- This topic has 14 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 10 months ago by
March 25, 2007 at 8:32 pm #49109
ParticipantThis is the second story that I have writen so construstive critisism is welcomed as long as its advice to get the story flowing more smoothly. Hope you all enjoy the story.
Fraulein Panzer
Part 1“What a crappy Valentines day”. Rick sat at the table with a tear-streaked face, in complete shock at what had just transpired. He couldn’t believe what just happen. Rick had just been dumped by his girl friend of nine months. He met Gina at one of his friend’s houses and they hit it off almost instantly. Rick was instantly in love and asked her to go out. He was sure that this was the girl he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He bought a ring and was ready to propose the next day during a lunch that they had schedule when all of a sudden Gina started saying that she wasn’t treating him as well as he deserved. And that she didn’t think she should see him anymore. She kept saying, “it’s not you, it’s me,” and that they could still be friends because he is such a great guy.
When Rick asked Gina if it was because he was a virgin and didn’t initiate anything physically she assured him that that wasn’t it. Gina gave him a few reasons but Rick wasn’t really paying attention to the words she had to say anymore. He couldn’t believe that this was happening to him. Right when he thought he finally found the girl that he would spend the rest of his days with she was dumping him. After they finished eating and she told Rick how great he was a few more times Gina got up and remembered that she had to be somewhere.
Rick was left there sitting by himself. He couldn’t help it he broke down and started to cry as he pulled out the ring he had bought and set it in front of him. It was all he could do while Gina was there to hold back the tears in front of her. Rick was so grief stricken that he didn’t notice the woman sitting in a corner table of the café who had been observing him since the moment he walked in.
When Valda first saw Rick as he walked in she was attracted to him. “What a cutie,” she thought to herself as she sat at her table. After a few minutes she was getting ready to get up and go and talk to him when a girl cam in and sat with him. “Oh well, at least he has someone to be with for Valentines Day,” Valda thought.
It’s hard enough being an eight and a half foot muscle bound woman with super strength, but she was also a super villain known as Fraulein Panzer many years ago. So not only were people intimidated buy her large size and massively huge and rippling muscles, but when they found out that she was a super villain who doesn’t age they all but run away. It’s not like she could hide it.
About twenty-five years in the past Valda fell in love with a hero who would always try to stop her from doing her crimes. She never hurt anyone; Valda would just take what she wanted and go. The hero of her affections would show up and try to stop her but he was just a normal man who was really smart and had a lot of gadgets so he never really stood a chance against her. She would throw him around a little bit while flirting, but she wouldn’t ever do any damage more than a few bruises. When she was done flirting she would leave.
Then all of a sudden there was a two-week period that Valda’s “little hero”, as she so affectionately nicknamed him, didn’t show up to stop her. She started to get worried so she asked a few street contacts some questions and found out that her little hero had been beaten nearly to death and would never walk again. Valda became so infuriated that she got the name and location of the villain who hurt her hero and promptly beat the ever-living crap out of him. She then turned him and herself in to the police. She was sentenced to serve a twenty-year term in a super triple max prison. Valda had been out of jail for five years now but many people were still scared of her due to her past.
Valda was just sitting minding her own business lost in thought when she noticed the pretty girl sitting with Rick get up and leave. As she turned and walked away his shoulders slumped as he placed something on the table and stared at it as tears started to fall from his eyes. “Oh no, she just broke up with him,” Valda said to herself. She knew all about being alone and would never wish it on anyone else. Valda felt so bad that she wanted to console him somehow. She got up and walked over. When Valda went over to his table she realized that it was an engagement ring sitting in front of him and her heart fell.
“Would you mind if I sit down,” Valda asked. Rick didn’t respond so she moved the chair beside him away and laid down her floor mat. She was so heavy that if she sat on any normal chairs they would break instantly. It didn’t bother her though. At her height if she sat kneeling on the floor she wasn’t towering over everyone quite so much and people where more at ease around her then.
Valda kneeled next to Rick and hugged him close. He was only vaguely aware that he had his head rested on her chest as he cried. Valda let Rick weep and held him for about ten minutes until he finally stopped and looked at whom he was been being held by. Rick looked at Valda’s chest witch was right in front of his face blinking a few times as he finally saw the two massive pectoral muscles he had been resting his head on. Due to her huge size Valda had to have all of her clothes custom made. Today she was wearing a pink spaghetti strap belly shirt with ruffles around the bottom just above her abdominal muscles witch showed off her ripped chest to the max. Valda had always figured that since she was too big to hide her physique, she might as well show off her muscles.
Rick’s mouth dropped open and his eyes bugged out as he stared at the two slabs of muscle. Even though Valda had nothing in the way of breast, to say that she was flat chested you would actually have to be blind. The detail of each muscle fiber was prominently showing with veins covering every witch way. Rick slowly looked up past the chest. On top of the largest, most muscular set of shoulders and inhumanly muscular neck sat one of the prettiest, most feminine faces he had ever seen. “Why hello there, do you feel better now,” Valda said with a heavy German accent and a comforting smile. Valda’s Voice wasn’t the deep masculine sounding voice you would expect from someone her size. As a matter of fact it was very feminine and girly. She had shortly cropped blond hair with log bangs and a little nose stud on her left nostril. To top it all off she wore a pair of glasses that added to friendly appearance of her bright blue eyes.
Rick looked at the wet spot that his crying had made on Valda’s shirt and got a fearful look on his face. “I am so sorry about your shirt,” Rick said looking up at Valda with a scared expression.
Valda placed a finger up to his mouth. “Oh shoosh. I was the one who held you remember. You looked so sad and alone I felt the need to help,” she said as she smiled down at Rick. “Besides, you’re so cute I wanted to cuddle with you a little bit,” Valda added as she blushed and gave Rick a little squeeze.
Rick timidly brought his hands up to Valda’s left arm and started to explore. It was the most amazing contrast he had ever felt on a woman. Her skin was so soft and smooth but it was covering the hardest most grotesquely detailed muscles he had ever felt. Valda’s arm felt like silk covered boulders to Rick. “You sure are… healthy,” Rick said trying to find the right words. Valda just giggled and slowly flexed her arm. Rick’s eyes got wide with surprise as he watched what he thought was an already huge arm bulge to an obscenely as to peak of the bicep rose over half way up the distance of her forearm. Rick was so completely engrossed in exploring the rippling detail and veins with his fingers that he didn’t realize that he was getting an erection.
“Thank you. I do try to stay in good shape,” Valda said as she made note of his arousal. She knew that with her reconstructed genetic makeup that she could never actually get out of shape. When she worked her body it only got stronger and didn’t deteriorate with time. “What’s your name sweetie”?
“Rick,” he said meekly.
“Well Rick I would really love to stick around and snuggle with you some more, but I have to go and meet some people about some work. If you ever need a big healthy woman to cuddle with again, give me a call,” Valda smiled as she slipped him her card.
She gave him a tender kiss in his forehead and got up and left. This was the first time Rick had seen Valda standing at her full height. Wile seated he only came to about mid thigh level to her. As she walked away Rick watched in complete awe as he saw Valda’s legs and back. Her back was almost completely bare and was a mass of rippling power. She had a tiny waist witch led to strong hips. Valda was also wearing a tight mini skirt witch did nothing to hide a lower body that was no less massive and ripped as her upper body. Even a little thing like walking sent ripples of muscle flowing throughout her entire person like a symphony in complete harmony.Rick looked down at the card. It read “Power House Incorporated. If you need a doctor with a little muscle don’t call me. But for a doctor with a lot of BIG ones, give me a call because I’m your girl”. Rick turned the card over and it had her name, Dr. Valda Schlierkamp, and her phone number with a big lipstick kiss mark. Rick found her erotically attractive but like so many others was extremely intimidated buy her. He wasn’t sure if he would call her or not but she did make him feel better when he was down. “Maybe I’ll give her a call sometime,” Rick thought to himself. “I deserve to go out and have some fun after what happened today”.
Two days later, Rick was sitting in his living room doing some research for his latest project. He had always been scientifically gifted. Rick loved to invent and build things and his latest project had been put on hold for his ex-girlfriend. Now that he was single he thought that it would be appropriate for him to start up his research again. Ok, so he really didn’t have a living room. It was more like a break area. Rick lived in a large warehouse that had all of his experiments in it.
Rick had the TV local news on in the background and just happened to look up. On the screen was the familiar face of Valda on his screen. “In Freedom city today there was an attempted bank robbery at the Freedom Mutual Credit Union. This woman stepped in and stopped the four person group known as the Factor Four from getting away. She was able to subdue the criminals with minimal property damage. Here is the footage from the security video feed,” the newscaster reported with the typical newscaster smile.
It looked like a typical day in the bank accept there was an eight and a half foot tall hulking woman standing in line getting some strange looks. Rick noticed it was Valda. All of a sudden there seemed to be a strong gust of wind that knocked everyone but Valda down who instantly went to help some of the people up. The revolving door of the bank was suddenly smashed in as an eight foot tall man made of stone ignored the gunshots of the guards who opened fire upon seeing him. Granite, the stone man, walked up to the safe and ripped it open. Then Pyre, a man of flame, entered the new opening in the front of the bank and melted the guards guns burning there hands in the process.
Valda had seen enough. She said something to Granite who whorled a round and charged her. When he got close enough he struck her chin. She didn’t even attempt to avoid or block the blow. When it connected with her Granite’s arm shattered from the elbow down. He stood stunned and confused at what had just happened as Valda struck his abdominal area witch crumbled as both of his legs fell off. Granite fell to the ground and was trying to use his one good arm to crawl away when Sylph, a woman made of air, appeared behind Valda and enveloped her in a gas of some kind. At first Valda seemed unaware but then noticed the wispy figure behind her. With a smile she suddenly took a deep intake of breath. Sylph started to panic and tried to get away but was inhaled by Valda who then looked at Pyre as he was flying towards her to help his team mates. Valda then exhaled. With the strength of her lungs and the help of Sylph, Pyre was extinguished. Both of the would be bank robbers fell to the ground knocked out.
This all happed in less than eight seconds witch was about the time Professor Fathom, a man made of water, entered and was startled by the sight of seeing his group already defeated by one woman. Before he even had a chance to react, Valda grabbed the large safe door and smashed it down on the liquid man, splattering him everywhere.
The TV then went back to the anchorman “that was the scene today. We have tried to get a statement from the police for more information and they have refused to comment on the incident. There will be an in-depth investigation on this new super powered woman who now seems to reside in Freedom City. For more details tune in tonight at ten. Back to you bob”.
Rick sat and down looked at the card that Valda had given him. “Wow. And she wants to go out with me”? Rick decided to give her a call and go out and have some fun. His problem was where do you take a girl like Valda out to?
Valda was so happy as she hung up the phone. She had been alone for so long it was going to be nice to go out on a date with someone of the opposite sex. Rick actually called her and asked to go out dancing. Valda told Rick that she would meet him at the club. She had found an all supers club a few months back but never had anyone to go with before. You could gain admission as long as you were or someone you were with was a metahuman or registered super hero. Valda could take Rick there and not feel too out of place.
Valda decided to ware something that would let as many off her muscles hang out as possible. Rick seemed to like her arms when she flexed for him before. Valda found a black party dress in her wardrobe and put in on looking at herself in the full length mirror. It was sleeveless with an open back. There was a large peek a boo window on the chest area so her ripped pecs would be seen by all. The dress was very tight so all of the muscles in her abdominal would be prominently noticeable. The skirt of the dress went down to about mid calf but had two very large slits on either side that started all the way at the top of her hips. They went down in an inverted v shape so both of her powerfully muscled legs were in view. For shoes she found her six inch black stiletto heels witch put her height at an even nine feet tall. “I love the way these shoes make my calves look,” Valda smiled as she turned and looked at her massive calf muscles become ridged and bulge when she flexed them.
“This is the one. It’ll knock his socks off,” Valda thought to herself with a large smile. She then proceeded to do some bodybuilding poses in the mirror. Her dress was made of a special fabric that was like silk but could stretch three times as much as spandex. Valda used to always have to be careful about flexing her huge physique out of fear of destroying her clothing until she found out who to talk to about getting clothes specially made with this cloth. She grabbed her purse and walked out the front door of her large house.
March 25, 2007 at 9:37 pm #49110Anonymous
GuestMost interesting story! Could we get another installment?
March 25, 2007 at 9:48 pm #4911100tree
ParticipantPart 2 has already been started.
March 25, 2007 at 10:01 pm #49112up2nogd1
ParticipantGreat start. You've really set up for a nice story. Hope you have some tests of strength so we can see just how big and strong she really is (or can be).
Just a minor comment that's not really negative is some of your spelling is a bit off. "witch" should be "which" for example. Otherwise your story flowed very well and kept me interested. Hope to see more soon!
March 26, 2007 at 8:58 am #4911300tree
ParticipantGreat start. You've really set up for a nice story. Hope you have some tests of strength so we can see just how big and strong she really is (or can be).
Just a minor comment that's not really negative is some of your spelling is a bit off. "witch" should be "which" for example. Otherwise your story flowed very well and kept me interested. Hope to see more soon!
Yeah I know my spelling sucks 🙁 it has always one of my weaknesses and unfortunately spell check only checks the spelling of a word not its proper use. ::)
March 27, 2007 at 9:28 pm #49114alex
ParticipantNice start! I'm anxious to read more.
March 27, 2007 at 10:02 pm #49115cpbell0033944
ParticipantVery promising! I look forward to part 2.
March 29, 2007 at 1:56 pm #49116airnel
Participantawesome. few times i read kinda love stories here. good luck bro!
April 29, 2007 at 12:08 am #4911700tree
ParticipantFraulein Panzer
Part 2Rick got to the entrance of the club and felt very out of place. In the line to the door there were several six and a half foot guys that had a build that would make any bodybuilder envious, a couple of monstrous looking beast like people, a few women who looked like athletic super models, and a woman made of metal who was with a man of stone. They were all dressed in the height of fashion. Rick was so nervous standing there waiting. Valda had told him that it was a special club but he had no idea that it was going to be anything like this.
Rick jumped when all of a sudden he heard a woman with a British accent behind him. “Hello love, and who might you be waiting for,” as he turned to face the woman he was stunned by her beauty. She stood just over six feet tall and had a strong looking physique witch was not huge but was ripped like an Olympic track athlete who happened to have DD breasts. Her hair was a dark chestnut color and she had soft gray eyes. He was just standing there in front of this gorgeous woman trying to fumble out something when all of a sudden he heard Valda’s familiar voice from behind.
“Rick, thank you for coming tonight,” Valda said happily as Rick turned around to see her. His eyes widened as he looked at the woman he would be dancing with tonight. Muscles bulged and rippled as she walked towards him. Her lats were so huge that they actually forced her arms out at an angle. Even with all the huge muscles Valda had a very feminine and sexy walk. When Valda got close enough she lifted him into the air and gave him a gentle hug. She always had to be careful not to break the bones of normal people when she touched them.
“Oh hello there Tara,” Valda said as she looked at the other woman. “How have you been.”
“Hi there Valda. I’ve been good and yourself,” the two women then began a conversation while Valda held Rick in her arms. Rick started to explore Valda’s body with his hands. He had a hard time believing that her body was able to move with how hard her muscles were. “So Valda, who’s the little cutie you have in you arms there,” Tara said with a coy grin.
Valda smiled “this is Rick and this is our first date”.
“Really, and you brought him here? Most normals are uncomfortable around paranorms love,” Tara said with a bit of visible concern.
“If he was at all uncomfortable he wouldn’t have called me back after I gave him my number,”
Tara got an impressed look on her face “he called you? WOW, most men are a intimidated by me but are totally scared to even look in the direction of a woman with muscles half your size”.
Valda just rolled her eyes. “Yeah tell me about it. Oh well, I have Rick to dance with tonight,” Valda said as she nuzzled up to Rick who was more than happy to return her affection. Valda And Tara chatted as they waited in line. Rick felt so safe being held by Valda. He was amazed that her arms not only seemed to have unlimited strength but she never seemed to tire as she held him off the ground against her body.
After waiting in line for around twenty minutes or so they finally reached the door. Valda put Rick down and rapped her arm over his shoulder as they entered the front door of the large club. Rick just looked around in awe. The scene before him was one of the most surreal of scenes he had ever witnessed. The club was full of people of every imaginable shape and size all of whom were have a fun time. This was a place where paranormal people could go to unwind. The three of them found a comfy booth to sit in and as Valda and Tara continued to talk. Rick just sat quietly taking everything in.
“I just love that they have seats that I can actually sit in without any fear of breaking them,” Valda said while she was sitting in the middle of the reinforced circle booth.
Tara just looked at her with a big grin. “Well you are a beef cake Valda,” Tara said as she grabbed her massive bicep and tried to squeeze. “I can see why you would have trouble finding a chair that would hold you without shattering. I bench press over a hundred and fifty tons but I can’t even make a dent in your bicep. With muscles like these you must weigh as much as a car,’ Tara laughed.
Valda did a double biceps flex while Tara was holding her right bicep and when she did Rick got up onto his knees on his seat so that he could examine Valda’s other arm. “Actually I weigh about 7500 Lbs. which is about as much as a large truck,” She said with a proud smile. “What do you think of my arms Rick,” Valda asked as she snickered.
“I think they are beautiful. You’re unlike any woman I’ve ever seen before. I never had thought that a strong woman could be so beautiful until I met you,” Rick said.
“You comforted me when I was down. Not many people would be willing to do that for a stranger and I thank you. You are very special and I will do my best to make you feel that way.” Rick then sat up closely facing her bicep. He then gave the huge flexed muscle a tender kiss.Valda was on cloud nine. She couldn’t believe what she had just heard. Rick was such a sweet and caring guy. Valda didn’t care if he wasn’t a super powered paranormal, she felt that he had more heart than any other guy she had ever met before. Valda lifted Rick onto her lap and they began to cuddle with each other.
“Wow Valda, I think you have a keeper this time,” Tara said.
Rick was feeling a little tipsy after a few drinks and as a result started to relax and be a little more open. The three of them spent the next hour laughing and having a good time. Valda and Tara were both impressed when they asked Rick what he did for a living and he started to go into detail about his inventions and the patents he had that he lived off of. It was Rick’s turn to be impressed when he found out that Tara was a paranormal government agent for Britain. But what really surprised him was the fact that Valda medical genius. He had never met anyone who was not only physically gifted but highly intelligent as well. Valda totally didn’t fit the way Rick thought the universe was suppose to be. It was plain to see that she wasn’t a frail nerd, and after you spoke with her for a few minutes she obviously wasn’t a dumb jock either. He had never met such an extraordinary person in his life.
All of a sudden a shadow loomed over the table. Rick looked up and was startled by the largest man he had ever seen. He stood around ten to eleven feet tall with the build of an Olympic wrestler and dark eyes. His head was topped with brown hair in one of those messy ‘I want to look like I don’t give a crap but really do’ hairstyles. Looking at Tara he said with a smirk, “hey there beautiful, how about you ditch the runt and the freak he’s been hanging all over for the last hour and come sit with a real man.”
Tara just rolled her eyes, “Oh please, you couldn’t handle me and whom are you calling a freak. You look like an eleven foot tall bag of hot air.”
Valda gave a little giggle as the huge man turned red with anger. He looked at Valda and then at the frightened man in her arms. “What are you staring at runt. Couldn’t you get a real woman or are you one of those freaks who likes it when a woman looks like more of a man than you do,” he spat out angrily. Rick look mortified “You’re a norm aren’t you. I don’t even know why they let wimps like him in here. This is a place for paranorms not some skinny twerp who has a hard on for some freaky muscle bitch.”
Valda got a very surprised and angry look on her face, “excuse me! What did you just call my date? I should crush you like the bully you are!” Valda said as she set Rick down and stood to her full height. Even though she was about two feet shorter she showed no fear of the larger man.
The huge man looked down at her with a cocky smile, “give it your best shot he-bitch.”
Then a voice could be heard from behind the massive wall of a man. “Leviathan, what kind of trouble are you starting up now,” a six-foot six-inch man said as he appeared next to the huge man. He also had the superhero type build that seemed to be very common here at this club with the bulging muscles and all. His name was Khord and he was the team leader of the super group Leviathan was a part of. His super power was actually telekinesis. Even though he appeared to have a super human physique he was ONLY a peak human level of athleticism. Tara was smitten. She had a hard time tarring her eyes off of Khord as he admonished Leviathan
Leviathan just looked down at the newcomer to the scene. “What do you want me to do Khord? This stuck-up snot just insulted me, and her muscle-bitch friend started laughing. Someone needs to put them in their place,” He said as he averted his gaze towards Valda.
Khord gave Leviathan a stern look. “You know the rules here. No fighting. This is neutral ground for all paranorms. A fight breaking out results in instant teleportation of both combatants one hundred miles outside of the city away from one another.”
Valda then spoke up. “Fine no fighting. How about an arm wrestling match between me and the big airbag here. Loser leaves the club.”
“Works for me,” Leviathan said with a big evil looking grin.
Khord just watched as the two muscular people sat across from one another in the circle booth that Valda and her friends had been sitting in. “Are you sure you want to do this? Leviathan is one of the strongest men alive and he’s going to have a leverage advantage on you.” Leviathan smiled as his ego was stroked by his teammate and flexed his arm.
“That’s ok. I haven’t had a good challenge to test my strength against in quite some time. Besides he ‘might’ be one of the strongest men alive but I AM the strongest woman, so lets see who wins shall we?” Valda said with a confident smile as she flexed her arm next to Leviathan’s. Everyone was in shock as Valda’s arm actually bulged not only to a larger size than Leviathan’s but actually overshadowed it and had even more muscular detail. Every muscle fiber, tendon, and vein pulsed and bulged with a detail level that would make an anatomy chart jealous.
As the two muscular titans clasped hands Valda’s was almost completely engulfed by Leviathan’s much bigger hand. “Don’t worry little girl, I try not to break your arm in too many places when I slam it down to the table,” Leviathan said with a condescending tone.
Valda Just smiled “Do you ever stop talking smack? Rick would you be so kind as to count to three for us sweetie?” Valda asked as Rick was staring at her massive arm waiting to see it flex again. Rick started the match and the smile slowly left Leviathan’s face, as he actually had to start using more and more of his vast strength. He reached out and grabbed the corner of the table as he put his head down as he threw his shoulder into the test of strength as well. Rick and Khord watched the events transpire with wide eyes as the German muscle woman sat perfectly strait, not straining at all while Tara had a knowing smile on her pretty face. Valda looked over at Rick and gave him a little wink as Leviathan started to grunt while straining.
Rick walked up to the table and Valda pulled him close with her free arm and started to make out with him. Rick could believe that this was happening to him. He was usually kind of slow when it can to initiating anything with a woman witch was one of the reasons he was still a virgin. This made it apparent that holding Leviathan’s hand in the neutral position wasn’t even straining her in the least bit.
Khord couldn’t believe what he was seeing. “Oh my god. How strong is this woman? I’ve seen Leviathan rip through battle ship hulls like tissue paper,” he thought to him self when all of a sudden he felt a strong pair of feminine arms wrap themselves around him from behind. They were as strong as steel. He turned and saw Tara was holding him with a strength he wouldn’t have expected.
Tara leaned and whispered into his ear “do you have someone to dance with tonight? If the answer is no then you do now,” Tara said as Khord got a big grin on his face.
He then looked back at the arm wrestling match. “She’s amazingly strong. She doesn’t seem to even be trying and Leviathan hasn’t even moved her an inch,” he said to Tara.
“Valda Is rather playful. Lets see what she does next,” Tara smiled.After a minute or so Leviathan looks up and gets a very discouraged look on his face when he saw that Valda not only wasn’t even paying attention to the arm wrestling match but her and Rick were making out. After they stopped kissing a few seconds later Valda looked at Leviathan. “Oh I’m sorry. Let me know when you actually want to start,” She teased. Leviathan then seemed to double his efforts to win the hopeless battle. “Hon if you want to make me work at all for this match I think your going to need both arms,” Valda smirked.
Leviathan, now desperate, reached up with his other hand to try and make Valda’s arm move even just a little bit but got nothing. She just let out a sigh, “You wouldn’t care to try and help him would you handsome,” Valda said to Khord.
“You are obviously a lot stronger than Leviathan. You wouldn’t mind if I just tested your limits would you,” Khord asked
Valda gave him a big welcoming smile “no not at all. As I said before I welcome a good challenge”.
“Ok I’ll add gradual pressure,” Khord said as his eyes started to glow blue and a blue aura surrounded Leviathan’s and Valda’s hand.
Leviathan said still looking down “gradual my ass this bitch is strong”!
Khord got the look of intense concentration on his face as Valda’s arm slowly started to flex to it’s fullest. After a few more minutes Valda looked over at Khord. “Is this your full power”? Khord however could not answer. He was concentrating so hard on applying pressure he was oblivious to everything around him. Just then a trickle of blood came out of his nose. “Oh no. Here Tara, don’t let that blood get on his shirt,” Valda said with a genuinely concerned tone as she handed Tara a napkin while still holding steady. Tara gave Valda a don’t hurt him too badly kind of look. “I’ll be gentle Tara, Don’t worry,” Valda said as she slowly brought both of Leviathan’s arms and the blue glow steadily do to the table.
When Leviathan’s hands were pinned he let out a breath and started panting. “Damn your strong,” was all he could get out between breathes.
Khord actually went weak kneed and stumbled as Tara cached him before he fell. She held him in a cradle carry as his eyes fluttered a little and his breathing returned to normal.
Valda held Leviathan’s hands pinned to the table. “Are you going to continue to be rude and bother us anymore,” She asked the huge defeated man sitting across from her. He just looked at her and shook his head no. “Good. I’m going to let your hands go now. You don’t have to leave to club, I’m not that mean. Just be respectful from now on please”.
“Ok I’ll treat you and your friends better,” Leviathan, said as he looked into Valda’s eyes.
“Good ,” Valda said as she let Leviathan’s hands go. “Now if you’ll excuse us, Rick and I have some dancing to do”. As She stood she noticed that there was a group of about a dozen others that watched the match her started to cheer and clap. Valda Just smiled and did a few bodybuilding poses witch end with a crab most muscular pose. Rick walk over and rubbed his hands over her rippling muscle for a few seconds before Valda lifted Rick into a seated position on her shoulder. She looked at Tara and who was holding Khord “I’m sorry. I didn’t hurt you did I,” she said apologetically.
“Nothing more than a head ache and my pride,” Khord smiled. “I do however need to sit down for a few minutes,”
“Oh, poor baby. Mommy will make it all better,” Tara said with a motherly tone as she walked over to the table and sat down still holding Khord.
Valda smiled as she carried Rick onto the dance floor where they danced the rest of the night away.
April 29, 2007 at 7:30 am #49118airnel
Participantawesome. such a great story
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