Idea for a computer game: Road to Miss Titania

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    You could make her muscles bulge in a first part during the input. The character would be in a kind of “pre-pose”.
    When the input is correct, there’s a special effect and the animation for the pose is shown, maybe with a burst of color or stars or something to underline the precision. This way, the player can watch the animation without too much stress.

    You keep the bar as a metric to show the pressure of time. If the player fails to input the sequence, he or she can try again, but once time runs out, it’s over.

    The stamina dial fills if the player’s inputs are precise. Lack of precision reduces it. When the dial is full, there’s a prompt to smash a button to do a super-pose or something. EDIT: It could also activate the posedown animation!

    I am talking out of my ass now and I am well aware that this is a lot of work. But these are just some ideas.


    Wow! I really appreciate your input!! Please, all the suggestions are welcome. The idea is that the game is attractive for all the fans! Nice!. Let me work a bit more on the concept.

    Indeed, the idea of passing for just a character posing to a line up was also a contribution from a fan!


    I’m looking forward to it!


    I’ve seen twine and, besides of your story (that is great), I’ve played FMG Life Sim Game V4.1 from MagnusMagneto.So probably I use twine to organize the SCENES before going to Unity.
    So now I plan to work on:
    1.- Animations for the posing
    2.- Adaptation of the posing scene with your comments (thanks again)
    3.- Make a twine to organize the SCENES of my game.


    That sounds amazing. I’m ready to test it once you have a functioning base.

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