For The Ladies~

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  • #84332

    I too, am pleased to see a greater female presence here as it can only do us guys some good!  Seriously, it's great to see women appreciating what their fellow ladies are up to.


    Women suck.

    Actually… they don't. And that's the problem.


    Randy, I don’t have any theory at all.  I do know that from the women I have talked to on here, most are here because of a deep attraction towards big women.  As for the other ladies, they should chime in and share!  There is a huge silent majority on here who rarely post, so perhaps they will say hi sometime.

    Would that they would.  ;D

    Several yrs back it was another story (no pun) with a significant number of women being interactive on the GTS forums, and in IRC chat.  Even in the area of Mega GTS, with authors and artists.  The other genre, perhaps, with even greater participation was the SW realm.

    Regardless, I keep hoping for renaissance of female activity, for a needed sense of balance, as CptMatt has said.  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Yes, we had a group of great girls who really pushed the boat out.  I really miss Kulli.


    Whatever happened to Kulli, anyway?  Or do I even want to know?  If it had anything to do with the actions/words of a certain sort of people driving her away, it'll just make me sad.  I've seen it happen on various forums dealing with all sorts of topics, but it's usually the worst in communities that have some type of a sexual overtone.  It's a horrible thing to see in action, and I find it difficult not to feel a sort of prejudice towards the subset of people who exhibit those behaviors.


    Kulli went on got married and got interested in other things.  So she felt that the forum wasn't the place to go to anymore once she reduced the amount of female muscle work she used to do.


    Women suck.

    Actually… they don't. And that's the problem.

    The same old Fett. What could have we expect?


    the_collector_2 wrote:

    Kulli went on got married and got interested in other things.  So she felt that the forum wasn't the place to go to anymore once she reduced the amount of female muscle work she used to do.

    I didn’t get married 🙂 I’m getting married in July this year.

    Please guys, just ask me what happened to me!
    Well, I’m still on FA the same as ever and my DA name has changed once.. but hey, I’ve always been interested in ‘other things’ as well :p
    But I miss you all a whole lot, too. I just never really enjoyed forums all that much, and since I started Uni my whole art flow in general came to a very slow trickle, so I was barely updating my galleries, never mind forums too. But I’m graduating in July, too, actually! And yes, I’m still doing muscle art (eg. ), albeit less than before- I guess I’m trying to develop a lot of stuff in art right now.

    Maybe I will be stopping by a little more often.


    Glad to know you’re doing OK Kully. You certainly leaved a mark in this forum. 😀
    Congrats on your marriage. Im in the process of starting my own girl hunt myself. XD

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