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March 23, 2006 at 4:49 am #24749
ParticipantSorry for the long wait everyone. This isn't the full chapter I intended, but I've taken way too long to post anything so here's what I've finished. Thanks for everyone's support so far!
As with the other chapters, this story contains depictions of EXTREME muscularity. Proceed at your own risk.
Chapter 4 – ShowoffBy: Mr. Shhh
creationengine@rogers.comJenna walked through the busy hallways of her high school. She was used to catching glances and hearing cruel whispers, but this morning was different. Today she was being stared at. Gawked at. Jaws were dropping.
As the beautiful young bodybuilder approached her locker, she spotted her crush, Ed Scott.
“Morning, Ed” she chirped offhandedly as she passed by.
The tall, handsome teen glanced at Jenna and suddenly dropped his books. His face went ghost white and he almost had a stroke right then and there.
The shy, understated girl that for years had desperately tried to hide her obsessively developed body was nowhere to be seen today. Instead, what stood in front of him was a pulsing, flexing mass of ultra-cut musculature poured into what could only be described as a Catholic schoolgirl uniform as designed by a porn star.
Ed glared openly for long seconds, his mind trying to wrap itself around the incomprehensible image only a few feet away from him. Gone were the baggy sweaters and long skirts of old. A thin, white blouse was the only thing covering Jenna’s colossal upper body. Biceps as thick as cantaloupes were fighting to tear though her short sleeves while inches of her rippling pecs were bulging through the buttons running down her torso.
The tiny shirt ended about halfway down her stomach, revealing her hyper-developed abs. By the time they reached her skirt, each muscle in her six-pack was bulging two inches beyond the waistline.
Jenna’s cute, pleated skirt was a skirt in name only. In reality, it was a pathetic strip of cloth barley long enough to cover her panties. It left her thighs completely exposed, and for the first time, those massive hunks of veiny meat could flex as big and as wide they wanted to. A set of black thigh high socks was pulled up as far as her calves. It would’ve been impossible to go any higher given the gargantuan size of her legs.
Jenna pretended to ignore Ed as she busied herself at her locker. Laying her school bag on the ground, she bent over and revealed her incredible ass. The tiny skirt hiked up even higher, allowed an unobstructed view of absolutely everything.
Ed gasped out loud at the sight of the cute teen’s heart stopping glutes. They were so intensely muscular, so repulsively hardcore that they barley resembled a girl’s ass at all. Each cheek had been reduced to a tight ball of rippling beef. With every motion, striations as thick as fingers cut the muscles into smaller, highly feathered sub groups. Dozens of veins appeared from her bulging mound and snaked across her bronzed flesh. Even her microscopic g-string, easily visible running between her shredded butt cheeks, left nothing to the imagination.
Slowly, Jenna noticed Ed approaching. Turning to greet him, he was immediately taken aback he was by her nut-bustingly sexy face.
“Hey. It’s Jenna, right? Listen, I couldn’t help but notice your muscles.”
“Really? These itty-bitty things? I don’t know, I think I could get bigger.”
Jenna casually flexed her left bicep. A monstrous muscle the size of volleyball strained the limits of her sleeve. Moving her wrist around, tendon-deep striations flared under her virtually non-existent skin.
Ed nearly choked at the sight of her ridiculously over-developed arm.
“…Well I’ve been having some problems with my arm workout lately. Maybe you could give me a hand?”
Jenna tried to keep a straight face, but underneath her cool exterior she was going crazy.
“Sure. But you better have a lot of weight. I lift heavy.”
“No problem. Come by my place after school. 44 Ashcroft Drive.”
“See you then.” Jenna chirped, closing her locker. As she walked away, she gave her ass a hard flex. She could feel Ed’s eyes on her as she transformed every inch of her butt into a rigid, rocky mass.
Four o’clock couldn’t have taken longer to arrive. By the time the school bell finally rang, Jenna was so excited she could hardly stand it. Her panties had become a sticky, soupy mess of bubbling girl juice. Her heart was pounding like a drum in her chest. Even her muscles seemed to be undergoing a strange, sexually charged pump.
Stopping in the washroom, Jenna checked herself in the mirror and was alarmed at the state of her body. Her muscles were hugely swollen. She was so wet that her thighs were soaked all the way to her knees. Wiping herself off, she worried that she’d tear through her clothes before she even got to Ed’s place.
As Jenna approached Ed’s front door, she could feel her hands shaking. Ringing the doorbell, he greeted her a moment later. Before he could say anything, the lusty teen bodybuilder lurched forward and mashed her lips against his.
Overwhelmed by her pent-up sexuality, Jenna crushed her huge, bee-stung lips against him so hard it hurt. As her tongue probed his mouth, saliva oozed from the corners of their lips and ran down their faces.
The kiss lasted for over a minute. When Jenna finally released her lip lock, a half-dozen gooey strands hung between their mouths.
“I’m – I’m sorry…. “ Jenna began, her face blushing
Ed immediately stopped her.
“Come upstairs.”
Ed opened the door to his bedroom. Jenna entered behind him to find a surprising configuration. On one side of the room was your standard teenager fare – bed, TV, computer. On the other side was an extremely impressive gym setup. Ed had clearly prepared for this event as his equipment included several additional weight stacks.
“I wanna watch you pump hardcore iron.” Ed commanded, shutting the door behind him. “I wanna see just how huge you can get. I wanna see your limits.”
Jenna felt her knees weaken. A fresh gob of juice filled her saturated panties.
“I don’t have limits…” Jenna answered, rubbing her thighs.
Wandering over to a set of dumbbells, the over-heated teen ran her fingers along the various weights leaving a wet trail. She passed 40s, 60s and 80s before settling on a pair of 100-pound dumbbells.
As Jenna lifted those intimidating slabs of iron, Ed watched her entire body flex and ripple. Stitches tore open all over her shirt.
“How bad do you want me to burn?” Jenna asked.
“Thirty reps, fast and hard.” He answered.
The bulging muscle-teen smiled and immediately began cranking out preacher curls. Ed watched as the monstrous weights rose and fell with perfect, machine-like precision.
Finishing thirty solid reps with relative ease, Jenna didn’t stop. Instead, she held one of the weights aloft at the halfway point. Gazing down at her shockingly pumped biceps, she watched unspeakable vascularity bulge through her skin. Her shoulders had already split her sleeves in a number of places, giving Ed a peek-a-boo show of her individually sliced delts.
Slowly Jenna finished the motion. Threads began to split along her triceps as they flexed to the max.
To Ed’s surprise, another rep followed. Jenna moaned as her massive biceps began to tear the struggling material of her shirt. The veins running across Jenna’s forearms were becoming so engorged they looked ready to explode. Even her triceps were flaring with inhuman muscle mass.
Jenna continued pumping out additional reps until the threads in her sleeves began to split and fray. Finally, her ultra-huge biceps erupted through the material. The beautiful teen let out a sharp, sexual gasp.
Ed could only stare, shocked at the sight of such masculine pythons attached to an innocent girl. She was like some perversion of nature.
“I’m going to need more weight.” Jenna whispered, catching her breath.
Ed looked at the weight rack. The 100s were the biggest dumbbells he had. Hell, he’d never even used them before.
“I-I don’t have anything bigger…” he muttered.
Jenna walked back to the weights and set the dumbbells down. Gazing at the rack, she began dismantling other dumbbells and adding their plates to her 100s. Ed watched in disbelief as Jenna squeezed a half-dozen new plates onto each side. By the time she was finished, there was a solid mass of plates a foot wide on each side. In fact, she’d stacked so many, there was barely enough room for her tiny hands.
Gripping those behemoths, Jenna grunted loudly and she hoisted them up. It looked to Ed like simply holding those monstrous dumbbells was a huge strain for the mega-teen. He couldn’t fathom a guess how much each one weighed.
“Push me harder.” Jenna muttered, her muscle lust boiling out of control. “I’ll do anything you want.“
“Forty reps!” Ed yelled, his heart pounding.
Jenna closed her eyes and began. Within seconds, she was firing perfect, precise reps at an incredible rate.
It took a few moments to reach 20. Sweat was now flowing down the peaks and valleys of her world-class body. Her thin, tattered shirt had taken on a translucent quality, making her hard nipples clearly visible.
Gritting her teeth, the massive bodybuilder glanced at her arms again. They had swelled to an astonishing new level, easily inches bigger than they had been just a moment ago. The shredded material of her sleeves was tearing higher, revealing more and more of her ridiculously developed shoulders.
“You’re… you’re huge!” Ed exclaimed.
“Unhhhh….” Jenna moaned, nearly creaming herself. “D-do you want to f-feel me….?”
Ed approached her, his face pale and his mouth dry. Touching his fingers to her dripping flesh, he found her hot to the touch. As he caressed her arms, he couldn’t believe how small his hands appeared. Both hands together were barely the size of her tricep.
“Ahhhhh!” Jenna gasped, pumping out rep 30. “H-hold them tight….!”
Ed did as she asked and Jenna slowed her curl. He could tell she was in agony, but she still managed a weak smile. With each steady pump, he could feel her arms expanding further and further right beneath him. There seemed to be no end to it. How much mass could this girl possibly contain?
More stitches popped along her chest. The buttons holding her shirt together strained to the max as her pecs swelled with bloated, super-veiny muscle.
“It’s impossible!” Ed blurted as Jenna reached rep 36. “No one’s that big!”
Looking up at Jenna’s face, he saw the cute teen fidgeting in pain. Her smile was gone. She had closed her eyes and was funneling every ounce of strength she had into her massive arms.
The 37th rep came slow. Jenna screamed and her inhuman biceps flared bigger still. By 38, tears began running down Jenna’s face. They mixed with the river of sweat dripping off her chin.
“Uhhhhgggg!!! Grrrrrrnnnn!!!” Jenna growled, her face a mask of concentration.
Rep 39 took almost a full minute. The strain on her was so intense now; it was all Jenna could do to stay on her feet. Her entire body was shaking violently. Her thighs were demented, pulsating masses. Each one must have been three and a half feet wide.
“Ahhhhggg!!!” Jenna howled, her eyes bugging out of her skull as she pumped out the final rep. Veins were flaring out of her neck and forehead like bratwurst sausages.
To Ed’s surprise, Jenna didn’t drop the weights upon completion. Instead, she looked directly into Ed’s eyes. Fighting to contain her sobbing, she muttered to him.
“T-this… is f-for…y-y-you….”
Letting out an anguish-filled cry, Jenna lifted both enormous weights up over her shoulders and hit a massive double bicep pose. What remained of her tattered sleeves exploded as arms bigger than anything imaginable flared with inhuman power.
As Ed stared at the shaking, sobbing girl before him, his mind could hardly fathom what he was seeing. She wasn’t a girl anymore. To think that at some point she had been a sweet, innocent teenager now seemed impossible. She was bigger than humongous. Beyond shredded. She was a perverted mass of inhuman anatomy. Her pulsing, rippling body was so hideously over-developed that he could barely tell what was what.
As Jenna continued to flex her body to the max, stitches split all over her back and chest. Deeply tanned muscle exploded outward in every direction. Her abs must have been 5 inches deep now. With one hard flex, they bulged out another inch and tore the waist of her tiny skirt and sent it fluttering to the ground.
Jenna’s legs were rippling like an ocean. Slabs of muscle a foot thick were packed one on top on another on top of another. The sheer volume of meat on each thigh must have been greater a normal teenager’s entire bodyweight.
After a full minute of holding those weights aloft, Jenna finally let both dumbbells crash to the floor. The exhausted teen collapsed onto her hands and knees and gasped for air. Sweat was no longer simply dripping off her, it was pouring in unbroken streams onto the soaked carpet.
Jenna lay unmoving for long seconds, sprawled out on all fours like an animal. Guttural sobbing drifted from somewhere below her dripping hair. Fighting to catch her breath, she raised her head. She looked at Ed while wiping the tears from her face.
“W-what n-n-next? She asked.
“I t-told you, I’ll do whatever you want.”
Ed’s heart nearly stopped.
“Are you crazy? Have you looked at yourself? You’re a beast!”
A grin formed on Jenna’s shaking lips.
“I c-can get b-bigger…”
Ed paused a moment. Was she serious? How could she possibly get any bigger, she was inhuman looking!
“Okay. You want more?”
Ed looked over at his weights with a sadistic gleam in his eye.
“Bench press. 600 pounds. 20 reps.”
Slowly, Jenna struggled to her feet. He could see she was still in agony. As she stumbled over to the weights, her quivering thighs struggled to hold her.
Ed watched her pile weights on a long barbell. Simply lifting a 50-pound plate made Jenna wince in pain.
Lying down on the bench, the beautiful teen stretched her body. The tattered remains of her shirt groaned as her horrifically exaggerated chest bulged through her clothes. Her sheer girth nearly filled the entire space between the bench and the legs holding the barbell aloft. Her pecs were so thick, they were mashed against the barbell. In fact, from his vantage point, Ed couldn’t even see her head.
As Jenna widened her legs, Ed got a view of her tiny panties. He gasped at the bulging masses of sinewy beef that made up her inhuman crotch. Even her feminine sex was a twisted, over-developed orgy of muscles. They were pumped so big that they looked ready to tear through her thong. How developed could one person get?
Lifting the large barbell off the rack, Jenna hyperventilated before punching out ten solid, robotic reps. With each motion she grunted loudly, fighting the burning pain overwhelming her body.
The next five reps came slower as Jenna’s tortured muscles exploded with aggressive detail. Ed watched her pump even bigger with each rep. The final five reps were an incredible struggle for the whimpering girl, but she bit her lip and powered them out.
The massive weight returned to it’s home and Jenna sat up. Panting like an animal, she looked down and flexed her massive chest. The buttons on her shirt finally ripped open and her sweaty, naked pecs poured out.
Ed gasped. Her chest was sickening. She had no breasts to speak of. Every inch of flesh was a swollen, writhing nightmare. Each breath produced cuts several inches deep that transformed her pecs into a rocky, angular mess. There was nothing feminine about her. She wasn’t a woman anymore. She wasn’t even a man. She was a hideous freak show.
“Unnnghhhh. H-hurts so g-good….!” Jenna moaned, tensing her chest even harder. More stitches tore as her girth literally doubled. There was no way she could possibly see her own feet now.
Ed’s heart was pounding in his chest as he watched her rubbing those dripping masses.
“Double it! 1200 pounds. 40 reps!” He yelled, his excitement getting the better of him
Jenna bit her lip. What she was being asked was ludicrous. No one could press that kind of weight for reps, but that was what excited her. As the monstrous teen got to her feet, Ed noticed a large wet mark where she had been sitting. This was actually turning her on!
Jenna ignored her screaming muscles and began piling on 200-pound plates. As she ran out, she started picking up 100s. When those ran out, she piled on 50s, then 25s, then 10s.
“T-that’s more than 1200 pounds!” Ed blurted.
“It's all the weights you've got.”
By the time Jenna was finished, there were 30 plates on either side of the barbell. The thick bar itself was under so much strain, its ends were touching the floor.
Jenna lay down on the bench and discovered a new problem: her pecs had become so huge that she couldn’t get under the bar anymore.
“Ed, you have to lift the bar so I can get under it.” She said.
Ed came around to the other side of the bench and took the barbell in his hands. 1200 pounds was more than he had ever lifted in his life. He doubted her could even press it with his legs. Taking that massive bar in his hands, he flexed with everything he had. To Jenna’s amusement, it didn’t budge. It might as well have been concrete.
Sitting up, Jenna lowered the legs of the bench. As she got back on, she was only a few inches higher than the floor. Settling in under the bar, she was surprised to find that she still barely fit.
With an intense grunt, the massive teen lifted the enormous weight off the rack. Instantly, her arms and chest flared to a ridiculous size. The strain on Jenna’s face was obvious as the 60 or so iron plates shook loudly.
Closing her eyes, Jenna let her mind drift. She imagined her body pumped bigger than ever before – bigger than any bodybuilder in any magazine. She saw a sick, demented mass of veins and meat dripping with sweat. She would make her dream a reality.
As Jenna slowly began cranking out the reps, Ed noticed her lats bulging against the edges of the weight rack. It was impossible, he thought. The rack must have been five feet wide!
Rep after rep, Jenna continued to lift that weight. The bar was sagging so heavily under it’s load that it looked like a “U”. How could she possibly lift it?
At rep 10, Jenna’s chest was over 2 feet thick. It was as high as her extended forearms. At rep 15, her shoulders were as big as medicine balls.
“It’s s-still n-not enough…” She moaned, her body shaking as she held the weight at the peak of her motion. “P-push down on the b-bar.”
Ed looked at her in disbelief. To his surprise, his hands were still on the bar. He’d never let go.
“P-push with all your weight.”
Slowly, Ed tightened his grip. Leaning down on the bar, he suddenly pressed down with all his might.
“Grruuunnnnggg!!!” Jenna cried, her chest flexing so hard it began pressing against her chin. Veins exploded all over her body. Tears instantly began pouring down her twisted face.
“H-harder..!” She whispered, barley able to form the words.
Ed responded with sadistic vigor. He leaned further onto the bar and pushed with everything her had.
Jenna suddenly shrieked, spit flying. More stitches ripped along her shoulders and back, tearing apart the final tattered remains of her shredded blouse. The super-built teen was now naked, save her tiny pink underwear. Even those were beginning to rip under the strain of her inhuman crotch.“H-h-h-harder…” Jenna pleaded.
Ed let out a ferocious yell and pushed with every ounce of strength her had. Jenna began flinging her head from side to side. Every muscle in her body was a white-hot ember of pain.
Slowly, the weight began to sink. For a moment, Ed thought he’d finally beaten her, but he soon realized the unbelievable – it was simply rep 21. The plates vibrated loudly as the mutant muscle monster lying before him pressed another rep. At the bottom of her motion the huge barbell paused for an instant. A guttural yell sent it flinging back upward.
During the next minute, Jenna pumped out 10 more reps. Her body was positively distorted with effort.
Ed had gotten so caught up in moment he had barely noticed Jenna’s hideous growth. She was a muscle-bound abomination – muscular to a level that no one had a right to be. Everything about her was pushed so far past the point of reason that she didn’t resemble anything at all.
“Gnnnnppp! Hunnnnnngggg!” Jenna muttered as she hit 32. She was a shivering, sobbing beast – monstrous and inhumanly ripped. Even her beautiful face was a nightmare of purple veins.
On the bottom of the 35th rep, the barbell stalled again. Jenna appeared to be fighting with everything she had just to keep it there. Ed could feel her strain and took the opportunity to finally break her. Lifting his legs, he pressed them against the huge universal gym behind him and pushed off against the machine with his thighs.
Jenna screamed as the force of the weight literally doubled.
“Let’s see you finish now!” Ed yelled, relieved that she had limits.
But the barbell didn’t fall. Every tendon in her body was flexed to the max just to keep from being crushed. She should’ve collapsed under the intense strain. She should’ve been on the floor balling her eyes out. Instead, Ed swore he felt the impossible. Glancing down, his worst fear was confirmed. The ridiculous weight had started to rise again.
“What are you doing? Don’t be stupid!” Ed yelled.
Jenna couldn’t hear him. She had retreated deeper inside herself, away from the fiery pain consuming her body. She was in the center of her most guarded fantasies. For any girl her age this would have been sex, or boys or money. For Jenna, there was only muscle. She imagined her body bigger – more ripped, more massive. There were no limits. She would be the biggest of them all.
With a ragged scream, Jenna howled into the air. To Ed’s complete disbelief, she suddenly started pumping both Ed and the humongous barbell like they weren’t even there. He couldn’t believe it. He wouldn’t believe it. She was not only lifting everything he could throw at her, she was doing it over and over with a speed that defied description.
Jenna flew past rep 40. 45. 50. She wouldn’t stop.
Ed ceased pressing the bar and dropped to the floor. He struggled to catch his breath.
Finally, at rep 56 Jenna began to slow. With one last guttural moan, she racked the weight.
Ed got to his knees and looked up. Jenna was hunched over on the bench, whimpering. From his vantage point, all her could see was her endless back. No head. No arms. Just back. Her lats were definitely wider than the weight rack now.
Slowly, Jenna looked over her mammoth shoulder. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she whispered in a soft voice.
“W-what n-next….?”
March 23, 2006 at 6:31 am #24750iceman75
ParticipantMy God! After reading hundreds and hundreds of stories over the last ten years, I thought I saw everything, but this story was beyond intense, the muscle description was incredible, the strength feats were unreal! Mr. Shhh, you continue to amaze me with your awesome writing. God, I hope the wait isn't this long for part 5, but then again, if it comes out to be this awesome, then I'll be willing to wait.
March 23, 2006 at 7:59 am #24751AbyssPlanet
ParticipantAWESOME does not do this justice. Totally worth the wait. I'd love to see more! 😀
March 23, 2006 at 10:27 am #24752airnel
Participantphewww….. you are genius!!
March 23, 2006 at 4:19 pm #24753kuner
Participantthat was disgusting.
…and I LOVE IT 😆
March 23, 2006 at 8:11 pm #24754femmusclelovr11
ParticipantAbsolutely…Friggin…AMAZING Mr. Shhh[/size]
March 24, 2006 at 12:18 am #24755kuner
Participant“Hey. It’s Jenna, right? Listen, I couldn’t help but notice your muscles.”
this does however get my vote for weakest pickup line ever 😆
March 24, 2006 at 2:50 am #24756gimme size
ParticipantWhew. I don't know whether to beg for more, or beg for mercy.
I think I'm gonna go with more. Yes, definitely more.
March 24, 2006 at 3:39 am #24757sacul
ParticipantI think i'll side with gimme size there
March 24, 2006 at 4:14 am #24758iceman75
ParticipantDefinitely, the bigger the better, I know you don't want to go too extreme and too strong too fast, but man, this chapter really got intense fast, and you have to go even more intense in the next one to get this kind of reaction. Seriously, this is one of the best stories I remember ever having read in terms of strength and muscle description being just right.
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