I found a She-Hulk Episode!

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    go to strangest of movies then click on Dr. Stange Animated


    i get a 404 error. anyone else see this?

    edit – wait now it works. http://drstrange.nl/drstrange/realm/stuff/video/HulkTAS216.mpg


    Oh, lemme guess, that's the episode on when Dr Strange showed up. It was alright, although I hate how they beefed down Shulkie on the second season, (So many curves…!) and made her taller to keep the "amazon"-type look. Hair also looked better too, wilder and more untamed.  🙂

    She also bugged me in the second season with the DOZEN of constant horrible catchphrases and puns.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Your assumption is correct.

    It's internet lore that they had to tone down She-Hulk's sexiness because – after all – it was a Saturday morning kids cartoon. Which is presumably why they demoted her to comic sidekick and silly femme fatale.

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Your assumption is correct.

    It's internet lore that they had to tone down She-Hulk's sexiness because – after all – it was a Saturday morning kids cartoon. Which is presumably why they demoted her to comic sidekick and silly femme fatale.

    I'm still trying to reconcile that with the fact that one of the Season 2 episodes featured a number of female characters (including Betty and Shulkie) running around in skimpy outfits for the duration of the show.


    I'm still trying to reconcile that with the fact that one of the Season 2 episodes featured a number of female characters (including Betty and Shulkie) running around in skimpy outfits for the duration of the show.

    Yeah that was a fashion show episode LOL.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    It's annoying that they gave her one proper (and one 3 second) TF… bah!

    Actually, one can sort of see this as a microcosm of what happened to She-Hulk in the comics. Basically bumped down to comic relief status before her time, so sad.

    The Muffin man

    She works better as a humorous character.


    she works bettwer when she is not voiced by that annoying voice actress from a different world.

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