Fonzie’s Superheroines-FMG Style!

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  • #27088

    Ahh, Chris Morea. One of my fav artists of all time. Thanks for sharing some of his great work. πŸ˜€


    Welcome all,
    I still have a few more gems to share that feature Devilman Lady -from SGA- that I comissioned for. Also, wanted to touch a little on what DC said about Darna earlier. I totally agree, she is one faxinating character, first of all. -I have tons of Darna movies, episodes, comics- I think DC the reason why we see so many beautiful superheroines coming from that country is because feminism is BIG there. What I mean is a strong female base rules the country as everything as simple as the moms all the way uop to their female prime minster (or president) keep the female presense in he Phillipines strong, I used to know a girl who lived there and she said that is what Darna was based on, sure, aimed at kids but it taught girls/teens that they can be as powerful as any man/human on rarth and just because she was female, didn't mean she couldn't save the day or that she had to be a damsel in distress.

    Now, we see little of that in our median here in the USA I'm afraid. There is a still a BIG sexist sterotype that I've mentioned above that seems that females still have to be 2nd class to the big-time men heroes like Superman, Batman, etc. Sure, Wonder Woman is right up there with those katz, but, people tend to take men more seriously in comics then the superheroines. -sadly too- The only time you see a female superheroine gain attention in the books is when her half naked body is plastered all over the book . (which isn't always a bad thing but can be when that's all the character is known for- We need more confidence in our superheroines that they can stand tall just as well as their male counterparts, and being a lot of people still see females as 2nd class here, that is going to influence a lot on the comicbooks. So, I praise Darna and all the great Flipino superheroines/and heroes and hope someday we can finally have a superwoman saving the day on the big screen and not be in the shadows of her male endeavor.

    Thanks for listening!


    Rob Smith

    Thanks for posting what you were able to find of "Catalyst".  Much appreciated!  And if anyone has the final two or three frames buried somewhere — post'em! πŸ™‚

    ze fly

    Thanks for the memories fonz…

    Out of interest, anyone seen the ever great and ever name changing She Giant Artist? I know he'd run into some online problems… but it does seem like an age since the fellow has put out any new work. Which isn't in any way a demand, I just miss his wonderful work. He was one of the best of us.

    That was Chris Morea, wasn't it? I heard someone was usurping his name or something like that, so he disapeared since then… Too bad πŸ˜₯


    I believe what happened with Chris Morea was that someone kept on harassing him on his original user name and would keep on trying to make his life miserable.  So he changed his name to try to shake off the stalker and after a while Chris was starting to get bored of making SH TF scenes but he might still be in business somewhere out there.


    Good work all around. I’m am very impressed.


    Thank you 10-4! -Bowa- πŸ˜€ -still surprised no one asked for video clips of the Teenage Alien Fighters- πŸ˜‰



    I'm glad you liked the pics rsmith. πŸ™‚

    And ooh wow, you fell into a put of luck, I managed to have the first 3 pages of it. -aww man, I thought I had it all -sniff- Can someone help us out?




    Oooh wow!
    That ending is INCREDIBLE! Thanks Dan for posting it. πŸ˜€


    Trent Harlow

    Hey Fonzie wasn't there a back story written for Darna somewhere? 

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