- This topic has 14 replies, 10 voices, and was last updated 18 years, 2 months ago by
December 8, 2006 at 7:38 am #43676
ParticipantPrety good work OOtree 🙂
Is she really the character you play in Legends of the Five Rings or just inspired by this RPG?PS: L5R is one of my favorite RPG with "Call of Cthulu" 🙂
She actully is a character I play. Her name is Hida Binoko and She is a rank 3 character (2 Hida Beserker and 1 Damned berserk) .
Very fun to play. Her Back ground is about 2.5 pages long. My GM gives bonus experience pointes to people who write a good
backgroup and draw a pic of their character. I'll post it for anyone who wants to waist their time and read it. ;DStory of
Hida BinokoBinoko was born in a Crab palaces fortress close to the great wall. Her parents Kobo, and Hanako, where of the Hida family. Both being Bushi themselves she began training at an early age. During this training she met some other students who soon became her friends. Kuni Izo was the closest of these friends. They would study the ways of the Bushido and honor for many hours together, always asking each other hypothetical questions. They both formed an understanding of the ways of the samurai together and vowed that if the other would ever have a time of need they would work together to get through the challenge. It was noticed by her sensei that she was able to hold her emotions in check until a confrontation broke out. Binoko was able to focus her rage in an almost calm trance-like state of mind. After accidentally killing two students who would constantly bully her and her closest friend, the young Kuni Izo who had always been somewhat small, in one of these trances she was declared a berserker and sent to a teacher who specialized in controlling and harnessing the rage.
Binoko grew at an alarming rate. She stood 6’2” by the time she was 13 and much to the embarrassment of many male students was able to defeat most of the fully grown men of her school in contests of strength. As she grew older Binoko started to understand that she is but a tool used by her clan to continue their duty to protect the empire from the corruption of the shadow lands. To her this duty was everything. She was sent on a few small assignments but was always most happy at her post waiting to repel an attack of the twisted and corrupt creatures of the shadow lands but on one of these missions her life changed forever.
Binoko was charged with protecting a Crane caravan of rice being delivered to a settlement in Scorpion lands. Through manipulation the Scorpions had made a small band of 50 Lions angry at the Caravan. The band followed the caravan and surrounded a small town that they stopped in for a night of rest. The Crain were given 24 hours to deliver the entire payload as payment for the supposed slight of honor or the town would be attacked. The Leaders of the Lion and the Crain had a meeting and decided to have a simple contest instead of a full out attack with a loss of life. The contest was to be a wrestling match between Binoko and one of the Lion samurai.
Oddly enough the strongest and most skilled wrestler was a Shugenja Matsu Yoshotomi. The match was long and hard with the young Lion using his skill to counter the Hida’s superior strength but in the end Binoko came out victorious. After the hard fought contest both sides spent the next day resting. During this time Matsu Yoshotomi and Hida Binoko learned more about each other and the two warriors fell in love.
There was a two year period that they would travel and meet one another for romantic encounters and their son Makoto was conceived. It was during the eighth year of the relationship Yoshotomi and Makoto were kidnapped buy minions of the shadow land and taken as a sacrifice for a Blood magic ritual. Binoko and Kuni Izo, who was now a fully trained Shugenja, ventured deep into the unholy place to find her loved ones. During their travels in the shadow lands Binoko had become tainted and started to drastically change. Binoko’s hair fell out and her skin became very pail. Her physique changed as well. Her already large and powerful frame infused with even more muscle and became unnaturally strong.
After three weeks of searching Binoko and Izo where found by a tribe of Nezumi. The ratlings where kind of leery at first but slowly approached the duo after they were spotted and Binoko and Izo both laid down there weapons and sat in a calm meditation. The main battle pack and the tribal leader approached and addressed the two crab in Rokuganise and started to talk. It turns out the tribe was having problems with an odd pair of two Ogres that were strangely enough working together. Binoko and Izo agreed to help them with their plight if the Nezumi would help them find her family. They ratlings agreed and the battle pack was able to take down one Ogre as the two samurai defeated the other. Binoko and Izo were made members of the broke tooth tribe and now had some rather skillful scouts to help them with their search. It was less than a day and the tribal leader Gouged Ear (named because half of one of his ears was missing taken in battle with goblins) found the site of the dark ritual. Binoko and Izo and their new friends descended into the crater that the evil magic was being used in and killed all the kidnappers.
After the fighting was finished Binoko found Yoshotomi who was breathing his final breaths. He asked her as a last request to take their child to the Kitsu Shugenju School to be taught as he was so he would have a better understanding of who his father had been. With a tear streaked face Binoko promised to deliver him to his grandparents Ishoma and Kakiko to watch over him. Binoko then saw that her son was not only still alive but was in a cage and completely unharmed. With her newfound strength she ripped the bars open and freed her son from his prison. The Battle pack escorted the three humans back to the wall and bid their new friends farewell.
Binoko’s physical changes were immediately noticed upon returning and she was tested for the severity of her infection. It was deemed that she was not infectious and was aloud to live as a damned berserk in one of the suicide squads. Her past contact with the Nezumi helped the berserkers on more than one occasion. One of the rattlings is even teaching her and a few others of her “pack” how to speak in there native tongue. While in one of these squads she discovered that she was not the first of her family to be touched by the shadow. Her grandfather of her mother’s side Hida Tokahashi side was infected many years ago and oddly enough, not only was able to survive the contagion with his mind intact for many years he was able to utilize the dark power for combat and live in balance with the demon’s within himself.
Binoko and her grandfather served in the same unit for 3 years and the Damned berserker ranks actually accepted Binoko’s son as an honorary member. As disturbing as that might have been to many it meant to Binoko that there was someone always watching and protecting Makoto while she was away on missions in the Shadow Lands. And who in their right mind would mess with a child who was under the care of large group trained psychotic killers that weren’t in theirs. Makoto grew to see the odd situation as “normal” and was like a beacon of youthful joy in a usually grim and dark setting. This was a constant reminder to the Damned why they were sacrificing all they had, even their very lives, and it gave them a small bit of joy in knowledge that their duty was to protect people like Makoto not just the snobby and rich of Rokugan. Hida Tokahashi finally decided it was time to go to a monastic order to finalize his training of balance. He was one of the veeeeeeery few Damned that actually lived and left to go study in peace.
Binoko has since become obsessed with tea ceremonies and drinks Jade tea every night before she sleeps to help keep the taint in check, and now reads much in the way of philosophy and religious writings so she can learn how to balance her conflicting dark and light tendencies as her grandfather has. In doing so she has learned an even more deeply profound respect for Shin Toa. Binoko is also learning how to harness her darkness to strengthen her attacks and destroy the evil of Fu Lang. She has also opened her mind up with oddly enough even more compassion for people of lower stations than herself do to the fact that she is now seen as little more than a trained attack animal herself by the very clan she was born of. Even though her parents have no contact with her anymore she would still die for them and her clan but mainly to keep the people of Rokugan safe. Binoko knows that all things come to an end and strives to make her mark as a hero to the people and Emperor to know that the sacrifice of some of her light to the dark was worth the cost to help bring justice to a harsh land.December 25, 2006 at 6:38 am #43677stef
Participant😮 oops! Good job! we don't have characters with a so long background!
Here is a character of L5R, Shinjo Mako, played by a friend's wife …drawn during a game.December 25, 2006 at 1:08 pm #4367800tree
Participant😮 oops! Good job! we don't have characters with a so long background!
Here is a character of L5R, Shinjo Mako, played by a friend's wife …drawn during a game.sweeeeeeet Awesome art stuff you got there. I'm a big fan of your work. L5R is a fun game It's nice to get to play it on a regular basis again
December 29, 2006 at 10:30 am #43679smithy18us
ParticipantAnother great drawing I missed first time around – looks great 00tree. The detail and amount of characters you have put into this drawing is incredible. Thanks,
Smithy18usDecember 30, 2006 at 1:24 pm #43680Anonymous
GuestWow! Incredible work!
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