Invasion (Completed)

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  • #20222

    That's an interesting twist! I never would have seen that coming! Keep up the good work.


    That's a brilliant switcharound! Fantastic work, sir! 😮


    Thank you for all the nice comments, I'm glad that you are enjoying this story. Sorry for taking so long to post this piece and I hope it was worthy the wait.


    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 5

    Once they finally were in the lab, Amanda gasped at the side of it. There were several computers and devices that she only had seen in sci-fi series. In fact, the whole lab looked like it had been taken from a space station.

    “Remembering the entering code was easy, but I think I forgot the main code to turn this on” said Brian frustrated as his mind was in blank in front of the keyboard panel.

    “Try the date of your parent’s anniversary” suggested Amanda.

    “Don’t you think that it will be too obvious” sighed Brian as he punched the date. Suddenly all the devices were activated.

    “Told you” said Amanda sticking out her tongue. Brian only lowered his head in defeat.

    Suddenly, the computers showed the leads TV stations in the world on their screens. “Oh no. It’s too late!!” gasped Brian as all the stations broadcasted the image of alien ambassador.

    “Men and immune women of the world, I’m glad to announce that now the 100% of the female infected have received the cure” she said with a smile in her face.

    Then, her smile turned into a sinister grin as she said “Unfortunately for you, that means that now every cured woman in the world has at one of my loyal sisters inside. Yes, as you have heard me. The famous cure was no other than a way to let at my sisters fuse with your women. You were so worried of your fragile females that practically surrender your world to us”.

    The screens showed different images of the captive male population and the small number of women not infected that were prisoners in the suppose shelters. “You were so naïve that you even put yourselves under our on care” laughed the ambassador.

    “Ah! In case you are having hopes in the army of your countries, just let me show what my sisters can do thanks to the physical strength they acquired by fusing their bodies with the native females of this planet” said the ambassador as videos about physical strength tests were broadcasted to assure the obedience of the viewers.

    Amanda and Brian watched astonished as young girls grabbed the guns of the soldiers. “Let me take that useless gun from you. You won’t need it anymore” said one of the girls as she snatched the weapon of the soldier’s hands. Grinning, the girl broke in two the gun without any sign of effort. “Oops! Your gun is too weak against my girly muscles” giggled the girl.

    Then, the unarmed soldiers witnessed the strength of the teenage girls. “I don’t know why you try to protect from us in these weak cans” said a teenage girl as she was capable to break through the thick metal of a tank with one punch. “It will be better for you to stay out were we can see you” said the girl as she tore apart the upper level of the tank exposing at its occupants which flew for their lives.

    If there were still soldiers that have will to fight after the previous feast of strength of the young women, what happened next truly erased that feeling.

    With a big grin on her face, a mature woman approached to were the rest of the tank were. “Girls, girls” she scolded at the younger women. “If you want that a man respects you, you must show him who is the boss” said the woman as she grabbed the upper piece of the tank and put it back in place.

    Then, she applied more strength and began to deform the tank structure, turning it plainer and plainer. When the tank looked like an iron plate, the woman lifted it from the ground and started to compress the plate into a ball using only her bare hands. The creepy sound of the metal being squeezed scared at the soldiers to death.

    Finally the woman dropped a metal trash ball, no bigger than a soccer ball, into the ground forcing it to rumble at the great weight it received. “If I were able to do that to one of your reinforced tanks, just imagine what I can do with your puny bodies” grinned mischievously the woman. The soldiers got on their knees and pledge for their lives.

    The destruction of these cured women was not only linked to the army in the ground. The computer screens showed how women were having fun in an air force base. “Look how good they fly” laughed a teenage girl as she threw an empty combat plane into the air. “That is nothing. Look how fast my can go” laughed another girl throwing another plane into the air.

    The pilots only watched scared as their planes were flying in the air to later crash into the ground several miles away. “This is so funny. Let’s do this again, but try not to throw the plane so hard” said the second teenage girl.

    “Roger” smiled the first girl as she lifted another plane over her shoulder. Then, she ran a couple of feet and launched the plane as if it was a javelin.

    “Good throw. Now it’s my turn” said the second girl as she took impulse and launched the plane. She applied so much strength, that the plane broke the sound’s barrier just seconds it left her hands. In a blink of an eye, the second plane reached at the first one colliding and exploding in the air.

    “That was awesome. Let’s do it again!!” said the girls at unison at the shocked eyes of the pilots.

    The navy wasn’t an exception of the women devastation. The marines were forced to evacuate the ships in lifeboats. Floating in the open see, they were also observers of the unbelievable strength of the women.

    “Let’s see who is more resistance, a destroyer or me?” said a woman as she dig her fingers into the ship metal and descended into the water pulling the whole ship with her under it.

    “Hey girls. Look what I found” said another women who was emerging from the deeps of the ocean carrying a nuclear submarine over her shoulder. “What do you think I should do with this?” she asked at her sisters.

    “Well, if one of the submarine’s torpedoes is able to sink a ship, I guess that you can sink that aircraft carrier by using the whole submarine” grinned other girl.

    “That is a terrific idea” smiled the woman as she launched the submarine into the air and then she propelled herself after it. Once she reached it, she slapped it as it was a volley ball and sent it toward the aircraft. The impact of both vehicles produced a huge explosion.

    Later, the first woman emerged from the ocean carrying a compression version of the destroyer. At least it was half its original size. “It seems that we are even denser that this piece of metal” laughed the woman. “I was happily descending, when I turned my head and noticed how deformed the ship was. I couldn’t avoid smiling as the ship had suffered the pressure of the ocean while I didn’t even felt any tickle”.

    “Sir, what those women have done goes against the law of psychic” said a Commander to an Admiral in one of the lifeboats. “Not only these women lack the physical mass to pull down a ship, even though they may have the strength to pull them, but what about the super tremendous heat that would be a by product of such superhuman exertion?”

    “It’s true that force exerted creates heat as a by product. Force at that level would incinerate the human form in an instant. But you must remember that those women are no longer human. Since the human and alien bodies are fused, maybe the human body acquired some special characteristics from the alien body, besides the green color, and they are now able to exert that kind of feasts without the limitations the human body has as flexation and mobility, which turns them into terrible enemies” replied Admiral Garrett astonished by how powerful this new beings were.

    The magnitude of the damage these aliens were able to do wasn’t what scared at Brian and Amanda the most. It was the fact of how easily they did it. It was like they were playing. The couple trembled in fear of what will be of the world from now on.

    The computer screens showed again the face of the alien ambassador “The soldiers that moments ago were confident in the victory become themselves the first victims of the true invasion. They were outnumbered by my sisters who were several times stronger than them. As you can see, in just a couple of minutes, every army of the world had been totally neutralized” laughed the ambassador.

    “For the ones that want to know how we possessed at your women, here are some video clips” smiled sinisterly the ambassador.

    Brian watched the monitor that broadcasted the local channel. He gasped as his the video displayed a group of about 100 women in a large room. Her mother and sister were between them.

    “Are you sure you want to see that?” asked Amanda with concerned in her voice.

    Brian didn't reply as he was watching how the green amazons ordered at the women to take out all her clothes saying that they will be grow taller and they could hurt themselves. The women complied and they stood naked in the room. Brian avoid to see at his mother and sister naked.

    After the amazons closed the door from where they entered, a door at the other side of the room was opened and 100 small female aliens run inside. Scared, some women tried to escape while others tried to defense themselves. The second group was the first to fall.

    The aliens jumped against the bodies of those women and began to get inside their bodies. The women cried in despair as the aliens were melting in them. Once the aliens were inside, the women grew in side and muscles.

    Amanda turned off the monitor as the image focused at Darlene and Melanie pleading for their lives as the aliens were coming toward them.

    “This can end like this, we must do something” said Brian angrily as he tried to contact at the intelligence agencies that her father had on the memories banks of his computer.

    “It won’t work” said sadly Amanda stopping him. “The aliens certainly must be in control of those agencies or they will never risk taking over the world. For sure some of the personal in those stations were women, and if they got an alien inside, the aliens will know where to strike”.

    Defeated and with no hopes, Brian and Amanda hold each other. At least, they were together. In that moment an incoming signal appeared in the computer screen. “This is…” gasped Brian as he activated the speakers.

    To be continued…


    Oh, come on! Don't stop there! I want to see what happened!


    Aw, heck! Another cliff-hanger after a great episode! You're gonna kill us all with suspense, Mr. Max, and I don't like it! 😉

    Seriously, that was great work! Thanks for posting!


    Finally some mysterious are finally revealed and explained. Hope you enjoy this chapter.


    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 6

    “What it is Brian?” asked Amanda intrigued.

    “The computer is detecting a transmission from the outer space. I’m trying to capture the signal and hear what it’s about” said Brian.

    Then, a female voiced was heard through the speakers. “Surrender now Keispa. I have come with a fleet twice bigger than yours. If you and your renegade followers surrendered at once, I will have mercy of you” said a female voice.

    “Talk to me properly Niftiow. I'm now the undisputable Empress of the Earth. This world is very different from the ones we have conquered in the past. Here, the body fusion has showed impressive changes. You won't believe how astonished I was when I possessed the body of an abducted young female. I found myself virtually invincible and with enough strength to crush at your entire personal guard without problem. Not to mention that I’m five times taller than any of them” laughed a voice that Brian easily recognized as the alien ambassador.

    “In other worlds, the female hosts were almost as equal as the males after the fusion. That was why you could arrest at my forces. Now, the males here are completely under our control. They can't help you, only to us since they are the greatest protection against your assault. Besides, if you are thinking in attacking me, I will suggest you to scan this planet. The stupid earthlings helped at my forces to construct weapons able to destroy your ships even if they are in the space. I give you two hours to abandon the orbit of this planet or I will be forced to destroy your ship, my queen” said Keispa with sarcasm in her voice. After that, the transmission ended.

    “The computer locked the signal of the other female alien. Maybe she can help us” said Brian sending a secure message to Niftiow’s ship indicating where he could be found. Moments later, a message came in. “These are great news Amanda, the alien woman Niftiow is coming here to have a private meeting” he said excited.

    “It will be better that you expect at our visitor Brian. I will try to see if I can prepare something to drink in the room that looks like a kitchen” said Amanda.

    Brian nodded and went to the entrance of the lab. He didn’t wait too long before he felt a strong wind. In front of his eyes, a small ship appeared from nowhere. “It must have a cloaking device” he thought.

    After the ship landed, from it emerged a small green woman with similar features like the one that came out from his mother. The difference was that this woman was wearing some kind of suit to protect her body.

    Once the woman left her ship, it turned invisible again. “Greetings young earthling Brian. I’m the queen Niftiow” she said.

    “Follow me this way your highness” said Brian guiding her inside the lab.

    Once inside, Brian helped at Niftiow to stand on a table as he sat on a chair. He was impressed by the tiny size of her but he didn't let her know her that.

    “Thanks for your kindness receiving me after what my people have done in your world” apologized Niftiow. “I bet that you have many questions, so I will tell you the history of my homeworld. I am the queen of a world populated only by females. The only way to prolong our specie is by fusing our bodies with the bodies of other females from different worlds”.

    “This process involves asking permission at the host for the fusion. Then, once my one of my people is inside of the host, a male from that planet will fertilize at the female. The mission of my specie is to alter the genetic code of the new baby to adapt it to our own. So after the gestation time, the new life born is female of my kind” explained the queen.

    “My specie is dispersed across the universe. We have ships traveling to distant worlds to ask their help in order to continue existing. In exchange, we give them technology or whatever they ask as a fair treat”.

    “The one that has taken over your world is Keispa. She was one of the most important fleet commanders of my world, since the new lives she brought back from her travels could easily match at all the lives the rest of the fleet brought together”.

    “One day, I felt curiosity to know how Keispa was doing such impressive work. That was how I discovered that she was using a virus to weak at the females her forces were about to possess” sadly said Niftiow.

    “Why they used a virus?” asked intrigued Brian.

    “The fusion of bodies let at the host in complete control of the fuse body. That is to assure at other females to trust in us. With the virus, the will of host is too weak to overcome at the incoming presence and becomes a vessel at the will of the invader” said Niftiow.

    “Horrified for such cruely, I ordered to arrest at Keispa and her forces. Keispa and her followers not only managed to escape from prison, but also hijacked 5 of my ships to conquer new worlds. I mobilized at half of the fleet in pursue of the traitor”.

    “From that day, almost 10 human years has passed. My fleet had found all the conquered worlds of Keispa and freed them successfully. But during their conquests, Keispa has increased dramatically the number of soldiers she had under her command”.

    “Finally, a couple of human months ago, Keispa fleet were intercepted by my fleet. We held a space battle in which thousands of my people die. The remaining of Keispa fleet using a technology she acquired from her last conquered world opened a worm hole and escape to the Earth. Without that technology, we didn’t have other choice that traveling at our maximum speed hoping to catch her in here and put an end to this conflict. Unfortunately, the defense system Keispa had built won’t allow at my fleet to descent. And even if we can, Keispa and her forces had turn so powerful, that it will be impossible to defeat her” said the queen lowering her head.

    “Sorry for taking so long. I couldn’t find the cups” said Amanda carrying 3 cups of tea.

    “Oh, queen Niftiow, I present you at my girlfriend Amanda. Amanda, the queen Niftiow” said Brian doing the introductions.

    Amanda smiled at the tiny queen. “I didn’t know that there was a non-possessed girl with you Brian” said Niftiow with joy in her voice. “I thought that a fight against Keispa’s forces will be a suicide, but with Amanda at your side there is a small hope”.

    Brian and Amanda looked at each other confused.

    “Let me explain what I mean” said Niftiow. “The virus was designed to make female vulnerable for possession, but since Amanda is immune, that means that her will is stronger that the average woman and that is the key to overcome this invasion. Please Amanda, can you give me a clean cup?” asked the tiny queen

    Amanda went to the kitchen and brought another cup. She placed it next to the queen. “Thank you Amanda” said Niftiow as she began to open the front part of her suit. Brian and Amanda were speechless as the queen exposed her large breasts and began to milk them over the cup.

    The couple was amazed as the tiny woman filled with white jets of milk a quarter of the cup. “That should be enough to do it” said Niftiow closing her suit. “Now Brian, if you drink my milk you will acquire the ability to fuse your body with Amanda”.

    “What??!! Why??!!” said the two lovers at unison.

    “My best scientists had found the cure for the virus and as we speak, my fleet is already eliminating the virus from the atmosphere. That will only assure that any young female that reach the fertility age won’t be able to be possessed, but it won’t help to free at the already possessed women” said Niftiow.

    “When the two of you merge together, the combine being will be inconceivable strong, making possible to over power at any possessed female in this world. That is because the psychology of the female human was very special. Once a female body has another body inside her, her body increased its potential according to the mass inserted” explained Niftiow.

    Looking at Amanda to the eyes, Niftiow continued. “Once the two of you are one, you will be in control of the fused body, but Brian will experience everything that you will do. He will see through your eyes, hear by your ears, smell by your nose, taste by your tongue and feel by your hands, but he won't we able to speak or act as independent being. He will be able to talk to you mentally and both will know all about each other instantly. There will be no secrets between you and him once the fusion is completed”.

    “Once Amanda is amplified, she will gain the ability to produced milk with the same compounds that will let at other males to fuse their bodies with the females and since Amanda is immune to the virus, her milk will let at the man cure at his host and the female will regain the control over her body” explained Niftiow. “Once a male enters into a possessed body, his incoming mass will expel at the other present inside. That means that the invader inside the woman will be removed. My specie can't tolerate this atmosphere, so if any of my kind is expelled from her host, she will die a few minutes later”.

    “So the plan is simple, I will have to find a man and them let him drink from my milk. After that, I will use my strength to hold a possessed woman until the male enters into the body. Once the male is inside, the female alien will be thrown out to die” said Amanda truly excited.

    “Well, I don’t like that idea that you will have to breastfeed at all the males in the world. Especially if I will be inside you all the time” said shriving at the thought.

    “That won’t be necessary. After a human male that had drunk the milk is inside of a human female, that female will be able produce the same milk. That will allow at the females to split up and began to re-conquer their world” said Niftiow.

    “As you will share your knowledge, Keispa forces had already shared their knowledge to their hosts. That will be very important to start the liberation of your world” said the queen. “But you must be really carefully at how you proceed. If Keispa realizes your plan, she will order the annihilation of all the males in the world to protect herself. Using the knowledge of the invaders, the freed females can pretend to still be possessed and trick Keispa long enough until you can exterminate her forces” said Niftiow.

    Brian, holding the cup of milk, looked at Amanda into her eyes. An unspoken agreement was set between them as she gently nodded her head. Brian closed his eyes and swallowed the milk

    To be continued…


    That's a great chapter. I like the idea of rebels not being goodies, as it were. Keep it up, Mr. AP! 😀


    That's a new twist… rebelling by drinking breast milk…:)

    Anthony Durrant

    That idea was used on a children's show called Dr. Snuggles, and I intended to use it myself for a series of stories before discarding the idea; the woman was to have been called the Cleopatra, and the man was to have been called David and he was to have been marooned on her planet.

    In the Dr. Snuggles episode, the "woman" was a robot called Matilda Junkbottom, and the "man" was called "the old alarm clock."  He was placed in her body after agreeing to be her heart, his exact words being:

    "She's beautiful!  I would love to be her heart!"


    Idea of Greinskyn and Mr. Mergers
    Written by Max

    Part 7

    “It's delicious!!” exclaimed Brian after swallowing the milk.

    “Well, I'm not a queen for nothing” said Niftiow blushing. “Now, both of you need to be naked in order to proceed with the fusion” she said.

    With some embarrassment, Brian and Amanda stripped off their clothes. They had seen each other naked before, but this was the first time they got naked in front of a complete stranger.

    As Brian was removing his shirt, he couldn't stop watching Amanda taking off hers. Amanda's natural beauty always left him spellbound. In silence, he stared at her gorgeous legs were as she peeled off her jeans, revealing them little by little.

    Brian took his time to unzip his jeans, distracted by the vision of Amanda unbuttoning her blouse. Placing her blouse aside, Amanda stood a bit ashamed as she was only in bra and panties, while Brian was only half-undressed.

    “That piece of fabric over your breasts will be useless for you once the fusion is done. I don't know about the piece protecting your womanhood, but you can keep it if you want” said Niftiow to Amanda.

    Brian was trying not to drool all over the lab floor as his mind understood Niftiow's words. He had witnessed all the possessed women developing muscles, and they also increased their bust lines. If the development was according to the mass inserted, he tried not to think what will happen with Amanda's breasts once he was inside her. He didn't want to pass out or worse!.

    As soon as Brian removed his jeans he wished he hadn't done it. He saw the innocent expression of Amanda as she unclasped her bra. With the garment removed, Brian could enjoy the wonderful sight that was Amanda's perfect and round C-cup perky breasts.

    “Now that I remember, you don't need to be naked Brian” said Niftiow. Brian couldn't be more thankful as he quickly pulled up his jeans to cover his erection. Once he put his shirt on, the queen proceeded. “The fusion is simple. Brian, once you make contact with Amanda, you must think about getting inside her. After that, everything will go fine” she said.

    “And how I do to get out?” asked worried Brian.

    “Just think about getting out of her. The fusion is a trust pact between two people. In your case, Amanda will be the one with the total control over the fused body and over the strength resulting of the fusion, but she can’t force you to fuse with her. You don’t have control over the fused body, but you are free to fuse or defuse from her. Another interesting result of the fusion is that if one or both of you are wounded, you can heal real fast while you stayed fused” explained Niftiow.

    “I guess that the ability can be useful if we plan to fight against the whole female population of this planet” joked nervously Brian.  Then, looking at Amanda into her eyes, Brian asked with trembling voice “Are you ready?”

    Amanda smiled and got closer to him. “I'm more than ready my love. This is a very special moment in our relationship, Brian. We knew that one day we will share our bodies and souls but we never imagine that we will do it so literally. I know that what we are about to do, we do it for the mankind, but not for that, I want to cherish this moment” she said.

    Brian couldn't stop the tears flowing from his eyes as he watched the most romantic woman in the world. He kissed her deeply and she kissed him back. Niftiow smiled as she felt the great love the two earthlings had for each other.

    Feeling the confidence Amanda had deposited in him, Brian gently placed his hands on her stomach. “It has begun” said Brian as slowly his hands began to melt in her skin.

    “It tickles” giggled Amanda.

    “I must say that it's a funny sensation” said Brian when he realized he couldn't feel his fingers anymore. “Well, here I come” said Brian throwing himself into Amanda.

    “Oh my…!!” moaned Amanda as Brian got inside her body. In a blink of the eye, the two bodies merged together and Brian with Amanda became one.

    For a moment, Amanda stood silently. Then, her body slowly enlarged and her slim body got toned. Soon her transformation speeded up as her feminine muscles started to gain size and density. Her increase in height was keeping up with the one in her muscles. Niftiow estimated that for every inch Amanda grew in size, her muscles also increased in that amount.

    As her transformation continued, Amanda regained her consciousness. “This is incredible!!” she gasped. “I feel invincible!!” she exclaimed as she touched her still growing biceps. “They are like steel!!”.

    Then, she looked down at Niftiow and watched how the queen got smaller and smaller in front of her. “I will be a giantess!!” grinned Amanda as her body extended toward the ceiling.

    A stretching sound caught the attention of Amanda. She noticed that it was coming from her panties. The elastic underwear was being forced to its limits as Amanda's hips were expanding.

    The concern about her panties was soon forgotten as Amanda experienced a pleasant, almost erotic, change happening in her. Her smile couldn't be wider as Amanda felt a warm tingle sensation spreading into her breasts.

    “Oh yes!! It's time!!” moaned Amanda as she massaged her breasts. Soon, they responded at her touch by swelling up. Her breasts got heavier on her chest, but her pectoral muscles kept them in place. Amanda felt her nipples engorging and she was sure that it was due the lactation condition that Niftiow mentioned.

    Finally, Amanda's transformation slowed and then stopped. “Well, I think that is all I will grow” said Amanda as she stretched her muscular amazon body. Niftiow watched her, wholly satisfied with the result.

    “You are truly impressive Amanda. I knew that you will more powerful that any of Keispa's forces, but I never imagine something like this,” exclaimed the astonished queen. “And how is Brian?”

    “Oh my…!! I forgot about Brian!!” Amanda exclaimed, feeling bad for Getting so carried away by her enhancing body experience, not worrying how Brian was. Frantically, Amanda began to touch her stomach, chest and legs looking for a sign of her boyfriend. “BRIAN! BRIAN!! Where are you Brian?” she asked, increasingly worried.

    'I'm here Amanda' came a voice Amanda heard inside her head. 'Don't worry, baby. I'm fine in here' Brian said, now just a disembodied voice in her brain.

    “What a relief!” Amanda sighed.

    “It seems that the fusion was a success” smiled Niftiow. “Why don't both of you look at the body you are sharing” suggested Niftiow pointing out to a large crystal door of the lab.

    'Are you ready to see how your Super Amanda looks, my little man?' mentally said Amanda to Brian as she walked to the door.

    'Please don't start. I don't know what could happen if I get aroused in here' pointed Brian feeling excited. Amanda only smiled and continued walking.

    When Amanda stood in front of the glass door, she and Brian gasped at sight reflected on it. “HOLY…” exclaimed Amanda as she had grown in size tremendously. “I must be like what? 8 feet tall?” she wondered.

    'Who cares about your size. Look at your muscles!! With those guns you can put in shame at best bodybuilder on the planet' gasped Brian.

    “I think you are right” said Amanda as she flexed her arm tensing her mighty biceps. “But don't forget about these” grinned happy Amanda at the amazing size of her breasts. “Where I will find bras for these?” she exclaimed cupping her over-generous bust.

    Suddenly, she heard at Brian gasping inside her head. Recalling what Niftiow told her about sharing with Brian anything she felt, Amanda began to caress her breasts. 'How do they feel Brian?' asked Amanda mentally.

    'Terrific' gasped Brian as he could feel how warm, firm and big Amanda's breasts were. Then, his pleasure turned into frustration as he realized that as gorgeous as Amanda was, he couldn’t be able to do anything with her. After all he was inside her body.

    “We will find a way Brian. Don’t worry” said Amanda as she could read Brian’s emotions and thoughts very easily.

    “I have great hopes in you two” interrupted Niftiow. “I will really like to stay with you, and fight Keispa's forces, but as you know, the weapons she had built will destroy my whole fleet if I try to land. Besides in the current state of the situation there is nothing we can do” said Niftiow.

    “What I can do is leaving two ships behind the dark side of the moon. Since the satellites of your planet aren't too advanced, my ships will be virtually invisible and they will be ready when you need them. If you want to deceive Keispa, my forces can fuse with the women you free in order to let those women have the appearance Keispa expect. Can you imagine what will happen if Keispa communicates with one of her forces and doesn't find a green woman in the other side?” said the queen.

    “You are right. Thanks for your help your majesty” said Amanda.

    “I just wish I could do more, but as I told you, I must continue my journey in order to prolong the life of my species” said Niftiow as she pressed a button on her suit.

    Gently, Amanda carried Niftiow in her hand and took her outside. Then, she remained in silence nodding before saying “Niftiow, Brian wants me to tell you that he is very grateful for what you have done for us and for our whole planet. We understand the dangers you exposed yourself in order to meet us. We will do our best to try to save our planet” said Amanda.

    “I know you will” said Niftiow. The strong wind indicated that her ship had arrived. Once the ship was visible, Amanda left the queen on the ground. When Niftiow was boarding her ship, she added “When the Earth recovers its freedom; I will love to go back and talk to you”. With the queen secured, the ship turned invisible and took off.

    Amanda returned to the lab and put the speakers on. Soon she heard the queen “Keispa. I don't want to put in danger at the people of this planet. Unfortunately, I can't stay here to make a plan against you since I have to assure the existence of our race. But I promise you that before you notice it, I will return to see at the Earth free” said Niftiow.

    “You are doing the right thing my queen. Run like a wounded prey and never return” laughed Keispa and the communication ended.

    To be continued…

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