how did get into giantesses?

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    it must have been just after I left grade 8 all the guys were taller then the girl and when we got to grade 9 all the girls were huge! πŸ™„

    Deadly Pixxxie

    I had a growth spurt during puberty….and it kind of developed from there.  😐

    It's a really convoluted story.

    magnus knight

    The reasons for my being into giantess growth are really quite inconsequential.  I started off as a baby who seemed more interested in feet then the others and grew into a boy with an active imagination.  I watched Saturday morning cartoons and really liked the old JLA toons with Garganta and the Amy Zonn one.  From there it went to Alice in Wonderland movies, and my first erotic daydreams were always different from the other guys.  They dreamt about the girls in class while I dreamt about them growing and tearing through their clothes.  My first crush was an older taller girl but all that is meaningless really.  Sure maybe I'm a freak and so are the rest of us but until they come to take me away I'll keep on daydreaming the impossible dreams and hoping to one day find that special lady with whom I can settle down and talk growth and role play with.  πŸ˜›

    Am I insane or merely the only sane one in a world of the insane.  They say madness is the genius trying to escape from the mind.  I don't know.  Maybe this all has to due with being beaten while in a burlap sack while living in Austria with my narcoleptic Father who claimed to have invented the question mark and my Mother who was a deaf blind organ grinder.  Oh how the little monkey would dance and play through those hot carefree summers.    πŸ˜•

    Ok, most of this is BS, but if it got a laugh or smile out of you it was worth it.  Some of it is true.  You be the judge, I'm just here to entertain.  πŸ™„

    _Magnus Knight

    Deadly Pixxxie

    I know what's fairly true in that, and it sort of applies to me, too….except I had fantasies about me getting angry at the little girls who teased me and MY clothes bursting and ripping….

    magnus knight

    Pixxxie, you are truly one in a million.  If I could I'd buy you a tropical island some place out there and give you an endless supply of clothes and shoes to burst out of in privacy on your own white sandy beach.  For years when I was younger I felt ashamed almost for feeling the way I did.  In fact it wasn't until college I even discovered this community, and even then felt this was just some odd male fantasy that would, frankly, disturb women.  You proved that idea wrong and continue to amaze me.

    You grow girl.

    Friend in growth,

    Deadly Pixxxie



    Well, think of it like this….the RL Amazons love you guys to death.

    damn frenchy

    I'd have to thank Disney for creating Alice in Wonderland. even as a child I was drawn to that movie, specifically Alice's multiple growth scenes through out the movie. I really didn't understand my infatuation with her growth until I got older, and now the rest is history.  πŸ˜€


    My story is similar to that of Hunter S. Creek's.  About the time when I was entering puberty, my female childhood friend surpassed me in height by two or three inches.  Today I am about 5' 11" and she is roughly 5' 8", but the idea of being towered over by a beautiful woman stuck with me somehow.


    I'd have to thank Disney for creating Alice in Wonderland. even as a child I was drawn to that movie, specifically Alice's multiple growth scenes through out the movie. I really didn't understand my infatuation with her growth until I got older, and now the rest is history.  πŸ˜€

    Hmm, that might also be where I got it from, too.  However, I think that what really got me was some morphed pics by Maxcat of Jasmine, and the rest, as they say, is history.


    I don't really know for me, maybe it's when I see Alice in wonderland. But I think it was I saw she hulk in Benny Hill, the fact to see the clothes ripped excited me a lot. I always fantaisied a lot about women who grow bustier and taller and burst out their clothes. I thought I was crazy to have this kind of fantaisy  :x, it was before I discovered internet. πŸ˜€
    I think it because I am a tall guy I wished to meet a girl who would be as tal as me or taller than me  πŸ˜€
    Or it is the addition of all that  πŸ˜€ and it becomes stronger when I discovered internet.

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