Just the 2 of Us (Story by me)

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    Just the Two of Us

    (By Tara Cross)


    Also I’d like to give a special thanks to She Giant Artist. When I

    think about the transformation in terms of size I mentally reference

    your work. After the change they are about that big. Thanks!

    Just the Two of Us

    Ill never forget the day it happened. It was a Monday. Id just gotten home from class and was greeted with a surprise that put a biiiiiig smile on my face. My vision went dark as two familiar hands covered my eyes. "Guess who" the voice giggled playfully. It was Alura my loving girlfriend that had been away in Brasil for the last five months. I squeaked with joy inwardly and dipped down flipping her over my shoulder climbing on top of her. She screamed playfully and pulled me close for a long deep kiss. I caught her bottom lip in my teeth and gave her a playful tug. I remembered she liked a little pain with her pleasure. I grabbed her blouse in my teeth and grred pulling at it and I quickly felt a sting on my backside where shed slap me. I rolled over squealing "ow ow ow ow ow!" After our playful little wrestling session we left to my room to talk for a bit and catch up.

    "Tara my trip was amazing!" she said excited

    "Don’t keep me in suspense tell me tell me!"

    "Well first. When I got there I met the most amazing woman. She was 72 but she was in amazing shape." she unbuttoned her blouse and set it aside on the bed. "oh and she had the biggest…"

    "Muscles!" I interrupted.

    "How’d you know what I was going to say?"

    "No you your bodies like, wow" Her once slightly loose tummy was flat and toned. As the blouse slipped over her arms I noticed an athletes arms had replaced her old ones. She flexed a bit smiling at me. "Oh yeah that, I’ll tell you about that in a while. The woman was from a tribe that resides in the jungle. She was amazing, so youthful but you could tell that she was older. Anyways the women in her tribe practice Tantric arts. Sacred love making rituals that are supposed to have healing effects on the women that practice it. Not only that but it’s supposed to be really……empowering as well. It has something to do with the lunar cycle too. Three nights out of the month it can get really really good."

    "What are you talking about werewolves? I saw in this movie the girl was all "I can’t see you tonight" and the other girls like "three nights out of the month I never see you" and she investigated that night and found her in her back yard starring at the moon then her back ripped her shirt up and her face stretched out and it was all like grrrr snarl."

    "You watch too many movies."

    "Hehe Yeah maybe I do"

    "I assure you it has nothing to do with werewolves or were-anythings. I’ll show you after dinner I’m starving" She grabbed the phone and dialed the Chinese place we used to always eat. I was positivity ecstatic about finding out what she had in mind for me tonight, but I had to wait through dinner to find out. We snuggled up on the couch and watched comedy central until the food arrived. All I could think about was pulling her clothes off and spending the night in ecstacy having my way with her, her having her way with me. I remembered all the wonderful nights we had together. I also recalled the lonely five months I cheated on her with my battery operated companion. It so wasn’t the same. I remembered the time those handcuffs broke and….. Suddenly my train of thought was derailed by the doorbell ringing. Alura got up and walked to the door, my eyes never left her backside. She payed for the food and walked into the kitchen. I followed quickly trying not to think about sex until it was time. This was no easy task, you’d know if you’d ever seen Alura. She served up the lo mein and orange chicken with some white rice and sat down quietly nibbling at her food just to drive me nuts.

    "I thought you were hungry!" I yelled.

    "I am I’m just screwing with you." She giggled eating her food. "You really want to try this out Tara, I can tell. Were going to need some blankets."

    "For what?"

    "Were going out into the woods."


    "Yeah. Were going to start a fire and make love by moonlight."

    "Are you sure there’s no monsters?"

    "Yes you silly thing. Trust me its going to be great. Also I remember your little….fetish, and you remember mine. So when we go out there I’ll be in a pair of sandals showing off these sexy little feet." she lifted up her foot kicking off her shoe wiggling her toes at me. I felt a warm wetness between my legs and chose to stare at my plate for the time being. "And you wear something that will show off those fun bags of yours." I nodded finishing my food and took a deep breath waiting for her to get done. She went off to get ready and I unhooked my bra sliding it out of my t shirts sleeve and stretched my legs out getting comfortable. She came out from the back carrying a big bag containing the blankets and some other things I couldn’t see and headed for the door. She glanced out of the window and smiled. "It’s time Tara let’s go." I followed a tiny bit confused and a huge bit horny.

    We exited walking around the back of my house heading out into the dark forested area. I kept waiting on the walk to be finished but it seemed to never end. We had to have walked at least two miles. There was this area where the trees seemed to thin out and we could see the sky and the full moon. Clouds passed by overhead obscuring our view of the moon but it didn’t really matter to me at this point. She stopped. "This spot is perfect." She pulled out two big blankets and set them out starting a fire a few feet away. It was dark and the fire was the only thing that let me see what was around me. She smiled pulling me on top of her getting me in her famous tongue lock. All the nervous feelings went out the window, or into the forest anyways. I felt my blood temperature rising as our tongues wrestled with one another. She smiled reaching under my t-shirt squeezing my breasts running her thumb over my erect nipple. I shuddered with excitement. She worked her black pants down over her pink and white panties to her knees and pulled her panties down far enough to expose her eager clitoris. I moved in closer plunging my tongue into her pussy stroking the lips of her sex vigorously. I went deep into her and my effort was rewarded with moans of joy. A few minutes had passed and she moved my head away pulling her panties and pants back up. I wandered why in the world she was derailing the process of full nudity but after she smiled and told me it was my turn I just went with it. Before I could undo my pants shed reached in my jeans and panties and fingered me wildly. I shrieked with a mix of lust and surprise as my head swooned around.

    "Yes!! Yes!!" I moaned.

    She smiled as the clouds parted illuminating perfectly the area we were in. I grasped her arms but something felt out of place. They felt larger. She stood looking down at me smiling. "Remember when I told you how empowering these rituals are?" I didn’t process what "ritual" we had engaged in but whatever, I wanted to finish. I noticed her blue-ish grey eyes had taken on a red tint. Not like evil glowing red, but red in color. Slowly her body began to inflate in every direction. She wasn’t moving but her body was heaving with every breath. I soon found out that the expansion was not limited to her upper body. My eyes shot down to her sandals and I saw her toes hanging off the edge. They had also swelled to a much larger size. I watched entranced by this amazing phenomena. My lover was getting bigger by the second but all I could think about were her large luscious toes. I watched the straps begin to hug her expanding foot making stretching noises. My trance was broken by something bopping me on the top of my head. It was a button. I looked up at Alura and saw that her chest had expanded to the point that her blouses top buttons had popped off. They kept expanding with the rest of her. Suddenly I heard a deep husky moan leave her lips. I couldn’t see it very well but her face was in the process of changing as well. Her cheek bones and jaw had taken on a much stronger appearance and her lips were becoming thick and sexy. I watched as her sleeves moved up her arms before pulling taut across the expanding muscle. Her blouse continued to open up in the front as button after button popped loose. I jumped in shock seeing more and more of the biggest firmest breasts I’d ever laid my eyes on. There was a cleft running down between her breasts. I soon realized that under those massive breasts were thick hard plates of pectoral muscle. By now slits and tears were appearing all over her clothes and the final button on her blouse popped open showing off a massively tight six pack of abdominal muscle. Her bra was stretched out over the enormous orbs of flesh and with one massive pec flex her gigantic breast busted free destroying her bra in a symphony of snapping sounds. Suddenly a heard another pair on snapping noises. Those big sexy feet had enough of the puny sandals that dared to try to contain them. I starred slack jawed at her other foot as the straps snapped violently at least freeing those powerful feet. Her gorgeously large toes twitched stretched and swelled larger even after the sandals had been destroyed. Her feet also thickened and widened emitting supple sounds out stretching skin. Her foot slid to the side, shed turned around. She rose her enormous arms into the air. Her flared sleeves were now like a second skin with rips and tears throughout. She slowly flexed one arm and the sleeve on her right arm burst open with a loud rip. She repeated the act on her left arm destroying that sleeve as well. Her biceps were as big as boulders, and her massive triceps added to the truly gigantic proportion of her arms. Her forearms were also huge and muscular and even her hands were bigger and stronger. She let out a deep powerful moan as her now powerful back jerked. Mass forced its way into the mountain of bulges in her back. Her traps were thickening before my eyes merging with her thick strong neck. She was starting to get that no neck look from behind as the traps rose higher and higher. She lifted her inhuman arms and went into a front flex. As she flexed what was left of the shirt ripped off of her wide hulking back. Her upper body was now free of clothing and mass flowed freely into the widening thickening hulking bare back. She had begun to hunch due to the amounts of inhuman muscle invading that region. She turned back around to face me. I was entranced in what I had seen so far. It was amazing. It was also scary but I like to be scared sometimes. Alura rose onto her gigantic toes and with a loud shrip her pants ripped over huge powerful calf muscles and bulging quad and thigh muscles. Her ass swelled larger and wider ripping the remains of her pants off, sucking her panties into the crack of her ass. A quick flex and the soaked panties drifted to the ground. She was now completely naked, but that did not stop the she beast from growing bigger. Everywhere I looked her body expanded with inhuman mass. Her back stretched wider and wider thicker and thicker. Limbs pulsated with amazonian power attaining mass that noone man or woman on earth could, even with the help of steroids. After a few minutes she stopped growing and looked down to me. By the looks of it she had to be at least nine feet tall. Suddenly a deep powerful voice chimed in "Were not done yet Tara." I know my lover had just turned into an amazon hulk but it really didn’t bother me. In fact I was incredibly aroused by her huge sexy toes. I just stared at them not saying a word. "Tara you know you want to." She flexed her powerful toes beckoning me to come to them. I couldn’t resist. I slowly crawled over to her gazing at her towering sweat soaked body. I sat right in front of her foot and couldn’t believe how turned on I was. I moved my face closer slowly. The pungent aroma of feet wafted into my nostrils over whelming my at first. I sniffed inhaling deeply the smell of her feet and something inside of me snapped. I thought I was going to explode. The warmth between my legs had become a raging inferno. I ran my hands over her big toe and lowered my face running my tongue around it’s immense size. I’d never felt like this before, it was perfect. I licked sucked and kissed her foot for what seemed like an eternity before lifting my head letting out a loud powerful moan.

    Suddenly an intense pain wracked my brain. I held my head with one hand as my vision got blurry. I felt rage building inside of me, a power unlike anything I’d ever felt. Suddenly I noticed my t-shirt felt a bit tight. It was happening to me now! I looked up at the full moon confused as my body began to inflate. My chest swelled larger and larger, nipples erect as it began. I didn’t resist in the least I let the overwhelming feelings of power take me on the ride of my life. The process of my bodies expansion was horrifically painful but the arousal I felt tore my mind in the opposite direction. Pleasure and pain creating ecstacy. My body just inflated with growing muscle changing me, transforming me. It wasn’t as fluid as Aluras change my body would spasm ever so often as the muscle pounded into my body. I pounded my growing fists onto the ground as I felt my back literally lifting into the air as it grew both thicker and wider. I grunted over and over feeling like a beast was being unleashed from within me. Each grunt got deeper and deeper in tone. In no time my voice was as deep and husky as Alura, who was watching me with a smile of anticipation. My shoes felt horribly tight. I grimaced in pleasure as my shirt pulled taut across my enormous expanding back. I felt my neck thickening and my traps rising thickening immensely. I felt my lips grow thicker and fuller and my face had changed in ways I couldn’t see but I felt it. I heard the sounds of threads unraveling and the shoulder seams of my t-shirt ripped apart. My traps and thickening neck popped the collar on my shirt and it literally ripped open like a zipper down the rippling mass of my hulking back. I moaned wildly feeling the cool air on my massive back. "Free the beast!" Alura demanded. I moaned, no roared out flexing my gigantic arms going into a powerful front flex. The material from my sleeves stretched and ripped apart over my now inhuman arms like tissue paper. At the same time the rip in the back of my shirt revealed the entire hulking range of back muscles that had developed. The rest of the shirt fell down revealing my colossal breasts that sat proudly atop immense pectoral muscle as I rose to my feet. With every move stretching sounds emitted from my shoes. Looking down at my feet I could see that my shoes were incredibly stretched out. I could see the imprint of each one of my big sexy toes pressing into the material stretching it out. Suddenly a tear appeared across the top of the front of the shoe. Seconds later gargantuan toes busted free of my puny shoe like a scene from the hulk movie. Seconds later my other shoe was ripped asunder by huge hefty swelling toes. My feet also grew wider tearing the sides of the shoe apart leaving my huge sexy feet bare. Still they grew larger and larger eventually covering the shoes they had destroyed obscuring the view of shoes that couldn’t even contain one my powerful toes, let alone an entire foot. Feeling them grow was the most erotic thing I ever felt. I felt a pop. I looked down at my waist but my huge chest got in the way. I felt around realizing that my belt had snapped. Not only that but I found a rippling mass of abdominal muscle. I put both hands on my ass letting another crude baritone grunt leave my mouth as I felt my ass swelling up with incredible power. I realized there were vertical splits in my jeans I hadn’t noticed so I flexed my calves and my jeans came apart with a loud pop. I repeated the process flexing monster quad and thigh muscles ripping my pants apart further as the unstoppable muscle bulged forth. I grasped my jeans that were now daisy dukes, and my underpants and ripped them off with one quick jerk leaving me naked. My transforming body had not been satisfied yet. I continued to grow, filling with the inhuman mass of an amazon hulk. Grunts became moans and moans became almost roars. I rose my mammoth arms into the air roaring with power unleashing all the beast in me.

    I turned looking to Alura. My now red eyes were on fire and filled with lust. She smiled and walked over to me wrapping her sizeable arms around my new body. She squeezed me in a bear hug with all her incredible might. There was no give. The pain only aroused me more, but she knew that. "More!!" I bellowed. She slammed me rough on the cold ground and frenched my with her famous tongue lock. She shoved me into a tree almost knocking it down, getting down on her knees plunging her tongue deep into my clit. I roared with pleasure as she ate deeper and deeper into me. One of my hands idly grasped the tree crushing it causing us both to fall back. She stood over me smiling so I reached up grabbing hold of both of her thighs and pulled my face up to her muff and plunged into it. I could tell that noone could get into her in this state unless they possessed strength like my own. I ripped into her like a soft wet jackhammer driving juices from my lovers vagina. She swooned moaning savagely. I pulled her legs from under her dropping her on her back. I laid my body across her in the opposite direction smelling her big sexy feet. I licked at her large sexy toes feeling more happy than I ever had in my life. I slid her big toe into my mouth and sucked at it savoring every second. I felt a wetness on my feet before realizing she was doing to same thing. After a while at her feet I slid down her body to her eager clitoris again. Once again I went at her with all I had. Since we were in a reversed position her face was near my vagina as well and she went at my as hard as she possibly could. We explored one another with our tongues for hours on end. "Yes Yes Yes!!!!" I moaned. After a while we both began to orgasm over and over and over. A twin pair of deep monstrous moans echoing across the night sky. We both fell asleep right there having exerted all the energy that we had.

    I woke up an hour later and the sun was up. I woke Alura up and we took our bare behinds back into the house. I realized we were back to normal and I thought maybe we did some serious shrooming or something last night. "That’s what I learned from that tribe in Brasil. They were a tribe of amazons."


    "The arts not designed to turn you into something else, That’s the true power that is woman. It was always within you. Under the light of the full moon sharing certain fluids can unlock your true potential."

    "So it was real"

    "Of course it was"

    "Wow. So we can do this whenever we want? That’s awesome! Maybe do it nude next time."


    "Yeah I do admit there is something so arousing about knowing that your clothes cant contain you and feeling them rip apart"

    "From now on we can change whenever we want."

    At that point my life was changed forever. Sex wasn’t just fun anymore it was an adventure or something crazy. I was the most powerful creature the world had ever known. Woman. What a world huh?

    Any comments send please to amazon_riot@hotmail.com Thanks bonne nuit!!


    This story is great, keep up with the good work. 😀


    Another superb story. More! More!


    Terrific story. I hope you have more screaming to get out. 😯


    nice stuff about the foot growth…loved those parts

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