Guardians / Denjin Makai II – Big Muscle Female Boss.

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  • #46115

    Today Red shown me a screen shot of a arcade game call Guardians / Denjin Makai II and on one of the stages you get to fight a Huge Hulking Muscle girl that can stretch her arm to pound the crap out of you. Heres a closes-up screenshot of the game.


    …. ghn…. ! Agh… must… resist…… desire to….. find arcade game…!!


    Ahh, who am I kidding. 

    Daymn that is HYUGE buffed mama. And that game looks like alot of fun, with alot of crazy off-the-wall characters Konami is known for. Thank you both for sharing!


    Don't suppose I should mention that I've played that thing in my apartment villa's video game room?

    To be honest, though, "she" looks masculine enough to make me wonder on the gender.  Particularly, her pic by her life bar makes her look like a guy.  I'm more impressed by the player's battle blonde dressed in red. 


    Excellent post!!
    Thanx for sharing it with US!!

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