Guitar Hero Complex part 3

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  • #87009

    Some of you probably thought I fell of the face of the earth when it comes to story writing, well I guess I did… But now I'm back so just enjoy a story that went far too long without a continuation.

    Just a heads up I have something new I want to start, I will try as hard as possible to finish this first and hopefully impatience doesn't overcome me.


    People who are new to writing sometimes disappear after their first few stories…I'm glad you're not one of them!This is an amazing sequel to an already good story(however short it is).Some people enjoy fast stories more than others,I enjoy all types, so maybe we'll see a larger scale project in the future?
    Again,good job!Thanks for continuing the story.


    People who are new to writing sometimes disappear after their first few stories…I'm glad you're not one of them!This is an amazing sequel to an already good story(however short it is).Some people enjoy fast stories more than others,I enjoy all types, so maybe we'll see a larger scale project in the future?
    Again,good job!Thanks for continuing the story.

    I think it's just that it takes a while to write a good story. Then whenthey post it and get very few comments they feel cheated. I myself don't really care if I get any feed back anymore but it does feel good when you do.

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