Gaming Site Recommendation

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  • #77710

    XD I completely missed the point! Sorry about that!

    For forums, you're going to have to figure out what genre of games you like, then go from there. Generic "all games websites" attract people of all sorts, including immature younger teens that feel their opinion is right, and immediately slam others.

    Genre or even game specific, however, will make it much easier. For instance, is a fairly good fighting game news site, and it has forums that are specifically tailored to 2D fighting games. I haven't been there in forever, but I'd wager that the only people going there are those interested in perfecting the ins and outs of Street Fighter and such, not so much in "OMG this game sux!" or "Which game should I buy!?"

    On the other hand, if you like rpgs, you can give a try. I haven't been to their forums, but again, these are probably people that play multiple (usually Japanese) RPGs, which should lead to good discussion if you're into that.

    Hope I'm not so far away from the mark this time.


    This thread should be renamed: "The search for a decent gaming forum" "The impossible search for an inexistant decent gaming forum." :-

    Yesterday, while my woman was going through her weekly beauty routine, I decided to sit down and do some serious research, hoping to find a nice forum on video games. I went to the forums of the popular gaming sites, and shuffled through a dozen independant forums… without much success. The amount of inane trash talking, biased opinions and pointless banter going on there is crazy. No wonder modern gamers are still so heavily stereotyped.

    One of these place, specializing in gaming reviews, was particularly disturbing:

    Member #1: wii music is great my sister rent it and its great. waaayy better then Guitar hero. she say she will get ot for christmas you should get ot if u can
    Member #2: music suck, it's the worst game in history. Ur sister know nothing she a **** she should be **** and die.
    Member #1: shut your hole u know nothing Git hero fanboy, so schlup

    ((**** : DevonCory's automated sensorship services))

    And it went on and on for 4 or 5 pages, with Member #1 and #2 throwing insults and threats at each other. It was a completely pointless thread that degenerated in the worst way possible. I expected to see a moderator get in the there and at least tell the two offenders to tone it down a bit, but it never happened.

    …crazy. And what is a "schlup" anyway? ???

    ::Sigh:: I really don't think i'll ever find a nice place. Maybe I'm too picky, but still… Right now, if I knew how this worked, I'd just start a site of my own. Ish… :-


    Well, I'm actually have around 3000 posts on IGN. It's a smart community. You won't find many young kids hanging around. The youngest person I've ever seen post was 14, but he was one of the only. Teh Vestibule is the board that IGN is most known for:
    It's pretty crazy over there, and not so much a board about games as it is a board for gamers to post random stories, jokes and polls. It's certainly an experience.


    Try The Escapist:  Astute commentary, intelligent forums, and the hilarious Zero Punctuation series of video reviews.  It's great.

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