Growth Story Contest Idea

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  • #97937

    Hey all,

    I’ve been thinking of hosting a story contest based around spinach induced FMG and would like to reach out to the community to gather some ideas…

    First off obviously there has to be motivation for entering. I was thinking of doing a “cash” prize for 1st place and perhaps more (up to a total of 3) winners depending on the amount of submissions we get. What would be a motivational 1st prize award? $50? $75? Payments would be sent through paypal. Ask any of the artists/story writers I’ve comissioned in the past (see Neverkick3 & 4 yahoo group) they certainly can vouch payment would be made to the winner and quickly after they were announced the winner.

    Other rules to be ironed out:

    Time factor: How long should it run for to get a story out?
    Length: What do you think a reasonable length to the story should be minimum
    Vote factor: Should it be an open vote or soley up to me who wins or both?

    Obviously this must be a new story no priorly written piece can count and it must be an original piece not an edited version of a prior FMG to fit the spinach growth theme).

    Please post any helpful info to help get this thing off the ground.. and more importantly if you are interested. The more signed up to do this the better chance the contest has to happen.

    Thanks again everyone.


    I’d love this, and if it was a simple growth story contest, I’d enter.

    But the spinach thing is kind of limiting, isn’t it?


    Well the contest is certainly interesting, but I’m afraid that I have no interest in making it spinach related. Seems like it’s been done to death lately.


    Time factor: How long should it run for to get a story out? Since it is christmas season, give it a month. Some talented writers won’t check the board.

    Length: What do you think a reasonable length to the story should be minimum – 2000 word minimum.

    Vote factor: Should it be an open vote or soley up to me who wins or both? Half and half -vote counts for 50 and you count for 50.

    I am an awful writer so I won’t be interesting. But the others don’t seem to want the spinach aspect, though I do. So maybe a slight compromise in that a growth story has to have spinach in it, but not have to be a catalyst. For instance story set at a farm, grocery store, etc, so the reader has to guess what is going to happen.


    I’d write a story based on Spinach growth, since money is involved and I just LOVE money! And FMG too, of course.

    Paul Schilling

    I’d have to agree that the spinach growth factor has some what been over done, but so has everything else when it comes to FMG. I’ve seen stories based on Popeye cartoons such as “never Kick a Lady,” but never one done with an all female cast based on the 1935 “Adventures of Popeye” ( this has live action and animation together, for which the Fleischer’s were known for, putting CGI to shame). I think that might be interesting… What do you think my fine FMG feline types out there.

    Paul Schilling

    I’d have to agree that the spinach growth factor has some what been over done, but so has everything else when it comes to FMG. I’ve seen stories based on Popeye cartoons such as “never Kick a Lady,” but never one done with an all female cast based on the 1935 “Adventures of Popeye” ( this has live action and animation together, for which the Fleischer’s were known for, putting CGI to shame). I think that might be interesting… What do you think my fine FMG feline types out there.

    Paul Schilling

    I’d have to agree that the spinach growth factor has some what been over done, but so has everything else when it comes to FMG. I’ve seen stories based on Popeye cartoons such as “never Kick a Lady,” but never one done with an all female cast based on the 1935 “Adventures of Popeye” ( this has live action and animation together, for which the Fleischer’s were known for, putting CGI to shame). I think that might be interesting… What do you think my fine FMG feline types out there.


    Like I said, the idea of a FMG Story Contest is awesome.

    But the authors should be given full freedom.


    I’m actually a little surprised at the responses so far.

    Spinach theme overdone? The whole point of me hosting something like this was because I thought there wasn’t enough stories in the genre. If you look at something like a she-hulk fmg story there is hardly a comparison.

    As far as authors having freedom to write about whatever that isn’t what the contest was made for. If the general consensis is that the majority of the authors on here aren’t interested then the contest won’t happen.

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