Futurama Comics #33 – Amy GTS

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    Muscle Growth Nut

    Found this last night:

    Futurama Comics #33
    By Ian Boothby and Carlos Valenti
    Available September 26 2007

    It's a comic of gargantuan proportions when Amy accidentally spritzes herself with a less than refreshing enlarging spray. Soon Amy is an unstoppable and unfashionable behemoth unceremoniously destroying New New York City. Not to mention that Bender bites off more bit torrents than he can chew as a video pirate, and the 50-foot Amy is soon on a collision course with his classic film-inspired flights of fancy.


    Amy was the freak of the crew, right?


    Hmmmm! That might be worth picking up. 8) /  ;D

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Amy was the freak of the crew, right?

    In the sense that she's the closest to being "normal," yes. ;D

    Muscle Growth Nut

    The issue should be out now, though the only comic shop within convenient distance to me was sold out. :-

    Muscle Growth Nut

    The issue should be out now, though the only comic shop within convenient distance to me was sold out. :-

    Apparently, I am wrong. I did some online searching, and apparently it got pushed back a week.

    The Muffin man

    Amy was the freak of the crew, right?

    In the sense that she was the most 'normal', yes.

    Well, as normal as a super-rich chinese valley girl can be 😛

    She was more the "klutz" than anything else.

    Atomic Adam

    that issue is out now I looked at it. it was ok, but sadly it didn't have any city smashing in it just on the cover. it had some cool growing senes and a nice sene were amy ripps off the roof of a building, but too much was wasted on another story line with fry and bender.


    Yeah, I agree with Atomic Adam: there's not much in there that's actually for us.

    Plus it's a terrible story. 🙁

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