Hong Kong

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    After a few false starts, I've finally put together my first major creation since I created the Polymer City Chronicles so many years ago: Juni Lin Hong.

    A Chinese American, Juni is the first documented case of MHD (Musculoskelatal Hypertrophic Disorder), in which the gene sequence that regulates muscle development and growth is defective, resulting in her body not having a natural limit to her muscular development. At only 5'4" she was always bit more muscular than others her age, but it wasn't until high school when she began regular fitness training that it was discovered that her muscles responded to weight training far quicker and much more dramatically than any normal human. Her track coach suggested a full physical, and her doctor ended up sending her to a local university where her condition was diagnosed.

    After more than a year of testing and research it was discovered that her genetic flaw could in fact be beneficial, and when asked to participate in a careful regimen of monitored weight training and stress tests to explore the limits of the human body, she responded positively, saying "If this is a gift, then I shouldn't half-open it." Now at age 22, her diminutive stature is offset by her nearly-400-pound weight, densely packed with freakishly developed musculature as she continues her life as a living experiment in human potential. Known more by her nickname 'Hong Kong' (Kong being the obvious gorilla reference), she's the subject of much debate in the scientific and medical communities as researchers classify her as everything from 'genetic freak' to 'the next stage in human evolution.' But for good or ill, she loves the attention…and more to the point, she's still growing.


    Right, not mentioning the arms and stuff, that's a pretty good pic, well done on coming up with something new for the polymer, otto. I hope to see some more bad assery in the near far from this character 🙂


    Methinks Ritzy just returned from an evening down at the pub.


    Right, not mentioning the arms and stuff, that's a pretty good pic, well done on coming up with something new for the polymer, otto. I hope to see some more bad assery in the near far from this character 🙂

    She's actually not connected to PCC in any way; she's totally outside that sphere as I try to diversify a little. :p


    I would give anything to be that big!!!  😮
    No more pinching my butt on the elevator!!!


    This is a good looking drawing. What really amazes me is the amount of thought you put into these characters biographies before you draw them. It’s as if nothing is left to chance.


    Thanks! A character concept usually begins with a story or idea, which then helps me determine a lot of the characters' look. You can usually tell which characters of mine have been fleshed out or thought through, as they generally have a bit more visual personality…the vast majority of my work turns out pretty average when I'm drawing just to draw. When I sit and work with further developed concepts, things turn out a bit better overall, in my view.

    This character is a culmination of all the 'one-off' characters I've drawn and posted here over the last year or two. I finally created something that I consider good enough to move into her own realm of development alongside some of my more lasting creations. Toughest part of the whole thing was making her look Asian without making her look like a racial stereotype, or screwing up the facial nuances like the eyes and mouth.


    Looks to me like she's been using straps too much by the way her forearms have lagged a bit. NOt much of a squatter either.  😀

    Awesome pic!


    Yeah, she's pretty awkwardly constructed in virtually every way…and yeah, she hates leg exercises pretty much all around and has to be coerced into doing them. :p


    Yup.  That's a piece of art, all right.

    Seriously, you lassoed my attention with "Hong Kong," and I like the technical/graphic/qualitative stuff in the drawing.  Looks Asian to me.

    Just… the upper arms.  The biceps? Triceps? Quadriceps?  Whichever -ceps they are… they look like they're drooping down, like flab.  Like in the Bugs Bunny cartoon wheree Bugs flexes his muscle, and it wilts right in the middle.

    Sorta like what I got, only harder.  X-P

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