- This topic has 8 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 6 months ago by
Trash Boat.
May 6, 2009 at 1:24 pm #83276
Trash Boat
Timetable (GMT 2+1 summertime)Provisional Schedule of Events
Day Weigh in time Classes Start
1300-1430 hours Women 48,0 & 52,0 kg 1500 hours
0900-1030 hours Women 56,0 & 60,0 kg 1100 hours
0900-1030 hours Women 67,5 & 75,0 kg 1100 hours
0800-0930 hours Women 82,5 to 90+ kg 1000 hoursVictory Ceremonies: Immediately after the end of each lifting session.
Important Note: Changes may be made to the schedule of events at the Technical
Meeting depending on the number of lifters finally entered at this occasion.[font=Verdana]Live stream[/font]
[font=Verdana]Entry list[/font”>[tt]This yers IPF powerlifting EC are held in Ylitornio, Finland. This competion brings lifters from Finland, France, Austria, Ukraine, Sweden, Hungary, Norway, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Iceland, Denmark, Poland, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Estonia, Bulgaria, Great Britain, Belgium, Luxembourg, and Latvia to the arctic circle.
[/tt]May 7, 2009 at 1:15 am #83277Trash Boat
ParticipantUnfortunately that stram was no good. At least on my computer it freezed all the time.
cat pl name born team bwt squat bench dead total
48kg Wed 06 May 2009
1 JURKKO Raija 1963 FIN 47.05 177.5 92.5 157.5 427.5 [pending drug-test]
2 LE PANSE Bénédicte 1978 FRA 47.50 162.5 95.0 152.5 410.0
3 APULI Sanna (FIN1981F1) 1981 FIN 47.80 155.0 77.5 152.5 385.0
4 SCHWENGL Ilka (AUT1965F1) 1965 AUT 47.35 135.0 97.5 140.0 372.5 [pending drug-test]
52kg Wed 06 May 2009
1 DMYTRUK Olena (UKR1983F1) 1983 UKR 51.75 180.0 110.0 172.5 462.5 [pending drug-test]
2 PETROCZKI Magdolna (HUN1968F1) 1968 HUN 51.15 162.5 82.5 165.0 410.0
3 SIRKIÄ Mervi (FIN1972F1) 1972 FIN 51.70 162.5 90.0 155.0 407.5
4 DEREVYANKO Anastasiya 1987 UKR 49.75 162.5 90.0 167.5 405.0
5 LINDSTRÖM Carola (SWE1982F2) 1982 SWE 50.65 155.0 75.0 150.0 385.0
6 GUIHOMAT Sophie 1975 FRA 51.30 155.0 80.0 145.0 380.0
– SANDVIK Marcela 1974 FIN 51.80 147.5 102.5 130.0 -0.0I've seen Sanna Apuli lifting a couple of times. At first glance you wouldn't believe how much she can lift, but after seeing it, I didn't have a choise.
Not much activity in lifting topics, so I'm going to try stir up some conversation about powerlifting in general.
The problem in this other way great sport is that there is too much federations. All have different kind of rules about equipment, lifts and general judging. In some federations they seem to allure more viewers in competiotions and free media coverage by stretching the rules a bit in order to make new records possible. Different kind of bars, half squats, multilayer suits and so on.
That is really irritating for a statistics geeks like my self, since because of that it makes lists like this complitely useless; it is no good to compare lifts from different federations — sometimes even between competition due to varying judging — even though they are both 'powerlifting' unions.
Here is a sample what I'm talking about:
All respects to Laura, but I don't know what lift that was. Most definetively it wasn't a squat. Here is a squat:
See any difference in leg position and depth? Judge for yourselves.
Suits are good in preventing injuries, but in my opinion, it has come a bit too far. Bench press and squat results have risen so much and this is directly related to lifting suit developement. But in deadlift you can't cheat and store potential energy since the lift starts from the ground. Always when I see results where squat it much more than deadlift, I smell something isn't right.
So any opinions?
May 7, 2009 at 4:38 pm #83278Trash Boat
Participant56kg Thu 07 May 2009
1 RANTAMÄKI Mervi (FIN1974F1) 1974 FIN 55.90 185.0 97.5 170.0 452.5
2 ABDULINA Vita 1967 UKR 55.80 180.0 100.0 172.5 442.5 [pending drug-test]
3 CHUMAK Oksana 1983 UKR 54.05 175.0 102.5 155.0 432.5
4 LINDBERG Maria 1973 FIN 54.60 160.0 90.0 170.0 420.0
60kg Thu 07 May 2009
1 MATEJOVA Dana 1975 SVK 59.90 197.5 125.0 170.0 492.5 [pending drug-test]
2 CHEPIL Mariya (UKR1970F1) 1970 UKR 58.95 180.0 120.0 165.0 465.0
3 HOILAND Linda (NOR1979F1) 1979 NOR 59.85 165.0 90.0 177.5 432.5
1 COURQUEUX Cécile (FRA1983F1) 1983 FRA 57.40 170.0 77.5 167.5 407.5
– HRABALOVA Jana 1984 CZE 59.55 145.0 90.0 150.0 -0.0Gold for Finnish in the 56 kg: Congratulation Mervi!
May 10, 2009 at 5:22 pm #83279Trash Boat
Participant67.5kg Fri 08 May 2009
1 ORSINI Antonietta (ITA1964F1) 1964 ITA 66.65 220.0 145.0 210.0 575.0 [pending drug-test]
2 LUND Synnøve 1972 NOR 67.10 207.5 125.0 185.0 517.5
3 VIRKKUNEN Susanna 1973 FIN 67.05 172.5 127.5 172.5 472.5
4 HOFMANN Kristina Kaas 1981 DEN 66.45 187.5 90.0 185.0 462.5
5 JABLONSKA Magdalena 1985 POL 67.40 210.0 90.0 160.0 460.0
6 SCHREIBER Elke (GER1984F1) 1984 GER 66.25 177.5 90.0 170.0 437.5
7 GUDSTEINSDOTTIR María 1970 ISL 67.15 172.5 95.0 170.0 437.5
75kg Fri 08 May 2009
1 KOZLOVA Olena 1990 UKR 74.40 235.0 127.5 232.5 595.0 [pending drug-test]
2 BLIKRA Inger (NOR1961F1) 1961 NOR 74.20 225.0 142.5 210.0 577.5
3 YLITALO Riikka (FIN1982F2) 1982 FIN 74.65 200.0 125.0 215.0 540.0
4 CHRISTENSEN Lucia (SWE1985F3) 1985 SWE 73.80 185.0 115.0 180.0 480.0
5 OPDAL Veronica 1985 NOR 68.60 172.5 95.0 162.5 430.0
82.5kg Sat 09 May 2009
1 IVANOVA Ielizaveta 1988 UKR 75.15 240.0 150.0 220.0 610.0
2 PEDERSEN Anette W 1968 DEN 73.50 202.5 135.0 210.0 547.5
3 ARNESEN HILLE Heidi 1970 NOR 75.30 215.0 122.5 192.5 530.0
90kg Sat 09 May 2009
1 STRIK Ielja (NED1973F1) 1973 NED 88.60 255.0 165.0 220.0 640.0 [pending drug-test]
2 BUSHUYEVA Yuliya 1981 UKR 84.85 170.0 100.0 150.0 420.0
90+kg Sat 09 May 2009
1 VARLAMOVA Tetiana 1989 UKR 137.15 232.5 105.0 240.0 577.5
2 MEULEN V/D Brenda 1978 NED 108.10 230.0 155.0 190.0 575.0
– HUGDAL JUVET Hildeborg 1983 NOR 128.50 270.0 185.0 205.0 -0.0
Best Lifter »
1 ORSINI Antonietta (ITA1964F1) 1964 ITA 592.2 pts (575.0, 66.65)
2 IVANOVA Ielizaveta 1988 UKR 579.2 pts (610.0, 75.15)
3 DMYTRUK Olena (UKR1983F1) 1983 UKR 578.7 pts (462.5, 51.75)
Team Points »
1 UKR 66 pts (12+12+12+12+9+9)
2 FIN 56 pts (12+12+8+8+8+8)
3 NOR 40 pts (9+9+8+8+6)May 16, 2009 at 8:07 pm #83280cpbell0033944
ParticipantThanks Maitolasi – I'm sorry that I didn't comment earlier. I agree with you on the Federation issue, it's like boxing. I also once read that the latest lifting suits actually make it harder for a bench presser to lower the bar than to lift it. Is that true?
May 17, 2009 at 6:26 pm #83281Trash Boat
ParticipantI also once read that the latest lifting suits actually make it harder for a bench presser to lower the bar than to lift it. Is that true?
Well sounds a bit exaggerated or the lifter must have had some problems with the suit. On the contrary I guess it makes the negative phase easier since it supports your shoulders and extensors — the bar comes down really slow in competition lifts — making the lift more stable. Although that said, I don't have any first-person experience about this matter so I may as well be wrong. I'm just guessing.
I think it would be very risky if the lifter is having trouble getting the bar down; if the suit would tore, the weight would come down very quickly and lifer might get injured.
But here's an example of one of the best female lifts. At firsti it sounds awesome: 402 pounds bench press from a 148 lbs lifter, but after seein it, I lost quite a bit of my interest in powerlifting.
May 17, 2009 at 7:13 pm #83282Tonus
ParticipantThat makes sense Maitolasi, if the suit was too restrictive it could lead to a pretty bad injury. Not just from the possibility that the suit tears and causes a sudden weight shift, but I would imagine the added stress of trying to lower the arms while handling such heavy weight could cause some pretty bad joint injuries. I wouldn't want my shoulder to give out when it's holding 500+ pounds just inches above my torso. :'(
June 11, 2009 at 11:38 am #83283Trash Boat
ParticipantAlmost forgot that the junior competition is already in progress in Sweden.
Website for the competition. http://www.styrkelyftaren.com/
and live stream http://qstream-live.qbrick.com/05130live_pushTimetable: UTC/GMT +2 hours
Day Weigh in time Classes Start
Wednesday: 10. 6. 2009 0900-1030 hours
1300-1430 hours
Women 44,0 & 52,0 kg
Men 52,0 to 75,0 kg
Thursday: 11. 6. 2009 0900-1030 hours
1300-1430 hours
Women 56,0 to 60,0 kg
Men 82,5 & 90,0 kg
Friday: 12. 6. 2009 0900-1030 hours
1230-1400 hours
Women 67,5 & 75,0 kg
Men 100,0 & 110,0 kg
Saturday: 13. 6. 2009 0830-1000 hours
1100-1230 hours
Women 82,5 to 90+ kg
Men 125,0 & 125+ kg
13:00September 3, 2009 at 10:47 pm #83284Trash Boat
ParticipantA bit more about this suit topic. After seeing this record attempt by Scot Mendelson, I don't really know what to say…look it yourself.
Lets just clarify this that I have great rescpects for Scot. He's a amazing athlete – but I think that the whole powerlifting-scene needs a bit discussion.
Here's what I think is some real powerlifting
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