I’ve decided to give it a shot.

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    After talking with my family and friends, and overcoming my shame at my previous attempts, I've decided once again to learn how to draw.  Among the many things I intend to draw and share are of course, muscular women.  Anime-style(There just aren't enough).
    Anyway!  If anyone has any suggestions for good books on muscular anatomy, please do share.  I'm eager to learn.  I've piddled around a bit already, and once I either fix my crappy old scanner/printer or get a new one, I'll post a thing or two if you folks want to see.

    Merry Christmas!

    David C. Matthews

    Burne Hogarth's Dynamic Anatomy and Dynamic Figure Drawing are readily available; they're where I learned most of what I know about anatomy.


    I learnt how to draw muscle by using pictures from muscle mags as reference. There aint so many Mags that feature Women these days but photos from the net can help too.  😉


    Of course we want to see! It seems like so talented many artists are giving up drawing muscular women recently, so it's good to that someone new is giving it a try.

    I've collected quite a few anatomy books over the years, but the one I keep coming back to is "Anatomy – A Complete Guide for Artists" by Joseph Sheppard. It has these really useful schematic pictures which show the muscles being progressively added to the underlying skeletal structure, for both different angles and different muscles being flexed. They really help you to visualize how the muscles fit together and how they interact to move the limbs of the body. Also, the artist uses quite muscular models for both the women and the men.

    I also recently discovered the pay sites http://www.3d.sk and http://www.female-anatomy-for-artist.com. One of the models they use is a female bodybuilder, and the reference pictures are from every angle and not just the typical bodybuilder poses.

    Good luck with your endeavor.


    I would agree with Dave; the works of Burne Hogarth were practically indispensable to me when I was learning how to do this.  I also did what Pete did, using magazine pics for reference, both male and female.  So, yeah, do those. 😛

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