Jessica Biel

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  • #84779

    look back on topic, i still think that Biel actually liked being buff, but the problem again is the roles she plays and unless this was for her own and was not in the film industry, then i have no doubt that she would continue

    I agree. In an industry where one minute, you need to lose a lot of weight for a part, to gaining muscle, to getting heavier, actors have very little say, most times, in what their body shape will be. If she says she'd like to be more muscular, then I'd like to believe her. Even if she's lying through her teeth, I'm fairly certain one or two girls, at least, saw or heard about her and picked up some weights! Most women wouldn't have said it in public!!!

    The Muffin man

    Than why to the left savage Pailin?

    Because she was an obvious attempt to garner support simply because she was a woman and not because of any political power she might wield, or capability as the vice president because they were trying to capitalize on Hillary Clintons supporters who were burned by her not getting the nomination.

    Oh I mean "because lol strong women".


    This is from the National Enquirer Aug 10 2009 edition.  Nice photos and nice article about her making Justin Timberlake feel insecure and weak in the gym!


    You know, it's sad when something written in the National Enquirer doesn't sound any different from something written in People magazine.


    OMG!  She can benchpress 100 pounds!  I'm so impressed!

    <end sarcasm>

    100 pounds?  That's hardly something to boast about, surely?  Perhaps in emaciated Hollywood, but, in the real world?  I knew she was but a shadow of her former self.  Still, more commercial that way.


    Check out how ripped and lean she looks.  I hope she keep getting more muscle on her body, looks great on her.

    Check out the close of her arms, her biceps are huge and shapley and check out the photo of her walking around from the camera in the blue dress.  She so ripped in it!


    Sad that the typical hollywood moviegoer already calls this manlike, linebacker, hulk, etc…


    Sad that the typical hollywood moviegoer already calls this manlike, linebacker, hulk, etc…

    Where has that been posted? I didn't know she had a new movie coming out.

    BTW: I read that she's no longer dating Timbaaahland! Maybe that's why she's hitting the weights again.


    Can you host the images at a different website?  I'm getting sick and tired of the sex ads and they start slowing my computer down if I open multiple tabs.  I don't feel like activating script blocker because then it blocks EVERYTHING.


    Do think Jessica's change in physique is influenced more by her past boyfriends or Hollywood's standards?

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