FMG Cliches

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  • #47595

    I agree with you guys said about the Superman/hero character stuff. On one hand, I admit that my occasionally S&M-ish side that escapes from it's chained closet on tuesdays enjoys reading about a Superdude dominated by really buff super-superwoman, that is when it's in a story that isn't meant to be taken too seriously (or atleast feels that way).

    On the otherhand, few things bug me more than when a character is only used as marker for how much more powerful their own character is. Then again, that's probably different from taking down pegs, but both are just as generally annoying.


    Also, a person with 43" calves would not be able to walk.

    Don't make me prove you wrong O_o


    Prooooove it! Prooooove it! Prooooove it!
    Bet she can kicks supes ass with them too. 😛



    Don't make me prove you wrong O_o

    A cylinder 43 inches around would have a diameter of a little more than 13 5/8".  Since a calf is not a cylinder it would bulge significantly more to the rear and sides than 13 5/8".  Let's call it 16" at its widest point.  That means to walk properly the lower legs would need to be positioned at least 1.5 feet apart.

    I am 6' tall and I tried that – I walked like my grandfather shortly before he died.

    And if we assume a proportionate musculature in the thighs, walking would be totally impossible.


    Physics… An Amazon fan's worse enemy >_>


    My caffeine hasn't kicked in just yet, so could someone else do the math here?

    How tall and large would a woman have to be all over the body to make calves those size walkable?


    My caffeine hasn't kicked in just yet, so could someone else do the math here?

    How tall and large would a woman have to be all over the body to make calves those size walkable?

    17ft tall? 16 maybe


    If I may interject another formula into the equation, what the heck would the diameter of this woman's breasts be once she reached the size where her calves are 43 inches around?

    Well, if her calves are 43 inches around, and her breasts are bigger than her calves…

    I'm not a mathematics fellow, but that sounds pretty big!


    I think we are getting a little off topic. 😉  The real question is could you sit on one of them.


    Math test:
    If an amazon has 43" calves wide, her height is 17 feet and she boards the 20:00hrs train from newyork to washington. What size of bra should have the 15 feet ninphomaniac of the 21:00hrs train to make one hell of a party when she meets the amazon?
    For aditional points:
    If weirdwolf got the party, how long would take him to escape from the 10 inches cubic box he gets stuffed in after the first 5 seconds?
    No peeking on the neighborg cleavage allowed… for now.


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