I Can BUILD Again!!!

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  • #7839

    For the time, you should forget about adding mass and muscle for now, dear Child, for it shall not truly serve you where you shall be going hence.

    Instead focus on strengthening you bones and tendons -the foundations of True Strength and Power. Also focus on strengthening your joints, especially you knees, because they shall soon be wrought with pain and pressure.

    You should read books such as the Chinese classic Muscle/Tendon Changing & Marrow/Brain Washing Qigong (best translation is by Dr. Yang, Jwing-Ming from YMAA publishing) and The Foundations of Martial & Physical Strength -Techniques of Ancient Martial Gongfu. These helped emensely after my’s knee was almost irreversable damaged and all core strength and balance had to be rebuilt.

    Also, I’s is tired of meeting Marines and Army creatures with weak joints and bones -thinking that they are all might and muscle.

    The last one thus encountered took utterence with the many marking upon my’s counternance and when opposition was made to his point, he phyisically retaliated (as is the way of his kind). His arm shattered when it was blocked by a simple Flowering Lotus (inner forearm block) and he was felled without counter.

    Many of his kind are akin to such Fate -the shattering of bone due to lack of fortifying measures.

    I’s do not wish you to damage yourself, dear Child, before your dreams can come full circle. A mere slip of a knee or twist of a shoulder is enough to do and that would be the saddest of Fates to incur.

    Strengthen all your Foundations and bide your Time to make all further Dreams to Flesh.

    Best of luck and be well.


    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Also, I’s is tired of meeting Marines and Army creatures with weak joints and bones -thinking that they are all might and muscle.

    Your advice is very true and good, Pimp. Good thing I was already concerned with it, but I do appreciate your suggested reading. I am very concerned with flexibility, as well as joint/tendon strength. I started doing Bikram yoga to help me with this. There is nothing worse than a strong man who can be taken down with very little effort because he decided to be all bulk but no structural strength.

    A girl was sent home from boot because she had stress fractures in her hips. I asked a Gunnery Sgt. how to avoid this, and he suggested hard-soled shoes, or going shoe-free. I took his advice and bought a pair of boots right away and have been wearing them ever since. It took a couple days to get over the initial pain, as well as the scraping off of my skin.

    I used to take Kung-Fu (I stopped because I could no longer afford it), and because of that I believe very much in becoming as strong as possible in all capacities. I learned that repeat abuse to certain areas toughens them up, and so I’m not whining about my feet because I know they will be better.

    I thank you for your advice, because if I didn’t already know it, it would be a very good thing to remember 🙂


    Your advice is very true and good, Pimp. Good thing I was already concerned with it, but I do appreciate your suggested reading.

    You are most welcome, but may find them hard to aquire.

    It took I almost a year to translate Muscle/Tendon Changing & Marrow/Brain Washing Qigong by hand from the original Chinese (with help from my’s Maternal Grandfather) because I’s was so disatified with the quality of all other editions seen outside of the Central Kingdom.

    I am very concerned with flexibility, as well as joint/tendon strength. I started doing Bikram yoga to help me with this.

    That is a very true concern and Yoga may help but it is recommended to do a more rigorise style (such as Boddhidarma Yoga) as well as Martial Taijiquan.

    There is nothing worse than a strong man who can be taken down with very little effort because he decided to be all bulk but no structural strength.

    There is.

    A man who thinks he is strong because he bullies and beat all those wekaer than he.

    Those kind are my’s favourite plaything.:twisted:

    I used to take Kung-Fu (I stopped because I could no longer afford it), and because of that I believe very much in becoming as strong as possible in all capacities. I learned that repeat abuse to certain areas toughens them up, and so I’m not whining about my feet because I know they will be better.

    That is a false notion.

    I’s have trained in gongfu (in China for a while, under the instruction my’s Maternal Grandfather and his sworn brother) as well as Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do and many other combative forms for over 25 years of my’s life.

    Whilst certain parts do get stronger and more resistant to certain things, they get weaker to others.

    Such as your ankles get weaker the more you try to impact toughen your soles and the back of your lower legs get more brittle when you harden your shins.

    That rigous and pains of ‘toughening training’ are well known to this flesh. Thanks to Iron Fist practice, it is hard for I to close my’s left hand most days.

    But such is the price for what I’s once did.

    So, be wary of your practice and your training. Impact resistence is only good so much as you know the limits of your meagre flesh and bones compared with that of your boundless Spirit.

    Take heed these words if you wish and be well in your endevours.


    The Pimp NeonBlack


    And just some pointless advice from the mandatory military service guys: If you have the misfortune of getting new boots, use a rubber mallet to make them more tender. Prevents sores, yet does not damage the leather.

    Plus: there are few things that are as enjoyable as beating the shit out of some stupid leather boots.


    PIMP: Thanks so much again 🙂 Naturally, I’m not killing my bones and joints. Annoying pain = continue, searing pain = stop 🙂

    ROY: Will do!


    Strawberry, how many shakes are you downing per day? I understand youre having trouble hitting your protein requirement… To meet mine I usually take three protein shakes daily@24g protein mixed with milk@8g protein. Sooooo 96g right there… plus I eat at least five meals a day, each around 20g+. ‘Course my meals are protein heavy… lots of meat, dairy, veggies. Tuna is king for me. Workouts are 5 days a week, 45 mins each, heavy weight low reps. Stretching before and after. I always have a shake post workout, followed by a protein heavy (but quickly digestable) meal about 90 minutes later. I basically try not to get hungry. It sounds difficult and impractical, but its entirely possible with prior planning. When I goto school or work, I always have various protein bars and bottled water with me. Ive even taken Ensure with me to work (which is disgusting by the way). Its worth noting that Im able to cheat with all this dairy… especially the milk, since Im naturally lean and have a high metabolism (heh!). Im definitely no expert, but Ive made good gains and Im getting bigger/stronger every day. Hope this helps. Good luck.


    Carefull of the Tuna and most any fish, there are elevated levels of Mercury in most all fish, and eventually can lead to too much Mercury in your system. Now I have no idea how much fish you’d have to eat in a lifetime to get Mercury poisoning, but it’s probably a lot, just be aware.


    Thanks for the warning ratlaf, but Ive already considered this. The mercury content is only of high percentage in larger predatory fish (like shark and swordfish), as opposed to most tuna. The canned tuna I eat is specifically troll-caught albacore, which has a mercury level of around 0.17 ppm. Swordfish averages around 1ppm, which is the FDA limit for human consumption. Something of that nature you should only eat perhaps once a week. Keep in mind the FDA has the mercury limit to 1/10th the levels that have been known to cause even mild poisoning. Although I do eat tuna somewhat often (not daily however), I always eat it as part of a balanced diet and in moderation. 😉


    Strawberry, how many shakes are you downing per day? I understand youre having trouble hitting your protein requirement… To meet mine I usually take three protein shakes daily@24g protein mixed with milk@8g protein. Sooooo 96g right there… plus I eat at least five meals a day, each around 20g+. ‘Course my meals are protein heavy… lots of meat, dairy, veggies. Tuna is king for me. Workouts are 5 days a week, 45 mins each, heavy weight low reps. Stretching before and after. I always have a shake post workout, followed by a protein heavy (but quickly digestable) meal about 90 minutes later. I basically try not to get hungry. It sounds difficult and impractical, but its entirely possible with prior planning. When I goto school or work, I always have various protein bars and bottled water with me. Ive even taken Ensure with me to work (which is disgusting by the way). Its worth noting that Im able to cheat with all this dairy… especially the milk, since Im naturally lean and have a high metabolism (heh!). Im definitely no expert, but Ive made good gains and Im getting bigger/stronger every day. Hope this helps. Good luck.

    That is very helpful, thank you 🙂

    I do have a shake, and I usually manage 2 a day @ 20g of protein each. I also have this other shake I drink which is 15g of protein. I try to avoid protein bars because they’re laden with either fat or sugar, and I’m trying to steer clear of those.

    Fish is an excellent protein, and I usually end up eating salmon since it’s widely available and cheap where I live (Pacific Northwest). I try to eat wild-caught whenever possible because there are less chemicals, not to mention that there are less fish-caused chemicals (hatcheries cause the fish a lot of stress and it shows up in the taste). I read in a muscle magazine that fish is great, and while I was already eating a lot of it anyway, I tried to add more to my diet.

    You say that you have protein-heavy but easily-digestable meals sometimes…mind sharing what that would be?


    you live in the pacific northwest eh?

    i grew up in spokane washington

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