Jamie Reed as Wonder Woman!!!

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  • #86273

    All this excitement over a fan film? Call me when it's the real thing.

    The real thing will probably have someone like Megan Fox as Wonder Woman, so forgive us for being excited over a project using someone that looks as athletic as Jamie does. Besides, with today's technology, the quality of fan films can be surprisingly good.


    If the fan film does well and generates enough buzz, we could probably get a full film out of it from the bigger wigs.


    I've been keeping track of WB's slow progress. They haven't gone beyond the script stages for years. It's also highly unlikely Megan Fox will get the role because of her recent ridicule of WW. If she does get it, it would be further gain the ire of Wonder Woman fans. In most cases, genre films like this can only get made when fans do it themselves. Even if we're a small production like this, it's more than what the studios have given us.




    What on eath is wrong with something like this?  Yes, it's true that it won't have the exposure of a WB film, but, if that never happens or they choose an identikit waif actress, surely quality will out?


    In fanfilms, acting matters the most. What matters is that Jamie Reed can pull off WW as an actress, not just in appearance. I definitely think she has the appearance of WW (along with the beauty) but JR needs to show she can make you BELIEVE she's WW. A combination of good writing, good directing, and good acting, will make people believe she is WW.

    This fanfilm looks like it's going to be on a higher plane of sophistication than the average fanfilm so there's a good chance that JR will be able to channel WW.


    What on eath is wrong with something like this?  Yes, it's true that it won't have the exposure of a WB film, but, if that never happens or they choose an identikit waif actress, surely quality will out?

    Bloke say what?  ???


    [font=tahoma]here’s some WW samples), and based on what I saw these guys do with the Quantum Leap flick earlier this year, I say they are on the right track.

    Peace and love,[/color][/font]



    Then all we can do Is wish her the best. And Time to add her on facebook~


    Something’s happened at Rasco Films. Jamie Reed has been replaced by someone named Erin Cohenour.

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