HARDBODY Chapter Four: Showoff (nsfw)

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  • #24789

    Hmm. Looks like I'll have to work on getting on that list… 😉


    Of course you should make the list, Fett.  Your drawings are fantastic (we won't mention a certain contribution that's long overdue :roll:).

    Also, I'd like to mention French artist Zebodoy.  I don't know if anyone's a member of his site, but he takes requests.  I asked him to do a pic of Jenna, so maybe we'll see one in the future :evil:. 

    I'd also put Wreckshop down on this list.  He doesn't seem to post anymore but his older stuff was amazing.  Maybe the most polished of all the female muscle artists. 


    Hey all, just a heads up.  There's an interesting thread on the website


    by artist Femxman.  He's just recently read Hardbody and has some thoughts on it.  He's also posted some really awesome art of a character with a very Jenna-ish look to her.  Check it out!


      Well I am glad that some of the masters of the genre have uh… discovered each other and am sorry if I gave the impression that Femxman is gong the way of Scoundrel, Coyote, Wrecshop. etc…
      In fact, he seems to be more active now than ever.  😉
      At least until the bike is ready, then we might not hear from him for days. 😀
      An aside, Mister Fett…we.. missed you.  Send help.


    For anyone who isn't a member of Forum Sadaras, here's the awesome picture Femxman posted that's a dead ringer for Jenna.  What does everybody think?  Too big?  Not big enough?

    gimme size

    Truly awesome.

    But could still be plenty bigger, in my opinion…


    I agree with gimme size, there's no such thing as too big. But she is truly an awesomely muscled lady.


    Hey all, here's some more awesome artwork by Femxman.  The first one is a sketch of Jenna Steele he did recently.  He's said he's just "getting a feel for the character".

    If you want to see this stuff straight from the horse's mouth, check out
    http://www.forumsaradas.net.tc/ and visit the artwork page.  Femxman's really doing some great stuff. 

    Also, for anyone who hasn't been following RhinehartD's story "Dawn", we've decided to do a little crossover project.  That's right, Dawn and Jenna will soon be meeting to compare their itty-bitty muscles.  I'll be providing the story and RhinehartD will be doing an illustration or two.  The only question is, who's got the biggest muscles, Jenna or Dawn….?


    Logic says Jenna has to. 🙂

    How do I know? Dawn competed in the Miss Olympia and won. Jenna reads bodybuilding magazines and puts pictures up on her wall in her basement. Therefore, Jenna would have heard of Dawn. Jenna is also described as being "far bigger than anyone she'd seen in her magazines".

    gimme size

    Re: FemXman's art — Oh my gaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwd. Such staggering mass.

    And yet, I still pictured Jenna bigger….

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