Great new story on Diana’s site: "Willpower"

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  • #6615

    Go to Diana The Valkyrie’s site and check out the new story, "Willpower". The girl gets superstrong and superbig. I really liked it. Don’t want to repost without permission, so go to:


    Matthew Lim

    That’s a really great find. Just try to avoid double posting.


    Thank you for bringing our attention to this. I’ll handle the duplicate for you.

    Michael Pouliot

    I could’ve sworn I saw this story first posted a few years back. Beyond the sillyness of a 60′ bicep on a person who has experienced no significant height change, I find all stories where the central characters are under the age of consent to be distasteful. This particular story is as disturbing as it gets, considering the central character is six years old. "[H]is little 6 year old sister" and "[h]er nipples swelled bigger" should never appear in the same story together.

    It surprises me that I see very little negative commentary in the GTS environment about the usage of underage characters. Of course, there’s no reason why I should expect the GTS community to uphold my own standards, particularly when I suspect that a majority of the general population would find this genre disturbing (or at least rather odd). To each his own…


    I agree with Herbert. I started to read this because of some the content of GBM’s past stories. A disturbing trend of his though, has been to make the growth more and more ridiculous, and the girls younger and younger. Honestly, when he announces "six year old sister" shouldn’t we all just hit the back button? I did.


    Yeah. Always nauseates me a little. Very glad I’m not alone.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    I agree with Herbert. I started to read this because of some the content of GBM’s past stories. A disturbing trend of his though, has been to make the growth more and more ridiculous, and the girls younger and younger. Honestly, when he announces "six year old sister" shouldn’t we all just hit the back button? I did.

    This was my exact reaction – when I saw 3’6" tall, I skimmed ahead and confirmed my suspiscions at which point I stopped reading. Occasionally I might overlook a girl being underage but 6? Come on.

    Really, these days you honestly don’t want to be writing with children of that age.


    The title "Willpower" sounds like a Lingster story of a few years back. It was about a teen male who develops the power to "will" growth in females. I don’t know as of now if the story is on Diana’s or not. It is a good story and I liked it. Maybe Lingster can post it here?


    [quote="mvdr"]I agree with Herbert. I started to read this because of some the content of GBM’s past stories. A disturbing trend of his though, has been to make the growth more and more ridiculous, and the girls younger and younger. Honestly, when he announces "six year old sister" shouldn’t we all just hit the back button? I did.

    This was my exact reaction – when I saw 3’6" tall, I skimmed ahead and confirmed my suspiscions at which point I stopped reading. Occasionally I might overlook a girl being underage but 6? Come on.

    Really, these days you honestly don’t want to be writing with children of that age.[/quote]

    I agree, stories like that are disgusting.

    Hunter S Creek

    A link to Lingster’s "Will’s Power" story:

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