Harley quinn flexing in a comic books

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  • #117107
    Nick Furry

    Is it stated in that comics series. HOW Harley got so big and strong. Or do they not tell us that fact. ?

    Or is this previous comment just a guess or wishful thinking.

    Does anyone know in what comic issues/series this (stuff below) happen in?

    Harley didn’t start out with any actual powers. However, after a life-threatening injury, she was given a “potion” by her friend Poison Ivy. This enhanced her strength, speed, and agility, gave her an immunity to toxins, and a small healing factor (though this seems to vary — later in her solo series she was shown to be able to heal from gunshot wounds in a matter of seconds as soon as the bullet was removed). She is also an impressive fighter, often using acrobatics that she had trained in as a young woman. She uses many odd and unique weapons and gadgets, such as her traditional mallet, or a large pistol with a large cork in it. Both of these she uses to surprising efficiency and they end up being more useful than they would seem on the outside. Poison Ivy gave Harley a strange brew that increases her strength and speed. She doesn’t have powers far beyond those of mortal man but she really has more physical strength than any Olympic athlete. She is able to put any man to the floor in only two punches or one kick. Her legs seem really powerful, she manages to jump very high without effort — this, coupled with her prodigious gymnastic skills, makes her an incredibly acrobatic and “bouncy” threat in combat, adding to her momentum with pendulous weapons such as her hammer.

    Harley Quinn steals Banes venom and combine with Ivy sermon . turns Her In to “PAIN”! :woohoo: đź‘ż


    Pain was a fan story I wrote for one of my “woman only” websites, its started with debut of bane in 1990’s batman cartoon after the battle, Mr.”J”and Harley show up and Quinn finds the mask and show it to Joker in a sick joke squirts the venom from the regulator,on to Harley face & mouth and triggers a, metamorphosis,turning Harley into a 7 foot 1,000 pounds of fem muscle amazon!


    I been playing too much Saints Row, all i can think of is The Boss getting increasingly fed up with the antics of a gang led by Harley.


    do you have a link to the story?


    If DC comics had actually drawn Harley with this level of muscle
    Would’ve kept buying this book.

    Nick Furry

    That photo was a morph above. Here the original one from the comics:


    Hey Uzi, we know it’s a morph. Page 1 is where we talked about it.

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