fiction generally shows an interplay between characters.  So if a girl's muscles have grown, it's better to compare them to the muscles of the other characters rather than to citrus and sports equipment.
    8. Dearth of dialog.  Normal people don't speak in perpetual soliloquy.  Remember: interplay of characters is important.
    9. Story pacing is often whack.  Authors should take their time about getting to the growth sequence.
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