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  • #68895

    Due to some problems I've been having at Brawna, I've decided to post my latest femmuscle  (no fur or horns or anything) tale here.  Sort of hope you like it here:

    It really wasn't like Juli to come home from school a tad late on a Friday.  Outside sports clubs, who occasionally had a Friday game, most of the more scholarly clubs that she was a part of met between Monday and Thursday.  Fridays were the only day that they had to just go home, relax and spend a weekend winding down from their studies while making preparations for the studies and projects and essays they had to turn in on Monday morning.  Usually, Juli just came right home on Friday exactly at 3:30, ate dinner, did a bit of studying and took in a couple movies on DVDs before winding off to bed.  But for some reason, it was nearly 5 and she was nowhere to be found.  Dinner wasn't ready yet so she had not missed it but there was something obviously up with her, particularly with the sun coming down and her nowhere to be found.  However, it was just around the time that the thick, small hand was over the five and the long, thin hand was over the 12 that the door finally opened and a familiar sweet voice echoed into the house.
    "Mom!  Dad!  Sorry I'm late!  I had to get a few things done for tonight!"  Juli emerged from the outside into the house with a light sound outside the sound of her voice.  She was a girl you probably would meet right next door to you if you ever took the time to look for her and realize she had been there all along.  She wore her blond hair short, trimmed completely around her head with only a few small bangs hanging barely off it to give it a little bit of style and accentuated with a cute pink hairband that she wore right over the center.  Juli's dark-blue eyes seemed very innocent yet showed a slight devious eagerness in them from what she was thinking of inside her mind for the night.  She wore a short-sleeved white shirt right over her flat, non-existent chest with a bra that one could notice if they looked close enough and a dark pair of slacks over her stick-like underdeveloped legs, which luckily were unseen compared to her similarly underdeveloped arms.  A backpack hung over both Juli's shoulders as if it was filled to the brim with books inside, but more noticeable was two large brown shopping bags that she held in her hands very carefully, its contents unknown except to the girl who had them.  She looked exhausted but eager with what she was about to pull, but wasn't tired enough to stop her voice from yelling out again towards the kitchen.
    "Mom, dad, I'm not going to be having dinner with you tonight!  I'm going to be going out with someone, OK?"  She tried to hide the excitement but couldn't help but blush as she started carrying herself and both her bags up the staircase towards the second floor where her room was.
    "So you're going to finally go out with someone tonight?  Any hints on who it is?" her mom yelled out with a sound that wasn't as loud due to how many stairs the short-haired female had climbed.
    "Just let me be, mom!  I can handle it myself and I'll be home at a reasonable time!" Juli yelled back, trying to stay on top of the steps but also keep moving upwards so she could get to her room.
    "Alright, just don't be out too late," the feminine voice echoed upwards as she heard a slight bit of it before she finally got to the top of the stairs, made a quick right and entered her room.  Once inside, she locked the door and bolted to get her windowshades closed so no one would see.  If anyone knew what she was about to pull, she would freak out and probably try to silence them before anyone knew what hit them…even if she really didn't have that sort of capabilities.
    Once she knew that her room was safe and secure for the moment, Juli finally removed the bookbag from her back and slowly, carefully placed it right on top of her desk.  She knew that the most crucial part of tonight's ceremonies was in there so she had to make sure none of it went to waste before any of it was used.  Once that was on there, she then returned towards her bed, placed both her bags below it and turned towards the first one on the left side, which she put her hands inside.  As she raised them, she pulled out its content rather quickly: it was a small two-piece swimsuit, pink in color with triangle support on top and a v-like thong bottom, which she placed on her bed.  Returning to the bag, she pulled out another swimsuit, the same style and color but slightly larger than the first.  Doing this again five more times, Juli pulled out each time another two piece slightly larger than the last, as if they were made for girls who were bigger and bigger in size.  Finally, when she got out the seventh one, she stared at it for a quick moment longer than the others: somehow she didn't know something this big was going to be needed but its best to have it ready in case it was. 
    Once all of the swimsuits were on her bed, Juli began to do a similar quick succession from the other brown bag she held prior on the right side.  This time, though, she pulled out a pair of jean shorts that looked slightly larger than the pants she was wearing right next to a shirt slightly larger as well but also white in color.  One by one, Juli pulled out similar outfits, each one larger than the first and placed them around the corresponding pink swimsuit until she got to the last one, which looked many times larger than anything her small body could wear!  With all of the outfits laying on the bed, the blond girl pulled out a long receipt from her bag, looking over everything on it to make sure it was alright.  Somehow she knew that after this was over with, she was going to end up returning most of these anyway but she wanted to be prepared for what was to come.  Just as long as one of them fit when it was all over and the tags remained so the others could be restocked, she would have gotten her money's worth.
    After all of the outfits were laid out just as she wanted them to, Juli kicked off a pair of shoes that she had been wearing, showing them without any socks at all and letting her toes breath easily as they wiggled around.  Without her shoes on, she placed her hands right on top of her pants and unhooked the button on top before slowly lowering the zipper bit by bit.  As it lowered, a comfortable set of white panties came into view, women's briefs with frilled outlines around her legs.  Once unzippered, she quickly took off the pants and threw them on the floor, right by her desk.  Juli's pink, thin legs were fully in view; they weren't emaciated but they were thin and curveless without any fat and barely any muscle outside the ones supporting her bones allowing her to walk in the first place.  Without her pants on, Juli next turned to her shirt, flipping it over her head but making sure that her pink hairband didn't get moved or misplaced as she did it.  She giggled sweetly as she removed the shirt, exposing her similarly thin physique with formless arms.  Under the shirt, a white bra similar in style to Juli's panties sat with no curves or form at all, merely sitting there out of habit than to hold back any sort of mammary flesh that could bounce or jiggle or show anything revealing.  Like the pants, Juli threw the shirt right by the desk.
    Yet it was after the clothing came off that the blond girl returned towards the desk, staring with her blue eyes intently towards the bookbag that she had brought with her home alongside the two paper bags.  The bags were part of the reason she was late in getting home, but that was merely a formality to get preparations complete for what she really had been out for!  Turning her bookbag on its side, Juli unzippered a small pocket that was usually used by some for very small but slightly significant things such as pens, keys, loose change or even an occasional stick of gum.  But what she hid in the pocket wasn't any of those things: instead, what the short-haired girl with the pink headband pulled out was a small vial with a cork stuck right on top of it.  It looked like a vial that someone would purchase at a mom and pop drug store or a chemistry depot, since it was too small to be stocked by any normal retailer. Inside the vial sat a strange brown liquid that filled the entire content of the glass to its brim barely touching the cork that held it down.  The liquid was thick in nature and looked unsavory for anyone to consume from color alone.  But as she stared at it, looked at the contents, Juli's heart skipped a beat: this was the key to everything she had planned tonight!  All these weeks of waiting to make her move, of looking and preparing herself, of self doubt and preventing herself from doing what she needed…all of it came down to this vial and its liquid content!  She was just so giddy looking at it: it was just as planned!
    Taking the vial with her, Juli moved right in front of a mirror in the corner of her room where she stood directly in front of.  She saw herself as a cute thing, the perfect girl that people would just say hi to and then pass by in the halls of a school or hanging out in the park and her body reflected that.  Juli didn't have a body that reflected her age or her mentality: she was a teenager who still looked like a little girl.  Her hips didn't seem wide enough, her legs nor her hair looked long enough and her boobs were barely even there in her chest, bound within a bra she only wore as a formality and with nothing but tiny nipples underneath.  She was a nice, sweet, smart girl with plenty of drive and ambition and personality to anyone who knew her…but that only went so far in a world so obsessed with image.  But in her hand, locked within the tiny glass vial, was the means for her life to finally change.  In this bottle was everything she needed to impress and more!  She felt the giddiness building up as she stared at the thin version of herself in the body, knowing that soon it would be different than what it was.  So different that hopefully one of the outfits was going to fit her perfectly by the time she was done!  And if they didn't…well that's what the receipt for return was for.
    However, before she got ahead of herself, Juli's mind snapped for a brief moment as she started thinking to herself.  Was this really what she really wanted to do?  Did she really want to partake in the vial and whatever was going to happen once she did?  Was it really worth using this only to experience something she may actually hate?  What exactly was this worth to her anyway: she thought that maybe she was just doing this out of peer pressure or just because she wanted something so badly that she would throw herself into the fire to experiment on herself.  Maybe she didn't want what this brown liquid was going to give her; maybe she could just stay as she was, join her parents for dinner and have another dull Friday night at her house.  However, even with the doubt coming through her, Juli remembered some of what she had been through just to even get this far.  She had doubted over the idea for weeks on end, going from completely freaked out at first when it first came up to slightly intrigued to the gushing anticipation she had just before the doubt came across her.  Juli probably had no idea if this was worth it or not but somehow it was worth a try to at least give it a chance.  Besides, it did take her a while only to get this far: she had to research an apocathary that resided in this town and make sure she had an appointment so she could make sure that she got her full idea on what she wanted before this medicine was made.  She did have to watch over the various herbs and plants that were boiled to create this brown mixture that she was about to partake.  Not to mention the apocathary owner said to her that this was only a temporary potion which was going to only last a few hours before wearing off.  If she wanted a more permanent solution in case she liked it then she would have to come back and say so, so this was merely just a sample to see if this was really what she wanted with her life.  Besides, she spent so much on the outfits after she was finished getting the solutions that she really didn't want to waste all of them tonight.
    With her tone in her mind becoming more optimistic and hopeful again, Juli looked at the small bottle that she held in her hand, the liquid seeming like it was bubbling and oozing as it swirled around inside the vial.  Using her small fingers, she popped the cork open, hearing the sound of it flying off the glass mouth.  As it opened, a bizarrely pungent smell immediately came to her nose, feeling like a cross of swamp gas, dishwashing liquid and just a hint of peppermint.  The brown stuff seemed to bubble even more when exposed to the oxygen of the air than it did sealed away as if it was soda starting to release after being shaken up for a minute.  Feeling light headed but with her excitement starting to build and her nose starting to scream at the horrendous smell that it was taking in, Juli swallowed her pride and threw the mouth of the bottle right in her mouth, gulping it down as quickly as possible.  The liquid oozed down her throat, stinging it with the carbonation bubbling through it while making her taste buds feel like they had just ingested the most foul, disgusting thing they ever had tasted.  Somehow Juli realized that the herbs and plants had to probably be the key behind whatever she ingested but that didn't mean they had to taste so horrible!  Perhaps it was working, perhaps it wasn't but all she knew was that the worst part was finally over.
    As she tried to remove the horrific aftertaste still lingering on top of her tongue that snuck when she didn't want it to, Juli looked in the mirror once again in hopes that something was about to happen.  She stared at her visage, covered in the small white bra and panty combo, formless and cute as the girl next door was supposed to be.  For a minute, her blue eyes continued to stare at the mirror, looking and turning, trying to see if anything was happening at all.  Maybe the contents of the vial hadn't kicked in, she thought, and it was just going to take another moment for absorption to the right places.  Maybe the apocathary used the wrong herbs and plants and the potion turned out wrong.  Or maybe she just created some snake-oil concoction to make it seem like it was going to help but was only just a means to make her waste the money she did today on it!  Juli debated on what the heck was going on: was she just flimflammed into buying some herbal potion that was going to accomplish nothing?  Was she merely going to spend the night as she was but with that foul liquid resting around in her mouth eternally?  No…if she waited a little bit more, if she gave it a few more minutes…Juli just wanted to make sure.  Maybe it was going to work and it just wasn't starting yet…she had to wait..she had to know…
    Continuing to wait for another minute, Juli continued to worry that maybe something had gone wrong: that the potion was just a stupid dud and that she should just give up for the night.  But as she continued to look and wonder about what was happening, she was feeling a strange sensation from right behind her neck.  It was a weird ticklish feeling, like her skin was being touched by a feather and rubbing up and down increasing its sensitivity.  At first she felt it towards the top of her neck but the ticklish feeling moved further and further down her neck line until it was near where her neck touched her shoulders.  Juli ignored the weird feeling at first, but soon felt overcome to itch her neck just to make it go away.  That was when she discovered it: somehow, her short blond hair had started growing and she hadn't realized it!  She looked in the mirror and saw that her hair line had gone down from barely touching the top of her neck all the way towards close to the bottom of her neckline, with the hairband on her head making it even cuter!  Juli playfully flipped it up, letting it fall down as it continued to grow longer.  Was it really the beginning of what she wanted!?
    Suddenly, the strange sensations that Juli felt were no longer merely from her blond locks tickling down towards her neck line.  Without warning, her chest started feeling like it was tightening around the small, A-cup bra that she was wearing.  Not knowing what was going on, she stared right at the mirror and saw that her bra wasn't just feeling tight: without warning, she was starting to gain curves right around her chest!  Like two small oranges growing from the branch of a tree, her bra started to fill up with the delectable fruit that lay within them.  With the bra quickly filling up, indentations started to appear in the middle from her nipples pressed against the cottony surface, with Juli feeling the sensitivity they now possessed as they grew alongside and within the prison.  Before long, the mounds seemed to start pushing a little bit beyond their captive confines: maybe she wasn't just getting a bust but some cleavage as well!  Juli's mind started to feel the rush of the feminine curves that were starting to emerge, starting to imagine what possibly was going to come next.
    But just as she thought that the growing bosom was all that she was going to get alongside her growing blond hair, Juli started feeling her entire body spasming and shaking in a twinging pain that should have been horrific but somehow wasn't.  From her legs to her arms, back, stomach and even her chest, the blond felt the twinges through her body, as more of her body started reacting to the strange concoction now in her system!  Feeling the twinges starting to particularly hurt from her legs, Juli stared at the mirror and saw that they, like her bosom, was starting to undergo a wonderful metamorphosis.  Without warning, she began to moan an exciting, anticipatory cry as she felt herself losing control and embracing every second of this new, wonderful change.  With her eyes barely watching as she felt her mind experiencing the sensations flowing through her, her legs began to inch their way upwards along both the main segments separated by her knee, stretching and growing as she felt her bones simultaneously cracking and fixing themselves as they grew longer and stronger to support her.  But as they grew longer, the legs were starting to also grow leaner: looking particularly at her calves, she noticed that her gastrocenemial muscles were starting to firm and form themselves, at first merely appearing similar to small bumps that supported her lower legs but soon emerging and growing thicker and more powerful with each passing second.  Above her knee, Juli saw that similar rapid development was emerging alongside her thighs: originally merely sticklike like the rest of her legs, they appeared to firm themselves quickly as they started to display the form of her quadriceps in front and her hamstrings from behind.  Yet as the muscles started to firm and stretch with her legs, they also started to grow larger and larger by the second, getting thicker and more muscular and powerful alongside the rest of her.  Yet the growing length and strength of her legs did have a slight unexpected side-effect: as her legs seemed to get larger, the white panties that she wore seemed to get smaller and smaller by the moment!  Up against the bottom of the panties, a growing indentation of her womanhood was starting to emerge as it too seemed to strengthen and grow with her evolving physique.  Were her panties really getting that small…or was Juli just starting to get that large?
    Even above her legs, which obviously showed their stretching and growing by the second, the rest of Juli's small physique showed their consistent changes.  Above her legs on the other side of her panties, the girl's pelvis stretched itself, growing stronger to support the legs that were continuing to change into an amazonian form from her normal self, while her glutes from behind seemed to grow to support the legs alongside giving her a larger and stronger tush!.  Her torso stretched and grew longer alongside her legs as her body seemed to rise like a weed but also seemed to get more support.  Juli's obliques along her waist soon started to firm in appearance around her waist and emerge as they grew larger with the rapid growth she experienced in her mass by the moment while her abs seemed to firm and make the early signs of a powerful abdomen appear from underneath her pink skin.  Juli grew elated by the idea that she finally had abs, but also felt curious on how they were going to fit as she saw her bosom, which previous signs merely saw as merely oranges, starting to take on more melon-like attributes as they continued to balloon larger and fuller alongside her feminine physique.  By now, she saw that her small, A-cup bra, which was able to hold them mere moments earlier, was completely surrounded on all sides with large orbs who's cleavage was pouring out all over the place and with her back, which felt like it was morphing as well, wanted to burst it off as soon as possible!
    Although watching her bosom continue to make her bra smaller and fight to remove it was one attraction Juli could have kept her eye on, she soon noticed that her bosom wasn't the only area around her torso starting to become massive.  When she started her transformation, she saw how her arms were small, skinny poles just like her legs, with no definition to reveal the potential or power that could be released within.  But now, as she watched, Juli saw that this was no longer the case: the top of her arm was rising upwards with the power of her bicep muscle structure revealing itself while similar and strengthening tricep muscles continued to grow at a similarly rapid rate.  One or two veins seemed to stretch out and pop up, but somehow she feared even flexing it once in wonder of what was coming.  Giggling in her mind, she figured that even if she flexed her growing muscular arms now, the biceps and triceps would stretch themselves to their powerful limit…only to be the starting point of her power mere moments later as her body continued to grow!  She even sensed that her deltoids along her shoulders were defining and stretching outwards as they grew larger and leaner along what she was becoming.  Juli knew she had to wait: if her biceps were going to be huge now, then just wait until this was complete!
    Unfortunately, while waiting for her arms to complete their evolution was one matter Juli could be patient with, the same wasn't to be said about her bra.  While an A-cup outfit was fine for holding in something slightly tighter like a B or even a C-cup like the early part of her growth, trying to hold back the growth of the equivalent of two watermelons in the summer was not helping them one tiny little bit!  By this point, the bra seemed like it was merely there as a formality, clutching on to dear life as it seemed to be surrounded by the massive orbs that continued to grow nonstop as if they were only there to hide away her nipples. (yet even then they were pushed to the point of revealing themselves in three dimensions while the darker pink of her areolas was even starting to appear within plain view)  As if putting up with the growth of Juli's front was bad enough, her back was also changing at a similarly rapid rate, broadening itself wider to accommodate and proportionalize the growing amazonian figure while in itself firming and strengthening with the combination of her lats, traps and rhomboids that now emerged within this muscular structure!  Suddenly, without warning, Juli appeared to moan as another impressive spasm of growth seemed to overcome her system, making her thrust her chest right out into the open!  As she did, she inadvertently broke the bra strap from behind, making it fall flat on the carpeting of her room!  As her bra fell away, the two huge orbs continued to hang at the top of her chest, showing that her evolving physique had reached the point where she didn't even need it any more to hold it up, using merely the power of pectoral and back muscles to keep them afloat in their large, full capabilities.  Without her bra holding them, Juli reached out and squeezed her two pillows, giggling as she caressed her nipples and felt how soft yet how firm they were, yet also feeling that they were still continuing their monumental spurts even as she caressed them as if the bra was holding them back from their fullest potential!
    With her mind more obsessed with her continuing growing bosom and the elation she felt as she caressed the growing mountains in her hands, the rest of Juli's physique continued it mutation as it approached the peak of its rapid evolution!  The spasms continued to flow throughout her entire body as the blond continued growing taller and stronger with each passing second bringing her closer to her final form!  The combination of her torso and leg growth made Juli force herself to step back to see herself fully in the mirror, nearly nude yet fast approaching seven feet in height.  Her shoulders and arms continued to grow and strengthen in size, making her biceps, triceps and deltoids increase in their appearance and form as they appeared to enlarge in size without even being curled to increase them, as if they were becoming her new, relaxed stage!  Similar growth and definition showed themselves alongside her legs as her quadriceps and gastrocenemials kept increasing in size and definition as they continued growing longer, giving her womanly height with the perfect curves to enhance them to their fullest ability.  Juli's obliques continued to tighten and grow alongside her torso while her abs chiseled and strengthened below her, not just forming a six-pack but also allowing for some muscles to emerge underneath where they were being hidden by her rapidly growing bosom!  Even Juli's blond hair continued to tickle her strengthening backside as it crept its way along her spinal path, passing the development of her strengthening back muscles as they neared the point where her bellybutton was in full view!  Even though she still had her hairband on, the girl next door was growing in any and every way, shape and form possible!  And yet even with her immense musculature and her long, sexy hair, Juli's bosom continued to prove its prominence amidst her final form, growing and shaping within the moaning elation of the blonde’s minds and the amazing feelings within her hands as they ballooned larger and fuller as if they were becoming many times more than her larger hands with sexy longer fingers could handle on their own!  The massive size of these watermelon-like growths proved that she wasn't just some long-haired man with what she was gaining!
    Eventually, as Juli's physique approached the pinnacle of its evolution, one of her final pieces of her former, smaller form finally appeared to be giving way.  At the bottom of her waist and between the two muscular thighs, the small white panties that she wore to school today continued to barely cling on for dear life on what this cute girl formerly was.  Yet with all of the mass and definition in its way, it appeared less like cottony protection and more like a thong barely hiding away the precious goods the girl wearing them held.  As her thighs grew in size and definition, they appeared to create small holes in and around the two large holes as if they were giving way, but still hung on for dear life, in hoping that, like the hairband, it would be a lasting tribute to who Juli originally was and would be again in a few hours!  But, like the bra before it, the panties were losing the battle: not only were the thighs and the waist too much for it but the strengthening glutes made it feel smaller from behind and even the imprint of the lengthening, thickening womanhood of the blond girl etched itself within, hoping and desiring release!  With pressure appearing on all side against it, the cotton cover had no choice but to finally give way, breaking and silently falling on the floor below it.  Juli felt a tad embarrassed as she saw the full extent of her muscular thighs, the full power of her tush and even the femininity of her flower below, still untouched but looking beckoning to anyone who would notice it, but knew that somehow it was merely the last remains before she was finally complete.
    After the panties were released, Juli felt that her growth cycle, her evolution from tiny teen to massive mammaried amazon was finally complete in more ways than one.  Taking a moment to let it all in, Juli finally removed her hands from her immense bosom and merely just flipped her long, blond locks again like she did at the beginning.  She never had hair this long before: her mother would never let her grow it out like this nor she had a reason to make it so long.  Yet as she felt it, flowing through her hands, tickling against her muscular backside and staring at her alongside her cute pink hairband, she knew that it was perfect: she didn't know if she asked for this or not when she made the order, but the blond hair this long and this beautiful was just everything a girl like her needed with a form like this!
    It was as she flipped her hair that she noticed another factor that she wanted to check out that she had to wait this long to do.  Staring in the mirror as her blond locks fell back towards the bottom of her back, she saw how huge her arms, the meaty biceps and strong triceps were alongside the rest of her taller, more powerful physique.  Looking at her muscles, she saw that they were large even without curling them one little bit, making her giggle with amazement on how huge she was!  This is all that she wanted and more…it just looked so perfect, particularly alongside her massive bosom and with the rest of her size and definition!  But she was still curious: could it be even larger than that?  Curling up both arms simultaneously, she witnessed her biceps and triceps starting to grow, getting even bigger than the already large size they possessed relaxed!  A small vein popped up on each side as she watched, making her feel joyful: such power, such form…and yet, such beauty!  Her arms weren't the only muscles that she was interested in: moving her arms down for a moment, she caressed her now perfectly formed abdomen, feeling its washboard form as it exposed itself in full form right in front of her in the mirror with the strong, powerful obliques alongside them to show off full potential!  Turning her legs, she showed off size and definition of her calves and thighs, looking so womanly and cute yet so amazonian and amazing at the same time!  Juli giggled with glee as she looked: whatever doubt she had before faded away as she realized that this was what she wanted after all!
    But of course, even with all the size and definition, she still had one lingering question she needed to answer right now.  Rushing right over to her bed, her feet moving lithely like a fairy floating across a small pond yet with the force of a monster rampaging across the street, she looked over the various outfits that she bought, turning in particular towards the pink swimsuit combo at the very end, the largest one she had bought.  When she went to the department store after finishing up at the apocathary, the largest bra size she could get in the swimsuits was an H, which was considered large by their accounts.  Yet as she stared at it, looking at the largest of the swimsuits and looking at how massive her bosom was, she knew that it wasn't going to fit that well even before trying it on!  Picking it up, she wrapped the two triangular cloths right on top of her bosom when she realized the obvious: like the A-cup earlier in her mutation and even the other outfits that she bought, the H-cup just seemed too small!  The large triangles mostly seemed to cover the nipple and areola area outside a bit of the deeper pink that slipped out, but her entire peach-colored flesh up there remained exposed regardless!  Even with the difficulty, the teen still wrapped the string behind her immense back and tied it up, yet at the same time felt proud of her accomplishment: not only did she outgrow all of the outfits mostly, but she was so muscular that she didn't need a bra anymore anyway outside formalities for her nipples!  Juli felt a similar problem putting on the bottom for her swimsuit, yet in this case was intrigued by the sexy feeling she had around her lips down there but tried to hold it off so she wouldn't turn herself on too much.
    After placing the entire outfit on, Juli returned to the mirror once again to look at herself one more time.  She caressed her massive bosom, now more covered but still as obvious as ever, while giving off slight flexing around her legs and particularly her arms.  She knew she probably had to get the rest of her outfit on soon before she was ready for tonight, but somehow she started to figure that it was finally all worth it!  She originally had doubts about what she was doing for months, had to work up the nerve to find an apocathary, not to mention had to taste the worst substance that any man probably ever threw down their throat.  But, all in all, after all the effort she did…it was worth it.  She still had doubts but Juli saw that this long hair, this immense chest and these huge muscles were now just as much a part of her even within the minutes she had possessed them for the first time in her life!  She didn't know if this was going to work right or if this was going to help her tonight…heck, she didn't even know whether or not she was going to have this any more than the several hours the drug was going to last, but Juli sighed and cooed as she looked at the massive physique in the mirror.  Minutes before she was a scrawny girl that got nothing…and now, even before tonight, she was a blond goddess of power and sexiness.  She didn't know where this was going to take her or what would happen when it finally wore off, but for tonight, for one sweet, adorable night, the girl next door was going to have fun with these curves, no matter what they brought them.
    Knowing that she only had a bit more preparation, Juli knew she was almost ready for the night.  Running over with similar grace and tenacity, her muscular arm reached for a small telephone that rested on top of her desk near her bookbag.  Her heart pumping rapidly and her massive bosom heaving with the sensitivity of her nipples making her feel sensations even without meaning to cause it, the long hair blond pushed a button and placed it against her ear.  Sitting down while feeling her sensations below and the massive legs rubbing against the chair, she waited a few moments before starting to speak in the same soft, girl-next-door voice she had when entering the house.
    "Hello, David?  Yeah its me, Juli, the girl in a couple of your classes.  So, I've heard from someone you have this thing for amazons with big boobs…"

    Hunter S Creek

    Very cool story!

    Thank you for sharing it!



    An incredible story! Very well written, though there were a few instances, especially after the transformation, that I would have liked some more elaboration on. The descriptions, though, were absolutely fantastic. The build-up for the story was also very good.


    Very good story!  I'd love to send a few girls over to that apothecary!  😉


    An incredible story! Very well written, though there were a few instances, especially after the transformation, that I would have liked some more elaboration on. The descriptions, though, were absolutely fantastic. The build-up for the story was also very good.

    I really didn't know what to do post-TF.  I just wanted to sort of have her look herself over, get the outfit on (sort of matching a pic done by Dwarf) and then get to the punchline.  If you have suggestions I'm open but usually I guess once I get through a TF my brain just wants to collapse :p

    Very good story!  I'd love to send a few girls over to that apothecary!  😉

    I sort of have my own weird apocathary which deals with all sorts of female TF but I wanted something a bit more realistic. (that and somehow I remember some apocatharies in literature being ancient drug-stores…)


    Neat story. I dig it! Youre obviously very talented. Hope you consider doing more in the future.


    Neat story. I dig it! Youre obviously very talented. Hope you consider doing more in the future.

    You mean with this or in general?  I've written quite a bit of femmuscle fiction but many of mine have it as part of something else. (weregirls, demonesses, etc)


    That's an incredible piece of work. I hope there's going to be more! ;D

    Prophet Tenebrae

    That was a fun story Ataru, nice detailed descriptions and so on.

    But please FOR THE LOVE OF [insert profanity or entity as appropriate] STICK SOME PARAGRAPH BREAKS IN THERE.

    I feel fully justified in using caps because even great stories become something of a chore to read when they're a single interminable mass of text. You wrote a good story but my enjoyment was vastly diminished by the lack of a few dozens appropriately inserted breaks.


    10: I have a hard time with breaks.  I usually use paragraph breaks only when I start a new section of story. (like a new scene)  Whenever I start a new paragraph, all I need is an indentation.  Maybe I should have something like "one for a new paragraph, two for a new scene"…thanks for the suggestion.

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