Got to think a better tittle.(NSFW)

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  • #10652

    I think most of the peolple around here might be familiar with the stuff I'm a bout to post.
    If somebody doesn't know this piece of art, then my fellow friends, you are way behind in what involves FMG art or fiction.
    Hope you guys like it.
    Again, it's wreck's art, so compliments to him for drawing such a nice sequence.

    EDIT: Forgot to mention that I won't post the rest unless i get some feedback. πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€  πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ πŸ‘Ώ

    Amazon Lover

    You won't post the rest until you get feedback?  Well, here's my feedback: it's a good start, but I can't actually give you a better opinion unless I see the rest!  But it is Wreck's work… how could one doubt his abilities?  It's sure to be good.

    Trent Harlow

    Wasn't this in one of Lh-Art's All-Growths??



    I like it so far…but it's not Wreck's art until we see the proportions man!

    Matthew Lim

    Good so far Fasola, you got a couple of more pages to go until I'm satisfied. πŸ˜›

    Wasn't this in one of Lh-Art's All-Growths??

    It was actually All Amazon #7 which technically was the first All Growth being that it was the first LH-Art issue to feature nothing but growth related stories. The issue also features a comic drawn by the forums own DCM.Β  πŸ™‚


    Great colouring – I think it really adds a lot to the drawings (although I've said that before, I do feel it's very true).  I'm sure Wreck would be proud of the job you've done.  Thanks for colouring and sharing with us!

    Like your avatar (although I think she'd be very dangerous to anyone standing within four feet of her!)


    well guys, you are of to a good start. but sadly at this precise moment I came acrooss a little problem. my floppy drive just crashed. os you got to wait 24 more hours.


    Guess I can't be mean to you guys. Well at least the ones who replied.

    As all ways, feedback is welcomed.

    But before, thanksd everybody for your coments.

    Like your avatar (although I think she'd be very dangerous to anyone standing within four feet of her!)

    Yeah, you don't know how many times she has pocked my in my eyes with those things. it is really dnagerous.

    Great colouring – I think it really adds a lot to the drawings (although I've said that before, I do feel it's very true).

    thanks random, that comes very nice for a guy who suffers a huge insecurity complex.

    I'm sure Wreck would be proud of the job you've done.Β 

    I'm hoping that my self too. I seem unable to gget in contact with him. Hope he is lurking, and is glad with what I've done.

    Now onto the pics.


    Some back story on that sequence. After first getting in touch and meeting Wreck I asked him to do a growth sequence with a cheerleader. Oriental of course. He came up with the set and I was so happy I sent it along as a sort of portfolio review to LH-Art. He liked it so much he added the text and Wreck started doing some regular work with LH-Art.
    Those of you who have had the pleasure of seeing wreck's recent work will notice how his work has evolved since that early piece.


    IMHO, Fasola, the coloring job makes the this art even better than the original!  Well done!  You won't be forgotten, Wreck!

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