Interactive story on

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  • #69485

    Okay, I created this new story on a few days ago.  It's about this girl who is walking home from school and she sees this ray gun lying on the side of the road.  So she picks it up and goes to her house.

    And when she gets home she goes upstairs to her room and takes it out and discovers that it is a gun that can either increase or decrease one's muscle size.  It can also increase or decrease one's height.  It only has about 14 chapters so far (as of Saturday, April 19).

    To add new chapters, you have to register on the site, but just like this website, it is totally free.  They just send you an activation code to your e-mail's inbox, and from there, you can add to any story on the site. 

    So far, it's just been me and Marknew adding chapters, so that's been pretty cool.  (I mean, THE Marknew.)

    If you're interested, just go to, register, then type in the words "Female Muscle Growth" in the box at the top of the page where it says "Any Genre" and "Any Type."

    Also, if you like what you read there, you couldd e-mail people who would be interested in adding to a story such as the one I just described.  It's a totally awesome website.

    Well, that's all for now…

    Muscle Growth Nut

    You know, here on this amazing series of tubes we call the Internet, we have these handy things called "links." They allow us to directly access sites of interest without blindly groping about a search engine. You should try using one sometime, they're great.


    I seriously don't know how to do that.


    Thank you.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    You know, here on this amazing series of tubes we call the Internet, we have these handy things called "links." They allow us to directly access sites of interest without blindly groping about a search engine. You should try using one sometime, they're great.

    And in polite & civilized societies, there's this thing called "not being a goddamn asshole". I heard it gets you real far in life.

    Seriously. Did you have to be a fucking dick? The kid's a newbie here. Act like a responsible goddamn adult and not like a thirteen year old girl with her tampon string hanging out, make a good impression on him and ask politely for the link next time.  If your intention is to make new-comers feel like crap for not doing something small like putting up a link, then maybe you should move along. If that's NOT your intention, then try to be a civil person and not a punk bitch with centipedes up his ass.

    Thank you. 


    Well, I was going say something, but all I can see is this blood spattered mess on the floor and walls – jeeze, the ceiling, too.

    **Flips open his communicator**

    Yeah, I need a clean up crew, aisle five, the Terminatrix was here . . .

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Deadly Pixxxie



    Muscle Growth Nut

    My apologies as well. :-[

    Deadly Pixxxie

    *hugs Muscle Growth Nut*

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