Hooked: Muscle Women: Female bodybuilders – MSNBC 8/10/08

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  • #74407

    Can we rehabilitate the word "schmoe", then?

    From what Alex was saying, I think that's pretty much what has happened, and you can light-heartedly refer to someone as a schmoe and they wouldn't be offended. But my problem is that the word schmoe still has its original meaning of jerk or loser, so there's always going to be that negative connotation if we continue to use it.


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    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Jon Saul

    I like the cut of your jib, AlexG.  😉
    Assign different positive levels to it, and the word becomes a mark of pride.
    I'm reminded how certain minorities/lifestyles have taken insulting terms and made them their own.


    To revive an old topic, anyone know who that asian natural bodybuilder was?

    Bane Dorrance
    Bane Dorrance
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