- This topic has 9 replies, 7 voices, and was last updated 17 years, 8 months ago by
Cindy Tortio.
June 2, 2007 at 1:27 am #53080
Cindy Tortio
ParticipantI was wondering if I could employ the local Masters of Muscle to assist me? I usually get great advice after I post so I thought "Hey ,why not get some help before I finish?!?" I am attempting a shehulk picture ,with the green lady bending an I beam over her shoulders and I want to get this one right. It is a gift for my friend.Here is the rough and I drew her too large for my scanner…lol. She has feet on page 2. I am going to add a small boy onlooker and his scared dog to this pic. but I wanted to know if I am on track with her anatomy or if any tweeking is needed,or total redo..Also…..what costume does this woman wear? I have seen 6 different ones on 6 different pics? All payments will be in good karma and love…( the heart kind not the sweaty kind!) :-*
Ps-Image posted properly complements of Mika!
June 2, 2007 at 2:21 am #53081TC2
ParticipantYou know, I was expecting to find some huge flaws in the anatomy, but studying the picture carefully you seem to have placed all the muscles in their proper positions quite marvelously. But since you asked for what would need tweaks or costumes I'll nitpick only because you asked.
– The metal beam on the shoulder is not quite bending the way it should be bending. The way the metal is crushed implies that you grabbed it from two ends and smushed it together, instead of you grabbed the two ends and bent it across your upper back. In order for it to bend across the upper back it would have to bend into one of those McDonald's arches.
– If it's supposed to be She-Hulk the hair style needs to be much more wilder and thick. She-Hulk is hard to pull off because without the green skin, she's just a muscular woman. So one of her very few trademarks is her current outfit and very wild like hair.
– Lastly for She-Hulks outfit she usually wears one of those one piece bikini's but they have two colors, white in the middle and purple on the sides. She also wears gloves to accompany it, that's what her current rendition is like. But in all honesty having her in a bikini or torn clothes works fine as well, as She-Hulk has never really had a decent costume ever.
Hope that helps, great job so far overall!
June 2, 2007 at 4:01 am #53082Chuck
ParticipantI'm not one for an anatomy critique, but I must say that you've drawn one smoking hot She-Hulk (and quite tall for that matter). Looking forward to the finished product and I hope your friend enjoys it.
Talented friends are awesome!
June 2, 2007 at 7:27 am #53083Reason
ParticipantFirst off, don't you dare start over! This picture is awesome!
I don't mind the way the beam is bending. I just looks like she just did a pose and the beam just had to conform to it, ie no effort involved at all.
In terms of anatomy and proportion I have a few minor quibbles, though:
– The anatomy of her right quad seems a bit inaccurate. The split in the Rectus Femoris should be in the same direction as the leg. Also, I would merge the outline of the Vastus Lateralis with the outline of the thigh instead of having them overlap. Maybe sneak a peak at a reference photo of a bodybuilder if you don't understand what I'm talking about.
– I would also put the detail of where the Sartorius and Tensor Fasciae Latae connect to the pelvis. With her legs spread apart like that, I think they would be prominent.
– It also seems like her torso is a bit long compared to the rest of her body. Also, her upper arms appear to be a bit too short, but that could be a foreshortening effect.
– Also, her torso seems to be at a 3/4 angle but her pelvis straight on, without any indication of a twist. Perhaps, you could tuck her left hip in a bit so her pelvis looks like its turning away more.Anyway, look forward to the finished product. I'm sure your friend will love it!
PS Sorry for all of the anatomy terms, but looking at your drawings I'm sure you know your way around an anatomy book.
June 2, 2007 at 11:32 am #53084Yatz57
ParticipantFirst of – great piece! You seem to be making steady progress, keep it up (and buff).
Several problems that I haven't seen mentioned above:
– The Lattisimus dorsi on her right side is all but invisible, like it would be if she were half-turned. As it is, she is facing front and her body seems to be out of balance. This would be hard to fix without moving the whole arm complex, but I think it needs to be done…
– The pectoral on the left goes all the way down to the bottom of the breast. Bring it up to the middle (on the same level as the one on the right).
– The breasts: I know she's wearing a costume, but do you know of any fabric in creation that can hold those babies so tight together when those mighty pecs are spread wide? They need to go in opposite directions to some degree.As for the costume itself: forget it. Like The collector said, She-Hulk never had a decent one. She's a bikini girl, to the thong born! What with the size and crazy muscles (not to mention the green tinge) I don't think there's a chance of anyone mistaking her for Sarah Michelle Gellar…
June 2, 2007 at 1:40 pm #53085eccentricman
ParticipantI agree with most of the comments of the others (the beam thing is neither here nor there), but would like to agree with Yatz about the breast thing. Since these are female characters and she-hulk is perhaps the most iconic of the lot, I'd suggest tweaking the breasts a bit.
Just look at the smaller breasted bodybuilders, how their breasts naturally position themselves, and just 'reinflate' them to the size you want. Whatever you do, don't look at my stuff, as it's either distorted through the morph or drawn as implants, and so won't give you accurate material.
For good rules of thumb, and maybe some further drawing advice, I'd recommend looking at the work of Julie Bell or get Burne Hogarth's 'Dynamic Figure Drawing'. Lots of good reference material for the future.
June 2, 2007 at 11:31 pm #53086Cindy Tortio
ParticipantI'm learning my way around an anatomy book now! Lol.I will be away this weekend but I had to check in. I really appreciate all your wonderful input and sharing your obvious talent with me. At first I thought her torso was fine,then I cut and pasted her shorter and wow…dead right. Ab area is too long. You can see it instantly when its fixed. Breasts definately need "relaxing" and I cut and copied her in a straight on pose but the drawing became very "massive" for lack of a better word.I am going to try an adjustment to her hips and knee to try to correct her balance. I wanted to give her an aura of super power thats my excuse why the beam is crumpled like tinfoil. I read she can lift 75 tons. Her bicep rise has even twisted it. I agree that it isn't very realistic though. Maybe I can hide it with more hair. 😛 Well more to say but no time, thank you again and I have sent good Karma checks out! Now what the heck is a "Rectus Femoris"!!?!?!?!
June 3, 2007 at 4:05 am #53087Amazon Lover
ParticipantI have no idea what the names of all those muscles are, either, so my advice might already have been stated without my knowing it. The only flaw that I can see is the fact that you can't see one of her "armpit muscles"; you can see said muscle on her right side (The viewer's left) but not the other side. Otherwise, quite awesome! 😀
June 3, 2007 at 5:17 pm #53088eccentricman
ParticipantJune 28, 2007 at 4:25 am #53089Cindy Tortio
ParticipantSorry for the long delay…wow where does time go? Here is the She-Hulk again with too many mods to list but I tried to get them all. The torso length was an eye opener..haha. Still rough since I am sure I will need a rev 3, I plan on adding a small dog barking in the foreground with a little boy staring on in amazement. Any and all input is greatly appreciated! Thank you all that have already helped me so much!
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