Hulked Out Heroes (HoH) spoilers

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  • #90840

    Bah, Hulk 608 and 22 came out today, a few babes got buff, who were in the military other then that nothing… Sue storm turned into an invisible um entity, you couldnt see storms figure other then a thin shoulder, and Ms marvel looked like she was a tiny tiny big bigger since her clothes ripped.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    They need a better artist doing the Red She-Hulk back-up story. He’s not bad but where’s the muscle on her?

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Honestly, you’re just never going to get the kind of muscle you want on female comic characters… and you can rely upon the fact a title like HOH is going to be 90% male heroes and the girls… hardly getting anything.

    Don’t expect anything because something like the TF sequence in Ultimate Hulk vs Wolverine was Marvel’s FMG quota for the decade.

    Delmo Walters Jr.

    Ian Churchill and Paul Pelletier do a very good job on her so, I disagree.


    Well at least McGuiness was nice enough to give Gamma Binary an 8 pack. XD


    still you never know, they might finally give a female character some decent muscle for once

    Don Jack

    Muscle Growth Nut wrote:

    Delmo wrote:

    It astounds me that Ramos still gets work.

    These are the people who continue to give work to Jeph Loeb and Mark Millar. You’re surprised they still hire crappy artists, too?

    Of course, the fact that they all sell kinda mean that what’s “crappy” is highly subjective.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Don Jack wrote:

    Of course, the fact that they all sell kinda mean that what’s “crappy” is highly subjective.

    If you ever meet someone who thinks that Ultimatum and Civil War weren’t crappy, please ensure that they never breed.

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