Invasion (Completed)

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  • #20212

    More please !!!! I hope his girlfriend will grow too, with no disease she'll probably be even more AWESOME !


    I agree, I love this kind of story, except maybe the height growth, I love girls shorter, but the muscle and strength parts are great! I can't wait to see this story continue!


    I like it when the girls are taller as well as stronger.. 🙂

    PS! Remember to tell us if it's true that humans taste like chicken, when Brian's girlfriend gets eaten by the evil woman-eating aliens.  👿


    Thanks a lot for all the good comments. Sorry that it took me so long to write the next part. Enjoy it.

    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 3

    Almost two weeks had passed since the supermarket incident. The menace of the invasion was imminent and Brian with Amanda were in his house trying to collect as many food as possible. “How long do you think we will have to hide?” asked Amanda.

    “I don’t know. If everything goes as planned, the defensive weapons of the planet should be powerful enough to repel at the invasion fleet. Even the ambassador’s ships will go to the space to fight them if is needed” said Brian.

    “I’m scared Brian. I don’t want to go to the mines. I should stay with my father, but he told me that he will be fine and that you need me since you will be alone there” she said.

    “I will definitely like to be with you there Amanda. The shelters built inside mines for protection were designed to protect at the male population of the town. We don’t have the resources or the equipment to fight if an invasion party landed here. The cured women of the town, including my mother and Melanie, offered themselves to prepare the defense against the invasion in coordination to the national army. According to the alien ambassador, the invasion fleet should be arriving tomorrow” he said.

    As Brian was packing cans and water bottles, Amanda stood there for a minute and said. “Have you thought about what will be of us once the aliens leave the planet?” said Amanda.

    “What do you mean?” Brian said.

    “Before the invasion, I was one of the popular girls in the school and had many good friends, the kind that will help you no matter what if you are in troubles. Now, the girls barely pay attention to me, and my supposed friends are always joking about me. They always are laughing of me and feeling sorry that I missed her great change to be like them. When they said that, they tensed their muscles making me burned in anger”.

    “You are not the only one Amanda passing for a tough phase” said Brian hugging at his girlfriend. “I begin to see at the world with new eyes. No matter what, I always face situations dealing with woman showing their great muscles and strength most of the days. What really bothers him was that they seemed to not do it on purpose”.

    “I know what you mean. The other day I was in the bus stop when a cured teenage girl stopped in a newsstand nearby. When she received her change for the magazine she bought, a coin slipped from her hand and ended getting under the newsstand. Then, as it was the more natural thing of the world, she smiled and lifted the newsstand from its base, with the newsstand man inside, to recover her coin. Once she had it, she put back the newsstand in place leaving at the man truly shocked” she said.

    “Yes, things like that are happing to often. The other day, I was returning at home when a neighbor, a woman in her thirties, was moving a big sculpture in her front yard. It didn’t see to be a big thing if it wasn’t for the fact that once she settled it down, the ground was shaken violently. I was startled at how much that sculpture should have weight and in any time the woman’s muscles were tensed” he said remembering the incident with Jenny.

    In that time, he saw that Jenny’s muscles bulged for the effort, but in case of the neighbor, he didn’t notice her straining or something like that. That only reminded him that when a women is older, her strength is greater.

    Unknown for Amanda, Brian had being suffering to get adapted at the new world. As more and more women were getting cured, Brian found out that her mother and sister began to act weird, specially his sister. She liked to tease him showing him how much she overpowered him in strength. She continually remarked him that with time her muscles will continue growing and her strength will increase dramatically.

    “What are you thinking about?” asked Amanda breaking Brian’s concentration.

    “Oh nothing. I was just recalling how my mother felt embarrassed when she smashed the dinner table by just dusting it. It was a funny accident” said Brian faking a laugh. After all, he didn’t want to let Amanda know about his problems.

    “I bet that it should have being very embarrassing” giggled Amanda and the two lover laughed for a while.

    “You are right about one thing Amanda. I don’t know what will be the destiny of the human race if the aliens left things as the way they are. I mean. The breach between men and cured women is huge. Men can’t have fun with women anymore. Just take sports for example. Women serve too fast, throw the ball too hard, hurl a frisbee too far. It’s just pointless to play with them” he said.

    “I wouldn’t care too much about sports. The intimacy part is what I’m worry about. The other day, I read in the newspaper about a woman that crushed her boyfriend's hand in a movie theater during a scary scene. I shiver thinking what would have happen if she would have hugged his neck” said Amanda.

    Brian shivered at the gory imaged displayed by his mind.

    “If that happened during a movie, imagine what will happen if they have sex?” said Amanda.

    “Well… there are a lot of cured women and I don’t think they haven’t had sex in the last 4 weeks. I guess that now women have to be very careful when they are with a men” he said.

    “Fortunately we don’t have that problem, do we?” she said with a sensual tone.

    Brian knew very good that tone of voice and it didn’t fail to make his legs feel uneasy. “I guess that it’s a good thing that you haven’t change Amanda. We can still love each other without worry about it” he said.

    “True. But still I will really like to know how it feels to be that strong. You know, like super strong” she said.

    Brian was starting to get anxious by this conversation. He perfectly knew what was about to happen. “It’s a shame that I couldn’t get you a sample of the serum” he replied.

    “Don’t worry Brian. At least you try it. But if someday I get my hands on it, I will be so strong that all my suppose friends will fear me. I bet that besides being several times stronger than they, I will be even taller than they. I can already picture me looking down at them. You know that it’s very annoying to have to look up at them” said Amanda.

    “Tell me about it” sighed Brian. “I felt like a child around women”.

    “Oh my poor Brian. You have being used to be so tall and strong. But don’t feel sad, you are still tall and strong for me. I’m a woman you can see down” she giggled.

    “Another reason to love you so much” he said kissing her.

    “But be honest with me Brian. The idea of me being one of those green women ever crossed your mind?” she asked.

    “Several times” he said absently and then he covered his mouth.

    “Oh!!” gasped Amanda in surprise. “So, you have imagine me as a strong woman, haven’t you?” she said with a grin in her face.

    “I… well…” muttered Brian red of the embarrassment.

    “And tell me Brian, have you fantasize about me using my strength. Trying to figure out how strong I will be” she whispered in his ear.

    Brian gulped hard as he felt Amanda’s hand getting inside his shorts and gently grabbing her manhood. Slowly, Amanda began to stroke it as she continued whispering in his ear.

    “I wonder how much stronger have you picture me to be. Just tell me if I’m getting closer ok?” she said and Brian only nodded.

    “What about is I have a hold of long and thick bar of iron?” she said grabbing firmly his erection. “Should I be strong enough to bend it?” she said coyly.

    “That will be too easy for you” Brian managed to say.

    “Oh!!” gasped again Amanda. “If that will be easy for me, I bet that if caress gentle the length of the bar…” her words were describing what her hand was doing to Brian’s manhood. “… my feminine fingers will deformed the bar if I put some effort on it, don’t you think?” she said.

    Brian began to tremble. “No, it will be deform is you barely try to hold it” he gulped.

    “So… if I tried to pick up this heavy bar my fingerprints will dig in the solid metal. That is what you are saying?” she said softly in his ear. Brian nodded his head.

    “I guess that if I’m that strong, I will be able not only to bend the bar but also turn it into paste if I want to” she said. “You will like that Brian? Will you like to have a girl so strong that she could be able to transform an iron bar into a small iron ball by just applying a short amount of her strength?”

    Brian was having serious problems now. Amanda’s words and his vivid imagination was pushing him to the edge.

    “Do you want me that strong Brian? Do you want me to be able to lift a car, a bus, a tractor, a cruiser, an aircraft? Maybe all of them at the same time? Do you want me to be able to rip off a skyscraper from its foundation without sweating? Do you want me to be so strong that even mountains will be weightless for me? So strong than even an army of cured women wouldn’t overpower me? So strong that I could part the Earth in half if I want to?” she said biting gentle his earlobe.

    Brian only closed his eyes as he did a terrible mess in his underwear. “Everything is fine my weak man. Super Amanda will take care of you” she said embracing at her lover.

    As Amanda and Brian was enjoying their wonderful moment, a fleet of spaceships were entering into the Milky Way. Each of them was heavily armed and their destination was the third planet of the solar system.

    To be continued…


    excellent story! not an original idea but who cares!


    Really love this last part !!! 😆 I'd love to have a girlfriend who understand the kind of fantasy I have…. Great chapter, please continue soon… 😎

    Anthony Durrant

    Say, I'll bet that the evil male aliens are the counterparts of the good female aliens!  They're both from the same species!


    Cool episode, Mr. AP! I can't wait to see the next part… 😎


    Agreed! Amazing! I can't wait for the next scene!


    Thanks everybody for their support and feedback. It's very appreciated. Here is the next part of this story. Enjoy it.

    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 4

    “We don’t have enough time Amanda. I think it will be nice if you record a message for your father. That way, you could be with him when the dark hour arrives” said Brian setting the video camera near the TV and turned it on.

    Just when Amanda was ready to talk, Melanie entered into the house. “What aren’t you preparing your supplies for the shelter?” she said angrily to him. “Mom and I can’t watch you all the time Brian. Now, be a good brother and get ready. Mom will get soon to take you to the shelter” Melanie said.

    “Don’t treat him like that YOUNG lady. Maybe Brian isn’t as strong as you, but he is perfect capable of do things by his own” said Amanda standing for her boyfriend.

    “You are nobody to talk to me like that WEAK lady” said Melanie walking menacing toward Amanda. “You can’t even help us. You know that in this moment we need at all women ready but since you were immune to the virus you won’t do any good” she said.

    Quickly Brian stood in middle of her sister and girlfriend. “Hold your horses Melanie. You can’t talk to her like that. After all, Amanda took care of you when you were sick and …” was saying Brian when by surprise his mother entered into the room.

    “You don’t need to say more Brian. You and Amanda had being of great help when WE were sick” said Darlene looking at her daughter. “Please, go to your room and get ready your clothes while I have a small chat with your sister” said Darlene imposing her seven inches of height advance over Melanie.

    Brian and Amanda did what the mother said, but they weren’t too long in Brian’s bedroom when they hear a Darlene screaming “Nooo!!!”

    Both ran down the stairs and watched at Melanie leaving the house. When they entered into the living room, they found that Darlene's shirt was tore off in front, including her bra. Brian’s mother tried her best to cover her nudity.

    “Sorry if I scared you. I was arguing with Melanie and we get a bit physical. Don’t worry that she will be grounded for a whole month once we have taken care of the invasion thing” said Darlene.

    Brian and Amanda were too shocked to say something, specially Brian since he couldn’t imagine at his sister having an arguing with his mother in that way.

    After Darlene changed her clothes, she and Melanie went out to the mall to buy some groceries for Brian. “I still don’t get it, why you left that you mother or sister buy your stuff? You only give them reasons to treat you like a baby” said Amanda to Brian.

    “I don't do that any more since I’m embarrassed every time I go, I barely can handle the heavy bags. I’m sick that young girls like Melanie are willing to help me with them” said Brian picking up his video camera. “Oh great!! I forgot to turn it off” he sighed.

    “You mean that the camera taped the fight between your mother and sister?” asked Amanda interested. “Let’s see how much psychical they got?” she said with sparks in her eyes.

    Brian doubt for a moment if they should see such a moment, but his curiosity won. He rewind the tape and then forward it until the point where his mother and sister were alone in the room.

    “You have to watch out your manners. We don't want that nobody suspect anything” said Darlene.

    “But I can't hold myself. My host body really wants to tease him. So I'm acting as I should be” protested Melanie.

    “Host body?” said Brian and Amanda looking at each other with confusion.

    “You know that we are too close to finally get control over all the female population in the world. Once we got it, you can do with him what you please” laughed Darlene and Melanie joined her.

    Then, Darlene bent forward feeling a terrible pain in her stomach. “The mother’s love is too strong in my host. I'm losing control” she said ripping off her shirt and bra.

    Brian with Amanda looked amazed at the TV screen as something was coming out from Darlene's chest. It was something green and small that looked like a human body but about 10 inches tall.

    The shape finally emerged and it was a female girl with green skin. When she went out, Darlene shrunk in size and her skin returned to her normal pink color. Melanie scared, rapidly held Darlene's body. “Quickly, possess her again or you will die” she yelled to the tiny green woman.

    The tiny woman jumped over the mother and wrapped her legs around Darlene’s waist as her hands stimulated Darlene’s nipples. Once they got hard, the alien began to melt in Darlene’s skin. The mother zapped out of her dizzy state and when she realized what was happening to her, she screamed in horror.

    The green woman disappeared inside Darlene and she grew back to 7' feet tall with big muscles. “I love to stimulate them when I possessed a body. It feels wonderful” moaned Darlene touching her nipples. “Now, go to the car and wait for me there. I will deal with the lovers” she said,

    Then, the video showed at Melanie leaving the room and then at Brian and Amanda entering into it.

    For a moment, Brian and Amanda just stood there speechless as their minds tried to digest the information her eyes and ears had just registered.

    “There isn’t a cure. The supposed saviors are the real invaders. We need to send this video to the intelligence agencies around the world” said Brian as she took Amanda’s hand. With her, he took the spare car and drove to the mountains.

    “The virus was the way to impulse a passive way to possess at the women in the world. Men were so devastated by the sickness of the women that we never stop to think what was really the cure. In fact, nobody has seem the famous serum” said Brian angrily.

    “We are so idiots!! Certainly the aliens need to possess at the women in order to survive in this atmosphere and we simply gave them the vessels. Now, my mother and sister are under the will of some tiny aliens” said Brian.

    “Remember that we have always seen at the aliens as tall green women before. I bet they abducted other women to possess their bodies” said Amanda. “And with the possession, the aliens must have access to their host's memories learning everything they need about our culture”

    “Or in order to act like them” sighed Brian. “I can’t believe that I haven’t realized that my mother and sister weren’t truly them” said Brian at the verge of tears.

    “Don’t be so hard on yourself. Every man in this planet had being cheated like that. After all, the aliens knew everything your mother and sister did. There was no way you could have noticed a thing” said Amanda.

    “I know, but that doesn’t make me feel better” said Brian.

    After driving for more than an hour, Brian said “Now all has sense. What I experienced in the grocery store, in the streets and the tease of my sister were part of a plan to break down the morality of men. To make them realized the weak they were”.

    “You are right. That should be the reason we always saw those displays of strength from their part. They looked so innocently doing it that we didn’t suppose they were doing it on purpose” gasped Amanda.

    “Oh no!” gasped Brian.

    “What is it?” asked Amanda afraid.

    “I bet that the shelters are prisons to keep at the men under control. I bet that there is no invasion fleet. That was other part of their plan. Motivated by the fear of an unknown enemy, we practically gave at the aliens access to all our defense systems” gasped Brian. “I chill at the idea that by now, most of the male population is inside the shelters. They are taking over the world and we even have try to defense ourselves”

    “Not only that. Now for every male soldier there are 10 or 20 cured women. These women are standing at the side of the soldiers. If they decided to strike first, our soldiers will be taken by surprise and you know they won’t stand a chance. We need to warn them Brian. We need to find a way to fight at those double-face aliens” said Amanda.

    “That is why were are coming here. Maybe the secret lab of my father can have an answer” said Brian.

    “Your father’s lab?” asked Amanda.

    “What I’m about to reveal to you Amanda is something my father trust me long time ago. You know that my father is in a hospital in coma, but what you don’t know is that he was a top-secret agent that got injured in one of his dangerous missions” said Brian.

    “When I was younger, my father showed me the lab but made him promise to never tell anything about it to my sister and mother. Everything about the other life of my father was something I only knew about” he said.

    “The day my father fell in come, his friends protected his secret identity by simulating an accident in the mine. People thought that my father’s condition was due that accident. Since I knew the true, I closed the lab until his recovery. That was a year ago” said Brian sadly. “Since my mother and sister don't know about the lab, we should be safe there” said Brian driving more in deep of the mountains.

    To be continued…

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