GTS Collage – POV Rebekka Armstrong

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  • #20674

    And now for something completely different . . . at least for me, a Point of View collage.   😎

    You can almost hear her saying:

    "Hello there, remember me?  Well, I'm all grown up now . . ."

    (Perspective pictures – i.e. the camera aimed upwards or downwards do seem to be the rare exception with FBB / Fitness pics and when you run across a group of them it does make you wonder if the particular photographer has a secret GTS or SW interest.)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    ze fly

    😮 😮 😮
    That's what I call "perspective"  😆
    Awesome work…

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