Georgina McConnell – 20 years old – OMG

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    It does seem that maybe there have been changes to the shape of her skull, which is usually not a good sign.

    FMG OG | Growth Comics | Amaz0ns founder


    Not a good sign? Explain?


    Steroids man. Usually means she’ll start turning into a dude.


    The growth of online harrassment and criticism is a social problem, IMHO. This applies to all peoples. We need to rise above this new level of social criticism quickly because we’re seeing too much online than what individuals see around them.


    if she is natural good for her, add as much size as she can,
    but i she is cycling , I feel very sad for her, because its going to damage her
    here are 2 lessons about STEROIDS


    If she is then the advice she needs should come from people she knows personally, not from internet strangers.


    NSFW, but he has a point…..

    Robert McNay

    However, then there are others that IMHO are just plain jealous – that lack the mental discipline required to put in the work, make the constant effort 24/7 365 and the sacrifices (personally & socially) that are required to achieve a physique of her caliber. The anonymity of the internet allows them to make snide comments, done in attempt to put someone like her down, and all at the same time reaffirm their own selves as somehow superior, when in reality they are just the opposite.

    I posit that there is the opposite side of that coin. There are some amongst us that are so entranced by the muscles, that they don’t care about the woman. They only want to see her as big as she can get, no matter the price or consequences, They are usually the ones that only see a female bodybuilder from the neck to the knees, totally forgetting this is a person, and a woman no less. They completely ignore the fact that she is developing a uni-brow across a slowly enlarging ridge above her eyes. They chose to ignore the acne covering her skin, the squaring and widening jaw, the enlarged hand joints giving her “man hands”. No, all they care about is that she now has that 20 inch bicep, 25 inch thigh or shoulder muscle complex that looks like she is wearing football pads. :angry:


    However, then there are others that IMHO are just plain jealous – that lack the mental discipline required to put in the work, make the constant effort 24/7 365 and the sacrifices (personally & socially) that are required to achieve a physique of her caliber. The anonymity of the internet allows them to make snide comments, done in attempt to put someone like her down, and all at the same time reaffirm their own selves as somehow superior, when in reality they are just the opposite.

    I posit that there is the opposite side of that coin. There are some amongst us that are so entranced by the muscles, that they don’t care about the woman. They only want to see her as big as she can get, no matter the price or consequences, They are usually the ones that only see a female bodybuilder from the neck to the knees, totally forgetting this is a person, and a woman no less. They completely ignore the fact that she is developing a uni-brow across a slowly enlarging ridge above her eyes. They chose to ignore the acne covering her skin, the squaring and widening jaw, the enlarged hand joints giving her “man hands”. No, all they care about is that she now has that 20 inch bicep, 25 inch thigh or shoulder muscle complex that looks like she is wearing football pads. :angry:

    I don’t disagree w/ your assessment. I’ve encountered that type of individual(s) as well.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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