JSA #9 – Nicely Buff Power Girl

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  • #60153
    Muscle Growth Nut

    With well-done fanservice, no less.

    And even better: Read the comments. They approve of the buffness.


    I have a new respect for the comic fan community now.

    Silent One

    Heck, I have respect for the artist and the editor who let him keep her looking that buff.  Awesome.


    Buffed-up-ness Rules!  ;D

    Accept no substitutes, case closed.  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Agent Highmax

    It just makes sense and I'm glad more comic artists are starting to realize women that can lift trucks should have sizable arms.


    Nice tip – thanks!

    I was very interested to read that the female posters were the ones most keen on seeing Powergirl buffed up.  Check this quote from kaetepixie: "I have to admit I like the muscle style. It's nice to see a super heroine who actually looks like she could kick anyone's ass. And somehow the over-exaggerated superhero muscles make her over-exaggerated super boobs more palatable…"

    I was also interested to read that lots of people thought DC had toned down the fanservice by making her buff.  To be honest it's INCREASING the fanservice from my perspective, but I agree it's very cool to see a mainstream female heroine being portrayed with the muscle her power level would suggest, which makes more logical sense.


    'Bout time.  Never did understand how superheroines weren't always super looking.  I'd say they got this one right.


    I love the way Power Girl was drawn in this issue. This guy draws muscular women exactly the way I want to draw 'em. Seeing art like this just makes me weep– I wish I was that good.


    I love the way Power Girl was drawn in this issue. This guy draws muscular women exactly the way I want to draw 'em. Seeing art like this just makes me weep– I wish I was that good.

    Bah, dont sweat it. I know youll accomplish it soon. Doing a good job already. 🙂


    I'm really happy that the way that the character has been drawn for the last couple of yoears seems to be evolving her to the way she was drawn in kingdom come. She way really buff in that one. and with K.C superman showing up I think that Power Girls transition to Power Woman is inevitable. ;D

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