Heavy Duty & Ballistik in “Gun Runner”

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  • #91696
    ze fly

    To celebrate (with a little delay) my 3300th post, I guess that I had to find something heavy… So, here is for you Heavy duty! (Yeah, I know: bad pun, but that’s all what I found )

    Heavy Duty is a member of an exxtra-terrestial team, The Enhanced . Glora Teth is an oceanographer with a passion for undersea life. She had the strength and endurance she developed through deep sea diving, enhanced to fearsome levels when she volunteered to fight the enemy of her people, the Cynodd. With her huge strength and massive weapon battery, she is the team’s heavy hitter.


    Ballistik, as for her, is a member of the Zoo, a team of assassins working for the Cynodd. She is a little less muscular and less pretty than Glora, but still worth watching, so consider her as a bonus…

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    Source: Marvel Comics UK, Gun Runner vol.1, No.3, December 1993.
    Story by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, art by Anthony Williams.

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    Source: Marvel Comics UK, Gun Runnervol.1, No.4, January 1994.
    Story by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, art by Anthony Williams.

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    Source: Marvel Comics UK, Gun Runner vol.1, No.5, February 1994.
    Story by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, art by Anthony Williams.

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    Source: Marvel Comics UK, Gun Runner vol.1, No.6, March 1994.
    Story by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning, art by Anthony Williams.

    ze fly

    Damn, I thought that you would have liked this one… :unsure:


    Fly, I was away for a while but I wanted to chime in and say GREAT SCANS! Those were some awesome muscles!


    Great post! Thanks for sharing. 🙂


    Wow, Heavy Duty looks awesome. I see I’m going to have to come back to this thread when I’ve got more time. Thanks for taking the time to scan all of these for us.

    ze fly

    🙂 Thanks, guys! 😉 You’re reassuring me.
    I was worried that if nobody liked her, I’d have a lot of trouble finding something to post that would please you… :unsure:

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