Invasion (Completed)

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  • #20202

    It might also be nice to find someone to help you with your English.  It would help tighten up the story and make it flow nicer.  It can get kind of tough trying to wade through the language difficulties!  :mrgreen:


    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 1

    “Everything will be fine mom. You and Melanie will be healthy again in no time” said Brian as he help at her mother Darlene to walk to the car. He was an 18-years-old young man who lived in a miner community. His mother and sister were infected by the virus.

    “Thanks Brian. Thanks for taking care about us” said Darlene in a fragile voice. She never felt so weak in her life. She barely could walk alone.

    “It’s my job mom. While my father is in the hospital, my job is to look out for you” he said. As Brian raised his sight, he saw that the town looked abandon. Only the faces of little children and young boys were visible in the windows of the houses.

    The only people on the streets were soldiers of the army sent to protect the town while all the adults had gone to a nearby city where an alien agency was operating.

    “I know that your father will be proud of you Brian” said Amanda, Brian’s girlfriend, as she help at his sister Melanie to get into the car.

    “Thanks Amanda. I just hope that this miraculous cure will be true” he said putting the seat belts over her mother and sister.

    “Sure it’s. I have seen in the TV the images of the first restored women. All of them are tall and green, with great muscles” said Amanda a bit jealous. “I will like to go with you Brian, but since I’m one of the few women immune to the virus, there won’t be a dose of cure for me” she said sad.

    “Oh!, Don’t be like. You must be grateful that you won’t gain that green color” he said.

    “Perhaps, but I wouldn’t mind having muscles” she smiled. “While you are there, at least you could ask if healthy women can have enjoy the benefits of the cure too”

    Brian sighed deeply. “If that makes you happy, I will ask” he said.

    “Thank you!!” said Amanda as she hugged him and kiss him.

    Brian smiled at his girlfriend and then he got inside the car. There will be a long trip until the city where the alien ship was.

    When he arrived at the alien offices, he couldn’t believe how much people were there. Fortunately the doses could be applied at women in large groups, so the attention was very fast. The aliens make at people wait in large room until the moment to be called.

    An hour later, an alien hostess walked into the room followed with many alien nurses. All of them were beyond the 7 feet tall. “Dear earthlings. The time for your females to be cured has come. Now, if you allowed at our nurses to take care of your women, the healing process will begin” said the hostess.

    Brian saw as two nurses hold at Darlene and Melanie in arms and carried out of the room to the sick bay. “While they are being cured, I will show you some information that you will like to know about the cure and what to expect from your cured females. I assure you that they will be perfectly healed and you can go to your home with them and this whole virus issue will be only a bad memory” said the hostess.

    “Thanks from bring us here Brian” said his 16-years old sister. “Now relax a bit while we get cured” she said forcing a smile. He grabbed her hand and gave her a kiss in her forehead.

    “Please treat them well” asked Brian to the nurses.

    Both nurses smiled at him gently and replied “Don’t worry little man. We will treat them as if they were our small sisters”

    His mother and sister say goodbye to Brian as they disappeared behind the metal doors of the room.

    Once only men were alone in the room, the alien hostess began her presentation. “Well, now if my duty to explain to you about the virus that is affecting at your females. The virus was produce by a race that is now for its predatory nature. They are pretty much alike at the animal specie know as vultures”.

    “For some reasons they like only eat the female of the specie. So, the virus was designed to make sick at the women of your specie and when they will be in the verge of dying, this horrible species would have invaded your world and eat at all the sick females”.

    “Decades ago, they try to attack our home world. But our denser and strong nature made us immune at the virus as well as some females in this planet. Since then, my kind have being chasing at the last survivors of this horrible specie to finally exterminate it”

    “We know that this race will return when they think that the virus will have put at most of the females at the verge of death. When that moment arrives, we will be sure that it will be the last action they do” said the hostess.

    All the men cheered at the alien hostess and thank her for all the effort her specie was doing for the Earth.

    “Thanks for your words and we are glad that you appreciate our help. Even so, there are a few things that you should know about what the cure will done in the earthlings females. In order to overcome the disease produced by the virus, we are injecting at your women a serum made from our DNA. The serum would make the muscles tissues several times denser than normal making at women super strong. The muscle growth will be related to the age of the woman, so even the youngest girls injected with the serum will be a minimal muscle development, they will be at least two times stronger than the strongest man in the world” said the hostess.

    All the men gasped as they didn’t know that the women will be that strong. Many comments were heard. Most of the men were frightened as the women will have such strength. Other fear that the women will take over the world and make them their slaves.

    Hearing this, the hostess tried to calm down at the men. “I know that it will be a radical change in your society but let me assure you that there isn’t other way to help at your women survives at the virus. Maybe in a near future we will find a way to eliminate the virus from the females of your planet and then we will undo the work of the serum, but in the meantime, we hope you can adapt” said the hostess.

    “I will like to ask you a question lady” said a man. “Is there any preliminary count about how many women had died so far?”

    “You must be happy to know that according to our lectures of your planet, there hasn’t any female casualty so far. Our calculations is that the first women will have start dying in 2 weeks. We just get in time” said the hostess.

    Just then, other group of green women entered into the room. It took at Brian a moment to recognize that these women weren’t alien. They were the women transformed by the serum.

    Brian and all the men stare in awe at how tall and muscular the women had become. Not to mention the green color of their skin. For their part, the women didn’t approach as they were afraid at what the men were thinking about them. Even they were now several times stronger than any of them, the women look like afraid little girls.

    Slowly, the men walked toward their females in a gesture of acceptance and the women ran to meet them. The room was filled with tears of joy as men and women were together again and the thread of the virus had being erased.

    Since Brian was 5’ 10” tall, most of women he had known in his life were shorter. Now, even a girl that should not be older than 12, seemed to be an inch taller than him. Most of the women were easily more than half foot taller than him now.

    He was watching the emotive reunions when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He turned his head just to watch a green neck “Looking for us?” said a giggling voice that Brian recognized as his sister. He looked up and gasped to see that her sister was more than 7 inches taller than him.

    “Oh my, you have grown!!” exclaimed Brian.

    “Yep. Now, I’m the big sister” giggled Melanie.

    “Remember what the nurse told us about not tease at men. I bet that your brother doesn’t feel as excited as you for your change” said Darlene as she stood behind Melanie.

    Brian watched astonished as his mother had become green muscle amazon of 7 feet tall. She and his sister were standing in their own feet without any trace of the devastation the virus produced in them. Both women were wearing metallic clothes like the aliens in order to cover their bodies.

    “Sorry Brian. I didn’t want to be mean to you” apologize Melanie.

    “That is better” said Darlene. “Now, I feel so good that I will drive back home Brian. I think that after taking care of us, you deserve some time to relax in the company of Amanda” said Darlene.

    “Thanks mom. I will really like that” said Brian. “That just reminds me…”

    Brian approached at the alien hostess and asked her to bend in order to whisper in her ear.

    When the alien bend, Brian whispered “Is there a way that a non-sick woman can also receive the serum?”

    The alien smiled at him and responded “Sorry, but if we applied the serum at a normal woman, she will be hundreds of times stronger than any cured woman. We don’t want to imagine how many times stronger she will be compared to normal men. The same will happen if the serum is apply at normal man. Since they are strong by nature, we can’t imagine what the results will be”

    Brian nodded in understanding and left the office in company of her mother and sister.

    As the family returned to their home, Brian still was having a hard time to believe that her sister, who has being always smaller than him, was so tall. He was intrigued to know how strong she was.

    He could notice that his mother had very defined muscles, noticeable even under her metallic clothes. ‘I’m sure she must be very powerful, but what about Melanie?’ he thought as he looked at his sister. “She had only toned arms and subtle muscles. How strong she can be?” he wondered.

    Melanie couldn’t avoid detecting the interest her brother had on her. “Is there anything you want to ask me?” she said to her brother.

    “No. Why?” said quickly Brian.

    “I have noticed that you are looking me with interest. I don’t know if I must be flattered or scared. Why you just don’t tell me what is crossing your mind?” said Melanie.

    “Well, you see. I’m intrigued to know how strong you are, but I kind of embarrassed to ask you to show me your bicep” said ashamed Brian.

    Melanie was shocked by such revelation, but then she smiled gently to him. “Don’t feel embarrassed. I guess that you must be very curious about my strength”.

    Brian made a muscle and Melanie did the same. He felt secured as his bicep was bigger than her sister; barely, but bigger at the end.

    “I know that your muscles are denser, can you give me permission to touch your bicep?” Brian said pulling out courage to say such thing.

    “I will be glad if you do it” smiled Melanie.

    When Brian touched it, he couldn't even dent her skin. “It feels as hard as a rock” he gasped.

    Melanie blinked him an eye and whispered “It’s harder than that”.


    nice i can't wait to see what it will be for him growing up with a younger sister way stronger then you.


    That's a nice start. I like it muchly! 😀


    I have to say I'm not really fond the the green skin idea, too much "shulky" for my taste, but I agree with most of the comments, very interesting beginning…..I'm pretty sure those female alien are lying and I'm waiting for more.

    Please continue and thank U for sharing.


    Hey, don't feel like you're ripping me off with the idea.  To confess, Power Play was inspired by Marknew's Transfer Student.

    And the muscle technology in Power Play inspired the Myotranspositor in Rewards of Virtue.

    The prolegomenon reads like an episode of The Twilight Zone


    Glad to know that people is enjoying the story and thanks a lot at all the people that are leaving their comments and feedback. I really appreciate it.

    I must say that indeed, she-hulk inspired a the look of the females in this story (their new bodies and strength reflect that). So don't be surprised if the cure is a dose of gamma radiation. Just kidding  😀

    Besides, why people think the aliens are bad? They can't truly come in peace? Well, I think that only time will say of the aliens are good or bad.



    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 2

    As more and more women get cured, many men around the globe were getting worry about what will happen in our society. The most concerned ones were men that used their strength for living. For example, there was no doubt that women could be better construction workers than any man could have being, and even employers assured at their people that there won’t be any reduction of personal, the true was that they were more than ready to substitute at all for a smaller group of the new super women.

    The rest of the men weren’t too concern since instead of using raw strength, they lived by their skills and intellect. Still, they weren’t too sure about their future, since the new women were so full of energy as they were of strength. They needed almost no sleep and that could make them in excellent workers that could stay in the office for longer hours.

    In this environment at least men felt more secured since most of the big bosses were men, and they knew the thread that the new women could mean to their jobs. Images of stronger women slowly taking control over the most economical activities in the world frighten them.

    Outside of the job realm, there were group of men that were really terrified about the change the women were suffering. All men that had abused of a woman in the past knew that this woman now had the power to get even, and more, to them. Some of these men went to the police and confess their crimes. They felt safer in prison that in their houses.

    Also there were another group of men that was simple fascinated with the idea that every woman in the world will a muscled amazons with enough strength to accomplish a task that will required dozens of men. Some of they liked to imagine being overpowered by them while other imagined being loved by them. A world of fantasy made flesh.

    But it didn’t matter which group felt safe and which didn’t, because at the end, women didn’t do what men supposed they will do. Every woman that was cured, return to her normal life as nothing had changed. Most scientist were perplexed as women didn’t seemed interested in change the roles they had before the disease hit them. That only prove once more that women thinking was really a complete unknown matter for men.

    One thing that men certainly expected was that women will be furious and in a bad mood about one thing. Their clothes.

    Teenage girls were happy to wear clothes designed for tall men, but at least they had something to chose from. The rest of the women were forced to wear the same metallic clothes the aliens gave them. If something women hate the most is that other women wear the same clothes they do.

    In the meantime, the alien ambassador had being talking to the principal leaders of the world in order to build planetary defenses that will protect the Earth from the imminent invasion. At the ambassador didn’t like the idea of sharing technology that will lead to the constructions of weapons of massive destruction, but she knew that this was a good chance to exterminate at the evil eating women race once for all.

    The most powerful governments began to construction of several energy canons that will be able to destroy ships in the atmosphere of the Earth. Every leader promised at the ambassador the disabling of this weapons once the thread was extinguished.

    Military women were in charge of building this great weapons to have them in time before the invasion. The ambassador assured that the invasion will start in a month after they arrived, since that was the time they calculate half of the female population will be dying and this evil race will have more food for them.

    All the aliens ships were working without stop to have at the 100% of the females restore before the disease take their lives. Since they started operating two weeks ago, around 40% of the women were cured. The aliens double their efforts in order to cure at all women in time.

    Around this time everything began to get normal again in Brian’s community as all the women were completely healed. The local mall registered the most successful sale day when the new clothes designed for women arrived. Finally the women in his town were able to wear clothes to show the benefits of the serum.

    Tight and daring were the clothes the women bought since they have the body to showed them off. Mature women looked as fit and tight as they were in their youth while the young women were slim and well developed.

    Even the alteration in the reality the men expected didn’t happen, that didn’t mean that there wasn’t an alteration after all. That was what learned Brian one day when he went to the supermarket to buy the groceries her mother asked him to buy.

    As he was following his list, making his purchases, he still had not found the 25 liter bottles for his home water fountain.  After several trips around the super market, he discovered the water bottles displayed on the top shelf above the one and two liter bottles.  “Why,” he wondered, “do they put the heaviest bottles on the top shelf?”

    “Because the employees are women and they can” said a feminine voice.

    Brian turned around an saw a girl that was 6’ 1” tall that was no older than 12 years old. The girl stretched her long arms and grab the bottle. “Be careful!!” said Brias as for reflex, he tried to hold the water bottle since it will be too heavy for the girl.

    The girl smiled at him as she perfectly handled the water bottle over Brian. “Thank you for caring, but there isn’t any problem. This container is a light as a feather to me” said the girl and to emphasize her point she lifted the bottle up and down. As she did that, he noticed that the girl seemed to have non-existing muscles. And in the case she have them, they were  completely relaxed since her arms didn’t bulge. ‘How strong is she?’ wondered Brian.

    “Maybe you should ask at you mother to buy the things for you” said the girl placing gently the bottle in Brian’s cart. “It’s a different world now” she said shrugging her shoulders.

    Brian thanked the help of the girl, even he was pissed by her comment. ‘If only things would be in the places they should be’ he muttered as he made his way to the registration.

    When Brian was paying the groceries, the cashier who was a friend of Darlene saw the amount of items he was buying. “Brian. These things are too heavy for you to carry alone. You should ask at Melanie to come with you, so she could take the bags to the car”.

    “I can perfectly manage these packages. Thank you” said Brian upset as he put the bags back in the cart to take them to his car.

    As he was pushing the cart, Brian couldn’t avoid thinking the advices he had received. Since his mother and sister were cured, they had increased their appetite and they eat incredible amounts of food at the day. The list of his mother included several new presentation of food that were packaged to satisfy those needs. So Brian was really buying heavy things.

    The idea of asking at her mother help with groceries wasn’t that bad, but he really want to show that he was able to take care of his family as his father will like to be. The idea of asking at Melanie help was truly out of place. How he can faced at his friends if his little sister help him to carry the bags. He will be humiliated. Then, he thought that the situation he was passing through wasn’t only his condition. All of his friends were passing for the same thing. He then remembered what his friends told him about that some of them were a bit afraid of how powerful their girlfriends had become.

    Even his friends envied Brian because Amanda hadn’t change and he was able to continue a normal relationship with her, he couldn’t avoid thinking how will be to have sex with one of those super women. That was why Brian really want to have a dose of the serum for Amanda. He really couldn’t wait to see her with such power.

    He was thinking this when he saw at his friend Jenny parking her car and blocking the exit of his own. She was another female that was cured by the aliens. Before the disease she was 5’5”  very cute and saggy B-cup chest. Now, she was 6’ 10”, extremely hot and with a defying gravity D-cup chest.

    Instead of enjoying how much Jenny had changed, Brian found himself very angered due her action. “Hey Jenny!! How I am supposed to take out my car if you leave your car there?” he complained.

    “Do you come here driving?” she said shocked. “I’m so sorry Brian. When I saw your car, I though that Darlene came here driving” apologized Jenny.

    “And how the fact that my mother came here will solve the problem about your car blocking the exit” said Brian very exasperated.

    Jenny just smiled. “You are so cute. Still thinking that ‘this’ is a problem”.

    She stood at the side of his car and bending her body, she grabbed the car from below and gently she lifted it over her head. Brian simply stood there, with his jaw on the floor, at the unbelievable display of strength that Jenny was doing.

    Her muscles were bulging from the weight she was lifting, but her face didn’t show any trace of effort. Jenny walked outside the parking space and put his car down. She did it so easy that even the alarm didn’t sound.

    Then she lifted her car putting it in the parking slot. “Here. The ‘problem’ is solved” she said blinking him an eye.

    If Brian didn’t had a hard on before, he really sported one very visible now.

    “Ah! Don’t forget that if someday you get tired of your weak girlfriend, I will like to show you what a real woman can do” she grinned bulging her muscles which erupted out of her arm.

    Brian almost passed out.

    To be continued…


    You don't see something like this… even in a fiction…
    Waiting with impatience for the rest


    This story is awesome.  Please continue.

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