Johanna Dejager – New Clip

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  • #48910

    …I've got to ask – has Johanna managed to put-on even more luscious muscle recently? 😮 8)

    I hope so! This from Johanna's Feb log:

    "I have gained some weight during Jan… maybe 10 pounds. I would say it is a bit of fat yes, and maybe a bit of muscle. This month (Feb) I am going to train a bit harder in the gym – meaning going for that last rep to failure".

    One of the many great things about Johanna's site is the way she posts newly recorded material every month – so you get to see her fill out into her luscious voluptuous off-season figure during spring, then see her gradually diet down into her super ripped contest shape thru the summer.  ;D

    Looking forward to the first March update this weekend  ::)


    I knew she had to be – her arms are looking monumental! 😮 8)  It just goes to show what women can achieve without steroids! 8)


    Speaking of monumental arms – In case you were wondering what Johanna's doing in this clip; here's what she's saying…

    Yup – Johanna's right tricep is so big and sexy it's a 'she'  😀


    Speaking of monumental arms – In case you were wondering what Johanna's doing in this clip; here's what she's saying…

    Yup – Johanna's right tricep is so big and sexy it's a 'she'  😀

    So Johanna calls her muscles "She"?!  For some reason, I'm finding that really hot! 😮 8) 😉

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