If you had the power …

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  • #258
    Mark Newman

    If you had the power, usable only once, and not reversible, to make the closest woman to you (wife/girlfriend/mistress/sister) twice as muscular and strong as you are … would you use it?

    And if you used it, how would things change?



    Oh yes! No doubt I would end up using it. But I’d have to make sure that I’d have THE right person before doing it. Not only would she have to love me, but she would have to have a strong dominant side in her personality. Otherwise, it might be a turn-off for her. Most women prefer being with strong males who can protect them. Can you imagine making her your dream girl, only to see her run off with some big hulking guy? Arrrhhggh! 🙂


    Hmm… let me think…

    Er… YES! (in fact I’ve had this thought a number of times, although it’s usually been about her being SEVERAL times stronger than me)

    How would things change? Well, our sex life would become radically different for a start 😉 Our wrestling sessions would become deliciously one-sided. The difference in her vaginal muscles would be incredible too! And of course we’d… (continues for several hours before collapsing, foaming at the mouth)

    Er… yeah.


    Sadly Marknew I’ve realized your stories to be both great FMG fiction AND the sort of warnings one takes away from reading good science fiction. 8)

    So sadly nope on that front. The power shift while erotic in print would pretty much invalidate my nessicity in the real life relationship. Aside from well ya know… 😈

    However if I was a fictional person I’d sure as hell JUMP at the opportunity. Of course I’d have to pick wrong somehow and end up being humiliated and marginalized but hey, I’d be only a character in someones story so no tears shed there 😉

    Thinking on this seriously though. I’d have to tell that person first and if they did get me admitted to a mental institution THEN I’d zap em just to see them break me out of there. Then again I’ve watched Terminator 2 more than is recomended. 🙁


    I think, I would propaply end up using it on my self 😈 *giggles manically*

    Mark Newman

    Oh you cheater! You’re the girl!

    Well then, a question for you.

    If you had the power to take your boyfriend’s strength for your own, would you use it? And if you used it, would you leave him or keep him? What would change?


    Oh you cheater! You’re the girl!

    Well then, a question for you.

    If you had the power to take your boyfriend’s strength for your own, would you use it? And if you used it, would you leave him or keep him? What would change?

    Well It would depend on certain things, A. If he was an A-hole then chance are I would drain his sorry ass but then I dont date A-holes. B. If it was someone I truly loved then I wouldnt drain him … as much as I would love to 😈


    Why not just drain him a little bit hehe

    Mark Newman

    Love triumphs over the quest for power and the (ethically questionable) erotic thrill of dominating your boyfriend with his own strength. Here’s a woman we can trust.

    Good reason too not to be an asshole.


    Why not just drain him a little bit hehe


    Love triumphs over the quest for power and the (ethically questionable) erotic thrill of dominating your boyfriend with his own strength. Here’s a woman we can trust.

    Good reason too not to be an asshole.

    That’s advisable 😈

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