Infundibulum of Power

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  • #3061

    Leaving my roommate in the mail room, I glanced down at my watch and immediately changed course, flowerpot still in my hand. In five minutes, the curtain would rise. If I were not behind it, my prospects of a career would be compromised. Through the campus I jogged, keeping a hand around the relatively fragile stem. Inside the physics building, the starshield bloom began to pivot. I followed the flower’s homing ability to the machine, which had been reassembled in an auditorium. On each side of the stage, several yards from the spiral stood an ornate row of starshields displaying the university’s colors. Before I could reclaim my bearings, a peal of applause erupted, and the curtain ascended, revealing an enthralled audience. I set down Dr. Aspera’s botanical gift under the lecturn and began to speak.

    "Ladies and gentlemen, I presume that you have studied the articles in the scientific journals, so I will not draw out this demonstration with a detailed description of the machine’s penetralia. Instead, I will provide a summary for your benefit and for that of the television viewers" I noted at the news cameras that committed my every move to film. Preferring not to think of the proportions of the lecture I was delivering, I turned my back to them and walked to the machine. It hummed eagerly as I attached the conduits with the superconductors to the scale model of the capacitor used in the preliminary tests.

    "These tubes convey the electric charge generated by this generator to the capacitor. You will note that the capacitor is equipped with a voltimeter to display when it is being charged. Now, at the other end of the conduits I will place a rod of graphite contiguuous to each superconductor. You may wonder why we do not use an applicator of gold, silver, or the material of the superconductors. There is a cogent reason for this. The infundibulum, as this opus is called, does not only discharge electricity, but it also distorts time-space with gravitational fields at the focus. Any titre used is deformed and eventually disintegrated, so we used graphite, a common, nontoxic substance that can be synthesized with great ease.

    Without further ado we shall initiate the demonstration."

    I concealed my eyes with my visor, and the whole audience followed suit. On my side of the machine, a few meters spewed a ceaseless stream of perplexing data. Still I inspected it, calibrated the meters accordingly, and placed my key in my side of the activation panel.

    "Ready, Doctor Aspera?" I looked at her near the top of the funnel.

    "3 2 1- Now!" We turned our security keys in unison. Overhead, the lights dimmed to accentuate the splendor of the energy accumulation. As expected, the current trickled down the sides of the generator. Its progress was especially slow due to the lessened scale of this demonstration. Not a word was uttered as the electric serpent wound its way to the offering of carbon below. Even the heliotropic plants seemed to bear witness to the event. It almost seemed like a miraculous transfiguration, until I realized the impending peril.

    "This machine should not be shaking this much!" I shouted above the humming cacophony to Doctor Aspera.

    "Check the connections! I’ll power down." She shouted. I scrambled around the labyrinthine circuitry rigged for the sepctacle until I finally tightened a loose wire lock. The energy field was slowly dissappating, and the fleeing crowds mostly returned to their seats.

    "The potentially lethal repercussions of this oversight have been averted." I assured the crowds with an unknown degree of success. Then I stretched my arms to relieve the building anxeity.

    "Crap!" I cried as a rogue jolt arched through my graphite marked hands to reached the surface of a starshield. The shock rippling through my body was not extremely painful, but I felt my heart in my throat as the outside world became a blurred, screaming pandemonium. As I lost consciousness, I thought I heard someone else being sucked into a pocket of distorted gravity as well.

    When I finally woke up, I felt my heartbeat in excruciating meterage in my head. When my vision cleared, I looked up at a quivering white hill. At the summit of the hills stretched the neck of Stephanie. She was looked down at me.

    "What happened?" I moaned, suddenly realizing that I was in a hamster cage.


    Dr. Aspera looked down at me. "You don’t remember?"

    I grabbed my temples and tried to recall. "Our exhibition… I was doing something, then… I’m drawing a blank."

    The doctor sighed. As the room became clearer I realized that my perspective seemed distorted. Her head seemed to approach the ceiling, and her proportions seemed different. She spoke in a gentle voice, but it still caused the windows to shudder.

    "Do you remember the time space recalibrators in the generator."

    I nodded, "Yes, I… no! That could not have possibly transpired!"

    She nodded slowly. "I’m afraid it did. We thought that an organism caught in the time space disparities would be killed, but they obviously remain viable."

    "This defies all our models!"

    "Models are only as good as the imputed assumptions, Eric." Dr. Aspera sat down and looked over a stack of papers. After watching her shuffle them incessantly, I finally spoke up.

    "Why am I in a cage?" I shouted. Stephanie seemed disconcerted. She replied, "I just thought you would be safer in there." She frowned.

    I exhaled and looked around. "Maybe so, but I’d like to leave this room now!"

    "If you wish." She opened the door of the hamster cage, placed me in the palm of her hand, and lowered me to the floor in the hall. She then returned to her work. I barrel rolled to avoid a shoe’s heedless tread. I looked up to see a familiar face.

    "Dennis!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. He looked down. I began to say something, but he shouted premptively. "No! No! I’ve been clean for four days! Clean!" He ran away in incoherent fright.

    "Great, that was productive" I grumbled and returned to the office. I ran into Dr. Aspera’s heel. The towering woman smiled at me. "I believe the purpose of the cage is now elucidated. I only care about your safety."

    "Yes, Doctor." I hung my head and mumbled. She probably saw my body language, because she continued with a slight chuckle. "You shouldn’t be so morose. Are you hungry? You haven’t eaten for days.

    The stabbing feeling within my viscera lent credebility to her claim. "Yes, I’m famished."

    "I’ll purchase us some lunch." She put me in her handbag, much to my dismay, and walked to a pantry next to the campus. Nearly insensate, the bag affored only a small slice of the firmament above my head. Outside the store, I nearly suffered whiplash as a the handbag abruptly changed hands. All I knew was that I was closer to the ground and moving at a disturbing rate.

    "Stephanie! What are you doing?" I screamed, clinging to the padded interior. My carrier did not relent. "I can’t take much more of this!" my eyes were tearing. The only response was that the world moved even faster, and I had to wedge myself inside a rip in the lining to remain inside the bag. Suddenly I heard it. Faint from distance, yet unmistakable was the rasping. My skin crawled as I assimilated the situation: I was being unwittingly transported by a purse snatcher.

    Pure white, palpitating, and thrashing against the sides of the purse I shrieked, "Help! Police! Help me! I’m being kidnapped!" Suddenly the bag slammed against the ground. I was flung against a bag of tissues. When I stood, I aware of much, but I could hear a man being thrashed.

    "Stephanie" I mused, feeling blood rush to my face. I waited for her to take the bag again, but I lay on the sidewalk for a disconcertingly long time. Only when I heard approaching sirens, however, did I begin to worry.


    I really like how this story is going. A great transfer of height between the two main characters. Interesting possibilities for their relationship.

    Thanks for sharing this story Axel3.14 and please continue it.



    Inhaling deeply, I concealed myself behind the package of tissues and peered out of the handbag. The scene was inauspicious, to say the least.

    Stephanie stood so close to me that I could not see her clearly, but she was trembling. She also seemed to be crying. A thug who stood about six inches shorter than she breathed laboriously on the asphalt of a parking lot. His nose was thoroughly broken. In fact, his face looked as if it had been slammed with a sledgehammer. A team of paramedics moved him carefully away from my view. Some policemen walked toward Stephanie, but they kept a distance of about four feet and kept their hands near their waists. The giantess grabbed her handbag and clutched it close to her chest with bloodstained hands, which I found momentarily disorienting.

    "Ma’am, could you tell me what happened here?" An officer asked.

    His addressee became so agitated that I ran to the side closer to Stephanie and clutched for stability. She stammered heavily. "I… H-he took my… bag. I st-topped him."

    "Don’t you think your reaction was a little extreme?"

    Stephanie’s voice spiked up two octaves as she blurted out her answer. "Lii-fe or death!"

    "Life or death, you say? Perhaps you’d like to tell me what you have in that bag." He pointed directly at me, sending a frisson down my spine.

    "No one is in there!" I could feel Stephanie’s breath accelerating as her breasts pressed against the bag.

    The police officer’s voice slowed as he began to gesticulate. "I want to know what is in the bag."

    Stephanie froze, then contrived a cover. "My Mmmedicine…" She looked at me, slid her hand slowly into the leather interior, and produced an esoteric looking perscription bottle."

    The man scrutinized it and returned it to her. "Theophiline. I know this medicine is important, but in America you may not claim self defense for it. Do you understand?" Stephanie nodded.

    "Okay madam, you didn’t seem to understand the law, so we’ll just give you a warning this time. Good day." The policeman smiled cordially and vanished.

    Dr. Aspera hurried back to her office and shut the door behind her. She plucked me from here tote and gazed at me with an expression that I would always remember. "Are you okay?"

    I blinked, stretched and said, "I’m unhurt."

    "Oh… thank God." She exclaimed. Stephanie sat cross legged on the floor, and cradled me against her bosom. "I’m sorry…" she whispered, stroking me.

    "It wasn’t your fault." I hugged her the best that I could. Those breasts were much firmer than I could recall.

    "Thank you.." I squeaked, plunging my face into her.

    "Are you all right?" I looked Dr. Aspera in the eye.

    She sniffled and coughed a few times. "I’ll be fine." She massaged her temples. I heard congestion in her chest, until she administered a dose from a white inhaler. "That furacious miscreant stole the food. We’ll have to eat in the cafeteria."

    "Wouldn’t that be conspicuous?"

    She shrugged, bringing me to my knees. "Most of the physics department knows about you. You made the front page of the school newspaper!" Stephanie showed me a recent edition of The Quark. It showed the grandisonant misadventure in mutilated granular photography.

    "Why haven’t I seen anyone else today?"

    "Well, since you are the first documented case of a miniaturized human, the department decided that I should help you adjust to the psychological ramifications of your size before you’re reintroduced to the community."

    "Why you?"

    Stephanie scratched the back of her head and looked away. "I guess they determined that you were emotionally close the me."

    "Can I ask you something?"


    "What measures did the department take to ensure your psychological health?" My brow furrowed.

    "What are you talking about? I’m eight feet tall."

    "One would surmise that a sudden influx of stature might be a source of disquietude. What about your clothing, your health, your relationships?"

    Stephanie pondered. "Clothing is not a significant problem. I can smiply wrap commodious sheets of fabric around myself and you are legally permitted to be naked. As for our health, we had extensive medical tests while you were unconcsious. You are in perfect health, and I’m- no worse for the wear." Stephanie coughed slightly. "I hope this doesn’t damage your relationships."

    I sighed. "I only really have my family… and Weed Rat, I guess. What about you?"

    "You have more than I do. I guess you can’t have time for others when you are solving the world’s energy crises." She laughed bitterly.

    "What about your family?"

    "They are all dead. So you don’t have a significant other of any sort?"

    "Not really, but tu quoque" I frowned.

    "No, no! I wasn’t deriding you, I was just… surprised. Anyway, let’s go to lunch."

    I moved toward the handbag, but Stephanie picked me up gently. "That bag is potentially dangerous, would you prefer to ride on my clavicle?"

    "Would I?" I suspected that my eyes were profusely dialated.

    The ivory hand lifted me to her neck. Her frame was disproportionately large, even when calculating the height increase. Tucking my legs in position, I grasped Stephanie’s collarbone like a rollercoaster rail.

    "Are you ready?" She murmured.

    "Let’s go." I grinned.


    Lovely piece. Nice to see that they relationship is working fine. 8 feet tall is a good size for her ^_^

    Thanks for sharing this new update Axel3.14.



    Lunch was interesting, to say the least. Stephanie was elaborating about the metamorphosis, while I sat on the table, staring up at her.

    " I estimate that it was a billion to one chance that we didn’t die. We’ll have to take some histological samples to elucidate the matter. This is not only a watershed discovery in the field of physics but of biology too!"

    "Excuse me?" I stopped staring up at her face momentarily.

    "What occurred was not merely a scale adjustment of our cells, but a quintessentially improbable alteration of our genetic makeup. These arms… they don’t feel like mine anymore. You have a finer sense of touch than I do… would you feel my arms and tell me what you notice."

    Suddenly breathing rapidly, I approached the bared limb. I stepped up to her bicep and prodded it.

    "It seems to be very dense."

    "Anything else?" She giggled.

    I ran my hands across it, admiring the thick cables of myofibrils. "I think there’s an overabundance of fibers."

    Stephanie’s eyes suddenly glistened. "Why don’t you try squeezing it?"

    I wrapped my arms around a bulge and applied all the force my body could muster. It was as unyielding as granite.

    "Mmmm…." Stephanie uttered inscrutably eyes rising beyond their sockets. Suddenly embarrassed, I dismounted. She spoke. "This new metabolism is exhilerating. I’m eating enough for three people." She looked at the crumb dusted plates of food scattered across the table. "I also feel exuberant today. I’m going to try going to the gym again. Are you coming or not?"

    "Do you remember that I’m 8 inches tall?" I said incredulously.

    "Oh.. Maybe you should stay in the office then?" Before I could protest, she lifted me again and returned me to that cage. I thought she was going to abandon me when she turned around. "Can I get you something?"

    "I’d like that book over there… please?" The professor grabbed a book from the shelf and placed it on the desk beside me.

    "Okay Eric. I’ll be back in about two hours." She winked at me and exited the door. I was in exstacy until I realized that she had made a small oversight. The cover of the two thousand page tome was closed.

    Using a pencil and distant memories of rock climbing, I managed to open the book without killing myself. I climbed onto the verso and read diligently. A half hour later I had gotten to the end of the second page with an exasperated sigh. I grabbed the corner of the paper and walked backwards, somehow losing my balance and becoming wedged in the book’s vertex. "Parvitude sucks…" I grumbled, trying to extract my wedged foot from the leather bound confinement. by nightfall, I was almost free.

    "Sorry I’m late!" Dr. Asperas entered the room with a colossal grin which faded as she saw my predicament. "Let me help you…" She said, approaching me with a pair of tweezers. I cringed at the sight of the talon shaped forceps, put she plucked me from that awkward position and returned me to my feet without inducing a single bruise.

    "So gentle…" I whispered.

    "What was that?"

    "Ummm… How was your workout?" I looked at the doctor. Her muscles seemed larger, her face was flushed and her face glowed with sweat.

    "Spectacular! I’ve never felt anything so exhilerating in my life!"

    I smiled until she peeled the sweat saturated clothes off her body. She flopped onto a now undersized sofa and stretched her limbs.

    "What are you doing?" My mouth dropped open.

    "I always sleep naked in my office. You look cold." She carried the cage over to the sofa and placed it on her abdomen.

    "My myothermic body should keep you warm. Good night."

    She promptly fell asleep. I felt tired, but I could not wrest my attention from her.


    Interesting chapter. The poor little man feel even smaller while the doctor is enjoying her new power and body.

    I’m glad that you decided to re-take this story Axel3.14. Thank you so much.



    Two weeks later I sat up in my cage. I had

    discarded my filthy clothes several days ago. I

    wistfull studied the amazon across the room from me,

    still sorting data as diligently as ever but this time

    with a slight smile on her face. Trudging across the

    page of a chemical encyclopedia, I rolled back the

    page and rolled it slowly. Two minutes later, the

    slab of paper harmlessly drifted to the side and I

    resumed my studies at the upper left corner.

    A shadow reaching over the page announced Dr.

    Asperas’ presecence. I looked upward and sighed.

    "Would you like anything before I go, hon?"

    "Ummm.. my chamber pot is full again." I felt

    myself blushing as her now prominent muscles streched

    her shirt out of proportion.

    "I’ll get it." She lifted the thimble sized metal

    vessel out of the cage and returned it immaculate soon


    The doctor was about to leave for the weightroom,

    but an incursion interrupted. A coworker from the

    department popped into the room and exhibited a stack

    of papers. A man in a sport jacket showed up at the

    door and that was the last I saw of him before the

    doctor threw a heavy dark cloth over the cage.

    "Hey Steph, are you ready to go?"

    "I was going to meet you there, remember?" Doctor

    Asperas actually giggled. A nausea welled up in my


    "You were 15 minutes late, that I came to check on


    "I’m so absent minded"

    After that they laughed inanely. I felt a desire

    to bash someone’s face in.

    She did not return until ten that night.

    "Doctor, is something amiss?"

    She sighed in a dejected manner. "I’m sorry I left you alone for so long."

    "Where were you…?"

    "I don’t feel like talking about it. Are you fatigued yet?"

    I nodded. Reading a book about advanced analytic often proved an exhausting endeavor for a typical college student; the necessity for hiking every few minutes exacerbated that tendency. "I’m tired."

    Stephanie leaned down, revealing now panoramic cleavage as she lifted my domecile and placed me on her lap again. I paused in the corner.

    "What’s wrong? I thought you enjoyed curling up against my clavicle."

    I folded my arms. "I don’t feel like it…" I mumbled.

    "Are you irate about being isolated in the office all day."

    "No." I remembered the fathomless hours spent in this room before the transformation. This did not differ from those days much.

    "You can tell me if something is bothering you. I won’t be angry."

    "Welll…." I hedged. "Who’s that guy who was talking to you at lunchtime."

    "That’s my trainer. He helped me adjust to this commodious body."

    "You two seemed to have an amatitive undertone to your interactions."

    Stephanie looked at me in silence before erupting into laughter. The gelatinous undulations of her breast sent me rolling down her torso until I bumped my head on her abdominal muscle.

    "Ow!" I grunted. My accident was the equivalent of a fifteen foot drop for a six foot man.

    "Sorry. They must be inordinately hard because we were working on my midsection today."

    "So this guy isn’t your boyfriend or anything."

    "No. He’s gay. Besides, my husband would find that objectionable anyway."

    "You have a husband!" I distanced myself as far from her flesh as I could.

    "Yes, for now." She produced a document from her gym bag. It was a copy of a divorce document.

    "I’m.. sorry." I blinked.

    She drew me close and embraced me. Although I held my breath as I sank into the sobbing giantess’ bosom, I withheld any iota of protest. My lungs were screaming when she finally stopped pinning me. I gasped and panted as she continued.

    "Eric, I had a husband, but he fail to show the faintest vestige of emotion. Even his sex felt robotic. Eventually, I bristled at the thought of him. I also suspect that he was having affairs."

    "That must have been difficult…"

    "Not so….. I engaged in some too."

    "You executed extramarital copulation?"

    Her head drooped as she sighed. "Yes. At first I wanted to vindicate my husband’s tort, but then I realized that I wasn’t finding intimacy there either. I feel pathetic whenever I reflect…"

    "How lugubrious can your history be?"

    Stephanie hesitated. "One of ythe reasons why I have never told you, was because I think I slept with a friend of yours."

    "My friend?"

    "You call him Weed Rat, right?"

    My jaw dropped. Her brow furrowed. "Before that incident with the starshields, I haden’t had a conversation that involved neither work nor meaningless, depressing sex for years. You’ve been the first man who has shown any signs of appreciating me in my entirety, neither as a sexual waystation nor an impassionate automaton. Thank you so much…" She wept through the last line. I found myself hoisted in the air and on the receiving end of a kiss. It was a light peck, but it still nearly sheared my face off.

    Half asleep, Stephanie whispered. "Good night."

    Under her hand, I shrieked to get her attention. "Be careful!"

    "What?" She woke.

    "Remember, I’m fragile."

    "No, no you’re not."

    "Are you trying to kill me?" I felt my eyes widening.

    "No. That reminds me. I need to show you something."

    "What?….. AHH!" I yelled as she walked over to her window and dangled me above the pavement twenty stories below. I thrashed as vehemently as I could. "Let me down!"

    "Okay sweetie!" With that, I was airborne, the ground accelerating towards me.


    I really hope that Steph had made well her researches, because if Eric doesn’t have a dense tissue due her shrinking, Steph will have to clean a red pulp from the walkside.

    Thanks so much for continue the story.



    "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" I plummeted haplessly and closed my eyes. My face met the stone. I anticipated death until I bounced off the ground and landed in the hand of Stephanie.

    My teeth were unscratched, my bones were intact, and my entire body was entirely unscathed. I looked up at the giantess, and gasped.

    "You’re laughing!"

    "Veridically so. You were hilarious."

    I scowled. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

    Doctor Aperas shrugged. "Actually, that would have been virtually impossible. I feel like I might have one though." She was sweating profusely and panting slightly.

    "You ran down twenty flights of stairs?"

    "Yes, and I almost outraced gravity."

    "Why did you defenstrate me?" I grumbled.

    The doctor looked around, tore off her shirt, and wedged me between her pectoral muscles. "I did that because I don’t want you to feel concerned for your safety."

    "What do you mean?"

    "I perceived that you want me…"


    "Your member is minute, but it’s not microscopic!" She smirked and continued. "Don’t worry. I want to be intimate with you too."


    She stroked my cheek, lowered her pants, and placed me before her pelvis. "I trust you more than any man, and I would never forgive myself if I didn’t offer you this opportunity. If you don’t want to pleasure me, I won’t hold it against you. But if you do, I want you to begin immediately!"

    I approached the orifice, noting the recent removal of ambient hair. After examining the organts, I looked up at her in dismay. "I don’t know what to do!"

    She smiled, "Relax. I’ll guide you. Now. See the xiphoid protuberance near your feet?"

    "This one?" I placed a hand on the foreign structure.

    "YES! That’s called a clitoris! Just keep doing that for a while…"

    An hour later, we were sitting on the couch in Stephanie’s office. "How was it?" I asked with a little anxeity as I dried off with a paper towel.

    "Marvelous. Are you satisfied?"

    "Definitely. But I wish I could take a shower now…" I blushed and fried my viscid skin.

    Stephanie looked at me. "You will be able to soon. I’ve devised a means that may undo the transformation."

    "Are you certain that it will function?"

    She winked at me. "Certainty is never absolute, but all the models aver that it will work flawlessly, and I’m willing to bet your health on it. Good Night, love." She kissed me and turned out the light.

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