Get of Fenris judged on Muscle? How Rude! (Moved from other thread)

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    I had a muscle bound get female character before to. She was a blasat to play. I do have one quick question though. what book is Legendary Attribute in. Inever saw that merit and still play in a WW campain.

    Oh and yes Cindy id a lot les ripped that most all pictures that I've seen of female get. She does however make a great Where Wolf IMO.


    Do like Jay-Z says. Go on an' brush yer shoulder off, soldier.

    Well said.

    Evan Stanley

    Wow, thanks for all the feedback. Some answers:

    Pixxxie: I have it up, in short form over at our roleplaying forum. I can copy/paste it here. Its a short version… since I wasn't sitting at my computer all day typing it and dislike making people wait. I will probably extend it later.

    00tree: Its actually from the Mage book. Basically it lets you pick an attribute. That attribute is now allowed a 6th dot. It doesn't give you the dot, you still have to fill it, but it allows a slot. It also bestows a secondary trait to the character based on the ST. November currently has Strength 5, with the capacity for 6. Once she has her First Change and she comes into her destiny, there will be a second FMG transformation when she gets her 6th dot. Her secondary benefit right now is that all her Strength related rolls, including the feat of strength roll for Willpower is reduced in difficulty by three. Right now she can lift 500 lbs without effort, and 1,000 or so if she sweats it.

    I chose Cindy because I was actively looking for a FBB with an awesome off season look that had some weight and mass, and that pic looked perfect. I know she's gotten bigger since then, but I don't have a membership to a pay site with a pic I like just yet.

    I actually do brush off most comments, I just think its a wretchedly unfair and biased double standard.

    As for the boobs comment, don't think there isn't a shot at a storyline involving a jar of herbal breast enlargement cream and the Rite of Spirit Awakening for said herbs within. The veterans of the game know what I am talking about.

    As for the NEW World of Darkness, its pretty lame. They totally destroyed everything the old system did. Almost nothing is the same. Nothing is compatible. The only thing that stayed the same are 10 sided dice. Its a biased statement, but its true.


    Well, most people tend to imagine any girl in a RPG as their ideal image of what "beautiful" looks like. In fact, most people tend to act negatively in front of any character in general, female in particular, that is not… uh… "hot", so to speak. In theory, any character with strenght 5 (in WoD) has achieved the maximum strenght possible for a human being (and with 6, with that special advantage that you found in the Mage book that human would have SUPERhuman strenght)… still, most people would think that the character SHOULD look thin and slender if the character is female.

    You've put a female bodybuilder (that most people that aren't into FM find unatractive) as your avatar, but if you had make her, say, a fat woman, a bald one, a…. well, ANY female that does not "fit" in the commonly-accepted-by-society concept of "hotness", or at least "cuteness", the reaction would have been the same O_o

    I certainly don't want to sound as a wise-ass but… is it really the first time you've seen this? I've DMed the legend of the five rings for years (and some mage) and I have introduced some muscular characters in the game. As well as other types "not so common" characters, but those are irrelevant in this forum ^_^ In any case, the reactions were kind of the same as the ones you described. But I explained everyone that if he or she is able to lift 500 pounds, there HAVE to be some muscles to make it possible. Now when I describe a really muscular character, their reaction is "OMG, I wouldn't want to fight him (or her)". I don't know if it's because they are my friends and they bear with me or if they really understood the concept, but they don't complain anymore. (Oh, and since I post some humble draws online I've received some negative comments like that about my draws… so for me it's something that can be expected)

    I don't know how to deal with total strangers online that think like that, other than "using the rules". But the fact that the character can be STRONG and BEAUTIFUL (say, in the legend of the five rings they can have the "Benten's bless" advantage… or in WoD they can have a high appearance, for instance), is kind of difficult to understand for some people, so….

    … in my opinion, if it's worth anything, you should ignore them and enjoy the game as much as you can with the character you chose to play *shrugs*


    Well, most people tend to imagine any girl in a RPG as their ideal image of what "beautiful" looks like. In fact, most people tend to act negatively in front of any character in general, female in particular, that is not… uh… "hot", so to speak. In theory, any character with strenght 5 (in WoD) has achieved the maximum strenght possible for a human being (and with 6, with that special advantage that you found in the Mage book that human would have SUPERhuman strenght)… still, most people would think that the character SHOULD look thin and slender if the character is female.

    You've put a female bodybuilder (that most people that aren't into FM find unatractive) as your avatar, but if you had make her, say, a fat woman, a bald one, a…. well, ANY female that does not "fit" in the commonly-accepted-by-society concept of "hotness", or at least "cuteness", the reaction would have been the same O_o

    I certainly don't want to sound as a wise-ass but… is it really the first time you've seen this? I've DMed the legend of the five rings for years (and some mage) and I have introduced some muscular characters in the game. As well as other types "not so common" characters, but those are irrelevant in this forum ^_^ In any case, the reactions were kind of the same as the ones you described. But I explained everyone that if he or she is able to lift 500 pounds, there HAVE to be some muscles to make it possible. Now when I describe a really muscular character, their reaction is "OMG, I wouldn't want to fight him (or her)". I don't know if it's because they are my friends and they bear with me or if they really understood the concept, but they don't complain anymore. (Oh, and since I post some humble draws online I've received some negative comments like that about my draws… so for me it's something that can be expected)

    I don't know how to deal with total strangers online that think like that, other than "using the rules". But the fact that the character can be STRONG and BEAUTIFUL (say, in the legend of the five rings they can have the "Benten's bless" advantage… or in WoD they can have a high appearance, for instance), is kind of difficult to understand for some people, so….

    … in my opinion, if it's worth anything, you should ignore them and enjoy the game as much as you can with the character you chose to play *shrugs*

    You are so right. I actually play in an L5R RPG and for the longest time played a Hida female tainted crab berserker who had two taint powers, unholy beauty, and unholy might. She also happened to be bold do to her taint. The drawback of unholy might is an inhumanly high degree of muscle development in your phsyque. I heard a lot of lezbo jokes while playing the character but new what to expect when I made her. another example is the minotaur race in D&D. if you play one expect and have fun with the cow and hamburger jokes 🙂 . I actually would moo in character as my minotaur.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Wow, thanks for all the feedback. Some answers:

    Pixxxie: I have it up, in short form over at our roleplaying forum. I can copy/paste it here. Its a short version… since I wasn't sitting at my computer all day typing it and dislike making people wait. I will probably extend it later.

    As for the NEW World of Darkness, its pretty lame. They totally destroyed everything the old system did. Almost nothing is the same. Nothing is compatible. The only thing that stayed the same are 10 sided dice. Its a biased statement, but its true.


    And I love new WoD. I can actually run a campaign and completely derail all the damn powerhungry munchkins/twinks/powergamers.

    Evan Stanley

    November To Remember:

    Disclaimer: The following is RP snippets for November Rain, the Blood Daughter of Fenris. The character Alex is played by Los, and the game is set in Rage Across New Orleans over in the Incomplete Sin board at InfinityBound. This scene takes place after the totem Fenris confronted the girl, and split his stomach open. She was bathed and drenched in his blood, and in fear she fled after this Baptism. I like to credit Los for his participation with his Son of Ether Mage. Alright, nuff said!

    Here is the link, so it goes on the right board:,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,6933.0/

    Feedback is appreciated.


    That sort of physique is certainly attainable for a real world lass given genetics and intense focus. The players reacting with shouts of "Icky" are fine and dandy but imagine when their characters do so within the context of the game. That's when the fun begins if the ST is balancing fun and consequences.

    Sadly I haven't played any of the White Wolf old school World Of Darkness Games tabletop though.

    Played a little of the html chat forums and a whisper of the java chats but was intimidated by all the drama.

    I do like the WW Arthaus games of Trinity, Adventure and Abberent though.

    That being said the artwork and metaplot of the OWOD books were freaking awesome. Looked at them more like statted out novels than actual games to play.

    Joshua Gabriel Timbrook did some fine pics in Streetfighter as well. The ladies he drew weren't shy on the muscle either when the piece required it.

    Robert McNay

    For years, I played a male/female pair of rangers in AD&D. The woman had an 18/53 strength, and a charisma of 16. I had more than one player have a hard time getting their head around that.

    A fellow player helped me out by doing "portraits" of my characters from general descriptions I had done. For my female ranger, she used Shelley Beattie's body as a basis, punching up the leg muscles and bustline. For the face, she used the French actress Ann Parillaud, from the original movie "La Femme Nikita", changing its shape some to match the body. She came out looking very, very sexy and very deserved of a 16 charisma.


    This RP sounds interesting…is it easy to get into?

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