Half of a new Tetsuko page up

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  • #51487

    Same reason people slow down and gawk at an auto accident – instead of thinking, their brains go into neutral, unable to take their eyes away from the sight.

    There's that… and also, I wouldn't be in a major hurry to rush anyone when they've got a semiautomatic self-load slug thrower and I don't.  I don't care HOW much bigger I am.

    Anyway… awesome art as always… hope the rest of the story comes promptly.

    Oh, and as for saving up for the big 1000… maybe the Great One could deem one of us peons as a message boy (or girl) for his spare missives to the masses?  PM us, and we relay the comment?

    ADDENDUM:  Oh, and I noticed that DCM has finally added vents over the grip like most semiautomatic self-load slug throwers should have.  I was about to speak up, or ask if the previously ventless ones were hi-zoot futurama ones that the Slade organization had access to.

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