I AM NOT CLUMSY – A Sylph FanFic

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  • #56910

    Hello all,
    I'm sorry for the long delay in my promised Sylph Fanfic.  I had to rip
    up my first attempt when it was revealed that Sylph is 5'6" tall, or
    about 20 inches shorter than I was depicting her.  So, I started again
    with a 5'6" and incredibly giga-muscular Sylph.  I hope this story is
    consistent with Sylph's character as envisaged by Stmercy.

    I_AM_NOT_CLUMSY – A Sylph FanFic by Ad_Meyer

    Wilbur stood dumbfounded in front of his wrecked ice machine, which looked
    as if someone thrust a battering ram into it.  The machine now had a 10
    inch hole where the outlet for ice used to be, and the massive block of
    ice that blocked it and put it temporarily out of service was gone.  He
    could tell that the hole was not made by saw or any other kind of cutting
    device because there were no signs of cutting at the edge of the huge hole.
    It appears that a bunch of idiots rammed a huge ram up the outlet with an
    incredible force, not only wrecking this machine, but also smashing the
    big block of ice inside and ruining other vending machines in the room.   
    They then had the nerve to paste a 20 dollar note on the machine, which
    costs more than 1,000 dollars on the open market.

    As no tyre or caterpillar marks could be seen, all this damage was
    done somehow by human power alone, maybe half a dozen people sticking
    a battering ram up the outlet, though he had no idea how so many
    people could fit in the space where they would struggle to all fit
    in, let alone wield any kind of a ram.

    'Who could have made such a mess of my ice maker?' he wondered aloud in

    "Er… I'm sorry, that was me." answered a female voice unexpectedly.

    Startled, he turned around to face the most unexpected sight in his life so
    far.  The voice came from a young woman, about 5'6" tall, but she was
    actually wider across her shoulders than she was tall, with muscles bulging
    all over her body. 

    Wilbur stared in numb shock as his eyes travelled up her impossible
    physique, from calves that looked like two rugby balls attached to each
    side of her shins, up the thighs that could have water melons inside each,
    up the shorts that are strained by all the muscles it has to contain and
    through the rows of abdominal muscles that were bigger than male body-
    builders' pecs, and truly incredible mounds of her pectoral muscles that
    was over a foot in radius, with their tops barely covered by an over-
    stretched sports bra that was obviously handmade, up the shoulder muscles
    that bulged higher than her ears, to an apologetic and angelic face that
    was totally at odds with the rest of her monstrous physique.

    His eyes then wandered sideways to take in the incredible sights offered
    by the huge wing-like lats that flared another foot beyond the bulging
    pectorals, bringing her total width to above 6 feet.  Beyond that was
    another set of gigantic muscular bulge, this time of her biceps and
    triceps, tapering to lower arms that were so thick that its upper end
    near her elbows was easily thicker than his 29-inch waist.

    Then the realization hits him: The 10-inch hole in the machine was made by
    her punching the ice block through the outlet with those gargantuan arms,
    and it was her muscles that pushed open the hole with its superhuman

    "Er… are you okay?" her voice brings Wilbur back from his hypnosis to
    the present.

    'Ah yes… I'm all right I think… but my ice maker isn't.' was Wilbur's
    stammered reply.

    "As I said, I'm sorry about the ice maker, and I promise I'll pay for the
    repairs when I make enough money for it." the girl continued.

    'It's going to cost much more than the 20 dollars you put there, miss…"

    "Please call me Sylph" said the girl.  "… and can we discuss this in
    private, maybe in my room?" she asked.

    'Sure Sylph, and my name's Wilbur' so he follows her to her room, a 6'1"
    thin man following a 5'6" moving mountain of a muscle girl.

    Once inside her room, Wilbur notices further signs of mayhem caused by
    Sylph's incredible strength or cluminess, or both.  The floor of her room
    already had a few dents caused by something heavy falling on it, and he
    sees several weights in the corner of the room that must be at least
    200lbs if not more.

    Once inside, they sit down to talk about the damage. Wilbur tells her
    that it would cost just under $1,000 to get another second-hand ice-
    maker.  Sylph then explained her plan to find a job quickly and pay off
    the damages by the end of the first semester.  Then she asks him if he
    has any suggestions for a job, and Wilbur replies;
    'Well, having seen how easily you smash metals, I'd recommend a job
    at a scrapyard.  That way, there would be no additional damage even if
    you get clumsy…'

    Hearing the word 'clumsy', Sylph's sits upright and stares at him.
    "Did you just called me clumsy?" she asks in a subdued tone.

    'No, I'm just worried about you getting occasionally clum…'

    "I_AM_NOT_CLUMSY" her tone changes again, and she stands up from her
    cushion, hands at her waist, obviously trying to control strong emotion. 

    As she stands, Sylph's muscles began to visibly flare from her exertions
    in trying to control her anger.  Wilbur remains motionless, petrified
    from fear of what she could do to him in anger, and as her incredible
    body begins to impossibly hulk out even further into totally demonic
    proportions, just stares at her, unable even to speak.

    Her legs expands rapidly, easily bursting out of the legs of her shorts
    in no time.  The arm muscles expands so much that her hands were forced
    off her waist by the expanding mass of her muscles.  So she bends her
    arms upwards in a most incredible double biceps pose.  At that moment,
    her sports bra gives way with a bang, and her massive expanding pecs
    burst out, obscuring her face from his view.  In fact, his view now
    consists almost entirely of vein-covered mass of Sylph's muscles 5 feet
    away, with the tips of her muscular breasts now hovering less than 4
    feet away, roughly 5 feet apart and a foot above his eye level.  He is
    now effectively staring into a cleavage between her pecs that is over 2
    feet deep.  Still, her muscles continues to pulse and grow….

    At this point, Wilbur comes to his senses, and mustering all the sense
    and courage left in him, shouts
    'Sylph, I'm sorry! You are NOT clumsy!'

    Sylph stops.  Her muscles begins to return to its previous size (Which
    is still monstrous, but no longer threatening), and when her face
    becomes visible once again, she looks apologetic once again.

    "I'm sorry… I get so carried away whenever I hear… that word thrown
    at me.  Although I've broken many things, I have NEVER hurt anyone, and
    I don't intend to ever hurt anyone deliberately, ever." Sylphs tells
    Wilbur with firm conviction.

    Wilbur, still obviously shaken, nevertheless tries his best to be a
    gentleman, and replies
    'N..no, th..that was my fault.  Nobody likes to be called… what I
    called you, and I said it not once, but twice.  If anything is
    coordinationally challenged, it's my mouth'

    "Oh, you are a gentlman.  Most people who sees me get angry just faints
    or wet themselves or both, but here you are trying to confort me."
    Sylph replies in a slightly impressed tone.

    'Well, I don't know… I was lucky that I emptied myself just before
    seeing the demise of my ice machine, so I had nothing to wet myself
    with.'  Wilbur's reply earns a chuckle from Sylph.

    'Anyway, I think you should try the student union for any job vacancies,
    and see where that takes you.  If you have problem earning enough
    money, let me know so that I could postpone buying the replacement.'
    he concludes and tries to stand up, failing miserably when his legs
    gave way and tumbles forward.

    "Watch out!" Sylph reaches out with her right hand, trying to catch him,
    and picks him right off the floor and into her arms.

    "'Oops, sorry'" Both says simultaneously, as Sylph ends up cradling
    Wilbur in her massive arms.

    'Sorry, my legs must have turned into jelly without telling me.' said
    Wilbur in obvious embarassment.

    "As I said, you are the first man outside my family not to faint or wet
    himself seeing me angry, so wobbly legs are nothing to be embarrassed
    about.  Besides, this is the first time I cradled a conscious man, so
    maybe I should be thanking you." replies Sylph in an attempted humour,
    and this earns a chuckle from Wilbur.

    'Well, I think I can get back on my feet now.  I shouldn't be tiring
    you by making you carry me' asks Wilbur.
    "I can carry you with one arm all day without tiring, but let's see if
    you can stand without falling over this time" replies Sylph as she
    gently lowers him onto his feet, ready to support him if he wobbles

    Wilbur manages to stand up this time, and thanks Sylph for the lift.
    'Thanks.  Just make sure you pick your job carefully, because I can see
    you earn thousands if you choose a right job.  Surely there must be a
    a job somewhere that requires your incredible strength, and prepared
    to pay top dollars for them.' 

    "Oh, you are so kind, and you are the first man who didn't faint and
    run away after seeing me angry, except for my family.  I really app-
    reciated that"  Sylph walks up to him and, gives him a little gentle
    hug with one arm before seeing him off.

    'Well, I wish you good luck in your job hunt, and do call me if you
    need my help.  Bye for now.'  is Wilbur's parting word

    "Thanks, and I promise you are first on the list for paying off the
    damages.  See you again" reponds Sylph before she closes the door

    Wilbur slowly walks his way back to his dorm room, with the visions and
    feels of the superhuman female muscles he has just witnessed played. 
    His mind is still split between the fearful sight of her angry muscles
    and fascinating sensation of her cradling arms, but the parting hug
    gives him something else, something he has never felt before in his
    life.  He wonders if this meeting is a beginning of a new chapter in
    his life, as he is sure that the amazing muscle woman he just met is
    going to make a lasting impression in his mind…

                                             The end… for now


    LOL!  This was great!  It's so rare for Sylph to get angry at all, but I love the idea that she's been called clumsy so much that it just rubs right up against a sore spot.  Muscle descriptions and details of her hand-tailored wardrobe were spot-on.  Thanks a lot, Ad_Meyer.


    Nice work, Sir! 😉


    She must have some fantastic ligament and skeletal arrangement since your clarification of her sheer SIZE makes my head spin. Given my bent, suspension of disbelief is in service to the fantasy. But you've brought stmeyer's fine characterization of Slyph into such focused physical description that I'm prompted into trying to figure out how she might exist in the breathing world instead of merely in the imagination.

    Thank you for this excellent fan fic Ad-Meyer and again much forum love to stmeyer2000 for sharing the hulking college freshman with us in the firstplace.  8)


    Great fanfic! Even with Sylph getting angry, she still somehow pulled off being non threatning. Just her getting aggravated. Made for a fun read.

    The Mole

    Nice addition to the Sylph story!

    Good luck in the job hunting, Sylph!

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