Growth video

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  • #58094

    Hello, all.  I recently purchased a video titled Growth #2: Taylor Grows Very Drunk, and it is one of the better live action growth videos I have seen in some time.  It has everything from buttons popping, underwear ripping, and even straps snapping on her shoes (something I know Deadly Pixxxie would truly appreciate).  I am not a big fan of the model involved, but the way the video is shot and the way the growth takes place makes it something to appreciate.  Here is the link for anyone who is interested:


    It'd be better if you could demonstrate a preview of the clip so people know what they're buying.  That website doesn't really do much to whet the appetite, unless of course there is a preview button that I simply missed.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Hello, all.  I recently purchased a video titled Growth #2: Taylor Grows Very Drunk, and it is one of the better live action growth videos I have seen in some time.  It has everything from buttons popping, underwear ripping, and even straps snapping on her shoes (something I know Deadly Pixxxie would truly appreciate).  I am not a big fan of the model involved, but the way the video is shot and the way the growth takes place makes it something to appreciate.  Here is the link for anyone who is interested:




    Oh hey.  I forgot to advertise here. ^^

    If you've been to my forum ( or Giantess City, you'll see the huge praise we've been getting about the clip.  I really recommend every growth fan pick it up.  The clip's the #1 selling clip on Clips4sale and that combined with curious people buying Growth #1 has actually placed the store on the Top 50 studios over the entire Clips4Sale website.  Hot damn.

    But the fact that there is hot shoe popping (I fondly remember Deadly Pixxxie's descriptions of her love for that), good clothes ripping, great camera work and video quality…

    Seriously, pick it up.  Consider the $4.99 you pay right now to be a preview of the type of clips we want to make for the future.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    I'm gonna give it a sample tomorrow.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Someone dropped #FTF10 yesterday and mentioned they'd bought it and described it as "2 minutes of bad acting followed by 1.5 minutes of mediocre SFX."

    But then, I'd never want to discourage people from supporting these kind of projects.


    He seems to be in the minority then because that's the first truly negative thing I've heard said about it.  You sure he was a growth fetish fan, and was talking about Growth #2?  With a statement like that it makes me think they have a hidden agenda or something, or just doesn't like this style of growth.

    Honestly it surprises me how negative people can be.  Even people who are praising the clip will throw in something negative (like the original poster = ).

    Prophet Tenebrae

    It's possible – he was also disparaging of the first one. Who can say though – but then again, it wouldn't be the first time that someone has been disappointed.


    Someone dropped #FTF10 yesterday and mentioned they'd bought it and described it as "2 minutes of bad acting followed by 1.5 minutes of mediocre SFX."

    But then, I'd never want to discourage people from supporting these kind of projects.

    Apparently he was being facetious  😉 😉 ;)… or was it Freddy96?  😉 😉 😉

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Why, hello there.

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