Jessie – aka Jackedup_chick

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  • #101339

    Her off season look has major potential if she stays in the sport. Very nice looking girl. 🙂


    cpbell0033944 wrote:

    She’s a cutie, and has impressive mass. Let’s hope she doesn’t wreck everything with to many drugs.

    Look at her,..NO way she can “wreck”anything
    You just seem to be turned off by a certain level of hyper-muscularity
    IF Jess actually reaches that level is to be determined at least 15 yrs.from now


    Not necessarily… but if they grow a beard, look like they have been in a face-biting contest with a pitbull or forgot to work the lower body for extra mass, then yeah… they wreck it. For the moment, she has the face, she has the thighs but she lacked definition on stage in the posted video.

    Tre Scott

    I always laugh a little when some of the same people who will complain about a girl not being lean enough will also rail against girls using gear.


    She is really cute. And thick 😀 I love that thick offseason look.


    That is humorous that people can be that ignorant. I think she looks better off season and big, but that also requires some gear at some point.

    I gut a chuckle when they say they love the girl who got huge because she somehow was the one to do it without any gear. Always love hos guys know that.

    Nice looking young lady though in Jessie.


    He said “without too many drugs”. Sounds like he’s quite aware she’s had to take something to buff her up, else if he thought she was clean he would’ve said “without any drugs”.

    I find it humourous how some people can be condescending jackasses because they can’t process information.


    I go away for a while and what do I find on my return? Seems certain members are amusing themselves by slagging me off. Here are two facts to consider:

    1. I’ve been a member here for a long while. I’ve seen several promising girls appear, then try to get big too quickly and wreck their natural gift of a great, balanced physique (to say nothing of an attractive face). I know Tre is an industry insider, but maybe it takes someone looking in from the outside to see things and to be in a position to mention the elephant in the room.

    2. I’ve never complained about a lack of leaness; occasionally if a competitor has been woefully under-prepared for competition I might comment, but, more often than not I’ve criticised the judging at various contests for favouring dessicated, shrivelled conditioning over a good, well-prepared, lean physique. I am more than aware that drugs of one sort or another are necessary to achieve any level of success in the sport; there is, however, a vast difference between using them wisely to help gradually build a world-leading body, and pumping yourself so full of them that you look awful and ruin your physique.

    This place used to be a pleasant one in which to reside; clearly it’s gone downhill in recent times to the level of some other femuscle forums I could name.

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