Infundibulum of Power

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  • #3071

    Funny image. I bet that the poor Eric had the scare of her life. If you ask me, I will say it was worthy. For what he lived next, I certainly will pass for a similar experience.



        After a night of profound repose, I woke up with shooting pains across my miniscule limbs.  Stephanie was outside the room, searching for the key to unlock the door.  She smiled when she entered.  "How are you this moring?"  She was actually giggling.  I beamed involuntarily. 

      "My limbs are aching…" 

      "That's probably due to fatigue."

        "Yeah, that was quite exhausting."

        "Isn't it?" She grinned.  I looked at Stephanie.  She was wearing her hair down today, and her monolithic body was framed in the gentle countours of a sun dress. 

        "You seem jubilant today…"

        She clasped her hands together.  "I am!  Not only did I find the emotionally satisfying sex I've been ensearching, I've found a potential means of returning you to your previous size, if you haven't forgotten."

        I was embarrassed at the realization that I was too preocupied with the incalucable majesty of her body to remember that exchange "That's wonderful!"

        "Isn't it."  Her voice and eyes trailed off.  "By the way, you don't have to stay here if you don't desire."

        "Really?  What about the dangers of the outside world?"

        Stephanie shrugged, "This world contains more inconveniences than actual dangers for you now.  I've always suspected… but now recently ascertained your durability."

        "What do you mean?"

        "You're nearly invincible."

        "What!  How close?"

        "Think Superman."

        "The recent entity or the planet- mover of the fifties?"

        "Anything less than a three megaton explosion will harm you.  Of course, you can go for a walk if you want."

        The sunlight beckoned from the window.  I stood up, staggered through the door of my cage, and lost my footing.  I landed on the waxy floor, my left arm lodged in an electrical outlet.  Only the sudden sensation of my hair hovering toward the ceiling alerted me of the electric current. 

        As I made my way through the open door, Stephanie called to me.  "You're violating the dress code currently."

        I looked down and remembered that I had been naked for the last few days.  Stephanie wrapped me in a clean washcloth that suddenly resumbled a tunic.  Again heading for the door, she reminded me "Remember, you only have a mass of about twenty grams.  Stay clear of other people as well."

        "I'm not a child…" I grumbled and exited the room. 

        The now cavernous view of the hall signified that this anticipated promenade around the campus was going to be an odyssey.  I poked my head around the corner, and maneuvered across a stampede of feet.  The stairs looked like Mount Everest, but I jumped off the tallest flight and eventually landed at ground level without inconvenience.  Outside, the weather was ideal.  The limpid sun prevailed over a court of fat fluffy clouds.  Thriving begonias and salvias towered over me like some exotic equatorial forestry.  The shadow of a feral bumblebee swept over me for one disconcerting instant.  After a ten meter hike through the garden, I found a hand lifting me towards the sky.  I recognized the hand's owner.

        "Weed Rat!  Put me down!"  My pleas fell on deaf ears as I was wedged into a foul smelling pants pocket. 

        I found myself posed on a table with a slew of humanoids.  Although the figures varied in dress, appearance, and materials, each was a replica of me.  Before I had the time to look confused, my roommate turned around and commanded,  "Eric: Attention!"


        The two doppelgangers assumed a soldierly posture at the imperative.  A professor from the picked up the construct next to me and examined it.  "A reasonable approximation, Now what can he do?"  The inspector asked of a student standing beside the device.  She placed the simulacrum on the ground and muttered a command to it.  The machine responded by walking to the nearest tree and climbing it.  Once the robot rached the highest branch, it stopped eventually falling to the ground, dashed into hundreds of fragments. 

      "C minus!"  The professor decreed to the student's visable anguish.  Then he picked me up and scrutinized me.  I tried to yell, but the man was squeezing my diaphragm such that I couldn't speak. 

    "Incredible  This almost looks like the real Eric.  What kind of plastic composites did you use to simulate his skin?"

    "Well I…"  he stammered.

    The dishonest student was soon exonerated from finishing that response, for at that moment the judge prodded my solar plexus.  It was then that I realized that I had not emptied my bladder for over a day.  The professor looked in shock. 

    "Your automaton is leaking!  D…  No, this isn't oil!  You derelict!  You've sullied the most celeberious occasion this school has seen in years.  You fail– the course!"

    The enraged man hurled me at the nearest trash can.  I bounced off the side and landed in the shadow of the garbage repository.  As I hit the ground, a strange object fell from a pocket in the washcloth.  It was a scaled down cellular phone.  I dialed the number of Stephanie's phone.  She rapidliy answered.

      "What's going on here?"

      Laughter came from the other side.  "So, how do you like it?"

      "I just got mistaken for a doll and discarded beside a trash can!  Will you explain what's happening?"  My voice rose to a nervous screech.

        "I perfected the perpetual energy device, and now the campus is throwing a festival in our honor.  I wanted to surprise you.  Isn't this fun?"

        "No, it's horrid.  I think I'm sitting in a puddle of dired vomit."

        "I'm sorry.  I'll get you.  Where's your location?"

        "I'm near to the Engineering building at the North— Agghh!"

        A gust of wind knocked me several body lengths from the communicator.  I looked up to see a Keds sneaker descend upon me.  The shoe plodded on inexorably, and I was its prisoner, entangled by a wad of fresh chewing gum. 


    Glad you retake this story my friend. Interesting chapter. So now Eric has the oportunity to recover his old size. That will mean that Steph will have to shrink down? Or did she find a way to keep her size.

    Btw, I will be looking forward to see how Eric will deal this new situation.



    By the time the shoe had stopped moving, I was in a dark closet.  Liberating myself from the viscous pink mass, I pushed the door aside and crept into the hallway, I inched along the corridor, not wanting to draw attention to myslef.  After a few minutes, I had reached the door.  I slipped out the mail chute.

        I realized that I stood in an engulfing shadow.  I looked up, and my gaze met that of a mystified soroity girl.  With a chilling rictus, she scooped me up and took me to a room in which a plethora of dishabbille girls were socializing.  All eyes turned to me in my nudity. 

        For the remainder of my life, I would never dredge up the details of what happened next, but I recall being passed around the sorority and committed to spend centuries in the dank, piscine nadir.  By the time I was rescued, my mind was numb.  Dozens of mangled but living bodies,  Stephanie's concerned visage, her solid, red-stained hand, her labored breathing, an approaching siren.  Such were the last sensations before I lost consciousness. 

        When I woke up, I found myself in a hospital, about a fathom tall.  I stood and walked in a daze.  The dean walked in and shook my hand.

        "Congratulations Eric!  In light of your services to the school, we are granting your application for a professorship."

        I felt my breathing rate and pulse accelerate.  "Where's Stephanie?"

        The dean blinked.  "You mean Miss Asperas?  We discharged her a week ago.  She brutalized a bunch of girls…  Horrible mess… the school was nearly sued.  She's due for parole next week.  I think she'd like to see you."

        I assimilated the data with increscent horror.  "How long was I out?"

        The dean shrugged.  "About a year I guess.  You didn't react well to the bodily reconstruction."

        "Am I human now?"  I looked at my unfamiliar hand.   

        This elicited another shrug, "Who knows?  You're viable and there wasn't any brain damage.  You should be happy for that much…"  The official muttered and stalked off.

        After thorough tests from the physician, I was declared healthy.  After a while, I was back on the campus.  I wandered through the old department.  Stephanie's former office now was labeled with my name.  Inside, the room was stripped of most of the furniture.  I sat down at the desk and ran my fingers against the surface fondly.  A person that I did not recognize walked in from the hallway. 

        "Hi there.  You must be Aaron."

        "My name is Eric!"  I nearly shouted.  She continued, nonplussed.  "Welcome to the staff.  Is there anything we can help you with?"

        "I wanna talk to Stephanie…"  I cried.

        "Oh, sorry, she can't be contacted until she's out of prison."

        "My family?  My roomate?"

        At that time I saw her face cloud over.  "You should read this."

        I accepted a newspaper cutout from her.  "Car collision… all three of them… dead?"  I babbled, and cried some more.

        The person put a hand on my shoulder.  "I'm sorry.  By the way, My name is Dana Gutterson, Professor of mathematics.  I want to help you."

        I hugged her cordially and drew back.  "Thank you…"  I muttered.  "Tell me something."

        "What is it?"

      "Where did I get these clothes?  What happened to my parents' properety?  How is Dr. Asperas faring?  Where do I sleep now?"  I plunged my face into my hands.

      "I think you need some rest.  I'll tell you later."  Dr. Gutterson left. 

        I turned out the light and looked at the hamster cage on the desk.  Iwished Icould crawl into it again.  I turned the light off and slept on the sofa, musing on the fact that I had been in a coma for a year, yet my mind felt so fatigued.


    Very interesting chapter. I'm afraid that most of the words were too advance for my poor vocabulary, but still I can image what happened to Eric when he was caugth by the girls. It should be something very bad for the way Stephanie react.

    Since Eric is full size again, how Stephanie look like now. I felt sorry for Eric's lost. He must be feel very alone now. I will really like to know if the dean supported at Stephanie during her trial. I mean, what she did maybe was too violent (due her enhanced strength) but that kind of response must be triggerred by the way the girls were threating at Eric.

    I will like to see that Stephanie was supported, but still she had to pay for what she did. Also, what happened to the girls? Did they were expulsed by the way they thread at Eric? If the girls sue at Stephanie for what she did to they, it will be fair that Eric did the same to them.

    So many questions.

    Thanks again Axel for continuing the story. I will really like to see at the two lovers getting together again.



    After the shock of reawakening, the next few days seemed peaceful.  I got an apartment and some second-hand clothes.  After all those weeks of nudity, garments felt alien.  Actually, everything felt alien, even though I had spent the last six years of my life at the institution.  It was now the best approximation of a home for me, now that the possessions of my parents had long since been auctioned off by the state. 

        Soon, the day arrived.  I paced outside the penitentiary, trying not to look at the people behind the barbed wire fence.  After a while, I found myself enveloped in shadow.

        "Hi, there."

        "Stephan- Arhh!"  I turned around, astonished by her appearence.

        "I see you've grown."  She smiled and tousled my hair.

        "You too…"  I stammered.  I estimated her height to still be eight feet, but she looked shorter both from the change of perspective and her thicker body.  Her hair was thick, lustrous and copious.  She used it as a cloak of sorts, since she was completely naked.  I hugged one of her unbelievably sexy arms, but I could barely get my arms around her bicep.  She looked down and laughed. 

    "I was so worried about you."


       "I called at least twice a week." 

        "I had no idea."

        Stephanie giggled.  "I think I annoyed the dean.  At the trial, he depicted me as some kind of feral creature."

        "Was he testifying for you or against you?"

        She shrugged, thrusting her trapezius skyward.  "I think he was trying to prove I was insane.  I don't want to stay here anymore."

        "Okay, let's go."  I started walking back.  She accompanied me to the university, every step taken with her forearm across my waist. 

        She squeezed into her former office.  I studied her reclining figure on the now undersized couch.  "Have you been working out?"  I asked incredulously. 

       "Certainly, I idled my time by lifting weights in prison." 

       "I can't fathom that the facility had sufficient weights to accomodate your physical prowess."

       She nodded.  "By human standards, they didn't.  Normal humans need to exert themselves to their capacity to increase their musculature, but these grow at the slightest provocation."

       At that moment, she stretched her limbs to ther full length, closed her eyes and smiled.  "I'm so glad to be back."

       "I'm sorry that you were incarcerated."

       She sighed and had a pensive look on her face.  "Actually, I'm not."


        She wrapped her arms around me and planted me on her lap. "I had some important revelations in there."

        "Like what?"  I leaned back and placed my head on her bosom, which was actually a size Z pectoralis major with an inch of fat behind it. 

         "I learned… that I can't control everything."

       I stared until she continued.  "I can intellectualize it, but I had trouble getting a visceral grasp of the fact that no matter how much I process the data, how many times I test the machinery, or how many tracking devices I put on you, misfortunes will invariably occur.  Now that I've accepted this, I think I can control my emotions.  Thank you Eric."

         I stroked her soft brilliant hair.  "I'm the one who is grateful, you saved me.  Whatever happened to them?"

       She kissed my forehead.  "I would have done that for anyone.  I hate rapists.  I wanted to kill them all.  They were convicted by the school.  It seems the university doesn't approve of the mishandling of their billion dollar research subjects."

       "I never thought you to be so agressive."

       "Well, I was a victim of rape once myself."

       "I never knew."

       "That's why I thanked you.  You were patient while I came to grips with my feelings for you.  I appreciate your patience and loyalty, despite the fact that you really wanted me."

       "How did you determine that."

       "Come on! You were naked for all that time.  You didn't think I noticed?  In fact, you're doing it again right now!"

      I looked down and blushed." So I am."

       "Great!  I haven't had coitus in about a year."


       "Correct.  I'm not a lesbian, and the guards wouldn't come close to me.  Did you know I'm bulletproof now?"

       "Interesting.  I hope nobody fires a gun at you, though."

       She snorted "At least in the literal sense.  Come on."

       And so I did. 

        Some time later, I got Stephanie her job back.  Actually she was my subordinate, but it was mostly a nominal difference.  We got married soon thereafter, and consummated the union on a bed decorated with starshield petals.  As the years passed and biotechnological progress overshadowed our pioneering endeavors, I simply became a man with an inordinately muscular wife.  The only reminder of the fiasco was an eight inch mechanical effigy of me that sat lifelessly on a windowsill.



    Lovely end my friend. Thank you so much for finishing this wonderful story. I like the fact that Eric could return to normal without Stephanie lossing her amazon status.

    Great work Axel.



    Damn man!  That was really good! Thank you for posting it.


    Thank you.  I am pleased that other people enjoy these as well.


    Just spent a while reading this, and I must say, nice job Al.

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